Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lady M Does Damage Control: Watch It Sucka!

Well that didn’t take long; to get our lapdogs to heel, I mean.

We had the interview with Oprah-doprah’s gal-pal Gayle King lined up as of last Sunday when the NYT article about Ms. Busy-body’s book ran. Butt we needed a couple extra days to select the lovely, feminine soft peach frock, fly in our makeup artist, complete our purge, have our hair done in a soft twist and practice looking, well…not angry. We’re really wishing we’d upped the Botox dosage at our last treatment though. That usually makes for an emotionless face for at least a month.

The interview aired today on CBS This Morning. And it’s gold. By which I mean - what a great opportunity for Lady M to set the record straight about the lies in Ms. Jodi Kantor’s book.


As is often necessary in order to wave off vicious right-wing attacks, we did have to deploy the race card. Lady M said she's tired of people portraying her as the stereotypical schtrong, angry black woman. Well here, see for yourself in this special MOTUS cut of the CBS interview (H/T Fausta):

Here are just a few of the highlights from the “JUST CLEAN UP THIS MESS!” interview:

"So I've just gotten in the habit of not reading other people's impressions of people."

mo and carla evil eyeI’ll form my own, thank you.


"I love this job. It has been a privilege from day one." 

mo have plane will travelHave plane, will travel


"I do care deeply about my husband. I am one of his biggest allies. I am one of his biggest confidants."

C0209_MakingFirstLady_02“How about you just say ‘Sometimes you just have to eat your peas’.”

But she sought to put aside "this notion that I sit in meetings."

  Screenshot Studio capture #388“OK then, let’s get started. Is that remote feed operating now?”

"I guess it's just more interesting to imagine this conflicted situation here," she said. "That's been an image people have tried to paint of me since the day Barack announced, that I'm some kind of angry black woman."

angry michelleDid Buhrack just call me an angry black woman?”

"There will always be people who don't like me," Mrs. Obama added, and said she could live with that.

Mojill-0070_thumb[5]Because, you know, sometimes, you just can’t help how you feel.

Mrs. Obama said that she's "just trying to be me, and I just hope that over time, that people get to know me."

mo yellingOh, they know you. Butt like you said, “there will always be people who don’t like me


Asked specifically about an assertion of dissension between herself and Emanuel, now the mayor of Chicago, the first lady said she has "never had a cross word" with him.

MO and toes up to their waist Up to their waists in manure last October: what better place to bury the hatchet than at an organic worm farm in Chicago?


Who can write about what I feel? What third person can tell me what I feel?"

6175af96e1719b95f0be9f85d91f8d67_thumbCurrent mood: Dangerous - somewhere between blue and red

"If there's communication that needs to happen, it's between staffs," she said. "I don't have conversations with my husband's staff."


Screenshot Studio capture #387Look, I know it’s inconvenient, meeting here…butt we’ve got some issues...

“I am one of his biggest confidantes, but he has dozens of really smart people who surround him.

Of course some of them don’t “surround” him the same way they once did.

That's not to say that we don't have discussions and conversations. That's not to say that my husband doesn't know how I feel.


mo and BoOoooooo! I know what that look means.


I mean, one thing is true that I talk very candidly to my husband about how I feel, but that's the kind of relationship we have.


campaign  begins_thumb“Let me get your chair.”

So I think Lady M managed to put this controversy to rest once and for all; schtrongly, yet good naturedly.


So remember, in politics, as in life, the rules are really very simple: if mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. Got that?

williamdaley2Menu changes Daley

Linked By: Chickaboomer, and Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and Zilla of the Resistance, and Best Snark Here on Weasel Zippers, and Blonde on News Busters, and silverdust on The Ulsterman Report, and Bluebird33 on cBS News (H/T Madame de Farge), and Blonde again on News Busters, Thanks!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day by Daley CHANGEs

For heavens sake! All the other important news going on and all anyone wants to talk about is “The Obamas.” Suddenly everything that happens around here is seen through Ms. Jodi Kantor’s prism.

