Wednesday, August 7, 2024

News From Lake Wobegon

lake wobegon2

Where all the women used to be strong, all the men used to be good looking and all of the children are still above average

I've had another brain MRI after much drama with the "tumor board" who couldn't agree on whether a spot  in my brain was another cancer or the result of radiation necrology, aka "treatment damage." My neurosurgeon had the final word and has determined that it is ongoing radiation damage which is sort of like scar tissue of the brain. So for the time being that is very good news indeed, thank the Lord.

The bad news is that anything pressing on the brain causes damage similar to what a stroke might do. In my case the tumor was in the control center and has caused problems with walking, balance and coordination but given the sensitive location it could have been much worse. However, that and the fatigue I can’t shake along with a loss of weight and muscle mass has left me looking like a skeletor and rather useless at everything. All I can say is thank God for Raj. Anyway, I’m working on it slowly. I certainly don’t want to sit this election out even if I am only on the sidelines.

So thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers, they are working and my gratitude is endless.


By the way, I’ve determined that all Democrats and Kamala in particular suffer greatly form the Lake Wobegon Effect.

lake wobegon

Monday, July 29, 2024

Texans Disproportionately Impacted

A lot of us are headed into a heat wave this week.

Texans will be disproportionately affected. Especially Texan women and minorities.

hot as a jalapeno

So let’s be careful out there, people.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Fun Never Stops

biden - Copy

The King is dead. Long live the Queen.

Let’s just hope Michelle Obama isn’t the Queen.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

God Bless President Trump

Reposted, as there is nothing else to say:

trump statement

May God have mercy on our souls.

Monday, July 8, 2024

The Return of the Fireflies

The fireflies began to show up a few days before the Forth.


  They gather in packs now to welcome the magical season of high summer. Their appearance, unfortunately, now coincides with my bed time so they pretty much dance alone these summer nights. Not a problem as they don’t seem to miss me.

Still no show of the cicadas. I guess the brood is skipping Michigan.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

How Does It Come To This?


destroy america

How did we reach the point where a corrupt, incompetent imbecile suffering from dementia was selected to represent half the country in an embarrassing national “debate?” It’s truly hard to process how completely we’ve been destroyed from within. May God help us.


bobby pin talk how are you today

My brain MRI revealed an abnormality that the “tumor board” couldn’t reach a consensus on.  It is either a metastasis  or a radiation necrosis but either way symptoms grow more troublesome and will need to be addressed somehow. So we wait 6 weeks for yet another MRI and will reevaluate at that time. Doing my best to remain positive. Please keep us in your prayers.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Stop Complaining About The Heat

This is a bit late, but in honor of last week’s summer solstice.



Hard to believe we’re already on the downside of 2024, even more reason to enjoy summer to its fullest.

Winter will arrive soon enough.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

But Trees Got In The Way…

brian andreas story peopleBrian Andreas, Story People

There are worse places to get caught.

Happy Father’s Day to all.