Take William Daley’s decision to leave his post as Chief of Staff a little (like a year) early.

williamdaley2“Thanks, I’ve had a lot of fun, butt now I’ve got to get the hell out of here.”

I’m not sure why he suddenly decided to spend more time with his family, butt I am certain that it had nothing to do with the fact that Lady M was "distressed" by how a small group of "white Irish Catholic" families -- the Daleys, the Hynes and the Madigans -- "locked up" power in Illinois.

Sheeze! It was an observation that Lady M made a long, long time ago, and it’s not as if it was racist or anything. Besides, MO has totally forgiven Billy’s brother, former Mayor Richard Daley II for being - well, powerful.


After all, the Chicago Irish Mafia realized long ago that in order to maintain power they needed to embrace select African-American and Hispanic-American families who were willing to prostitute themselves to the Machine sacrifice in exchange for membership in the patronage system. Because, as you know, membership has its legacy privileges.

So now along with the Daleys, the Hynes and the Madigans we have the Carotherses, the Jacksons and the Strogers. Chicago is proof positive that America truly  is a melting pot; where our perpetual, elite, Political Class is totally, if selectively, integrated.

Anyway,  Lady M’s comment was simply based on the reality that in Chicago the Irish mafia has been buying elections since 1960.

daley jfkRichard Daley and family with JFK, 1960

There’s no way that Lady M – in the middle of her extensive year-and-a-half experience working for the Daley political machine under Val-Jar’s watchful eye – could have possibly known that this very same Irish mafia she was condemning back in 1991 would one day buy the election for Big Guy too: is this a great country or what?

obama daleyMayor Daley II presents Big Guy with the votes he needs to get the nomination, 2008

Butt back to Billy – it’s less surprising that he’s leaving than it was that he landed here in the first place. He was - and is - far too centrist to help Big Guy “fundamentally transform America.” Some people, who Big Guy no longer listens to, convinced him to bring Billy onboard so moderates would think that he was adopting a Clintonian stance in order to “alter his image as a radical.”

Butt let’s be honest: “centrist” just isn’t in Big Guy’s DNA. So now that Billy’s brother, Richard, has temporarily passed the family scepter to Rhambo, we don’t really have to listen to those radical Chicago moderates so much anymore.

tumblr_lxjpqfAqS11qztsh3o1_500“Come on Billy, just pretend to think this is a good idea”

And speaking of loyalty from the old Chicago crowd, old Ax-man really came through for us last Sunday again. You really can’t breed fealty like this, butt you can buy it. And we own David Axelrod. He’s one of our best trained monkeys spokesmen. You can see his skills on display on last Sunday’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos by either watching the whole segment, or reading the transcript here, butt allow me provide the highlight:


STEPHANOPOULOS: (snip) Jodi Kantor talked to 33 people inside and around the White House. It does paint a portrait of a very tense White House, and fights between the East Wing and the West Wing. Is it an accurate portrayal?

AXELROD: No, it's not. You know -- you can take any one incident and exaggerate...

STEPHANOPOULOS: That incident is true, though, isn't it?

AXELROD: Yeah, and the context of it is important. We don't have time to rehearse it here. But George, you were in a White House, you understand that that's very -- every day is a very tense working environment and you have great collegiality and that doesn't mean that people have exchanges and words.

I think the first lady and her staff worked very well when I was there with the West Wing. She's a sensational person and highly regarded by everybody who works there.

Did you catch the important part? “We don't have time to rehearse it here.” He must have been tired, what with all the rehearsing he had to do regarding the questions and answers about the Republican debate, in order to let that slip out. Although I suppose most people already know that our MSM lapdogs generally rehearse all their questions with our “say anything” political hacks (I’m talking about you Debbie) before they tape their shows.


Be careful, or your face will freeze that way

mo shovel jello

How many times do I have to tell you? Don’t mess with Lady M!

Housekeeping Note: I’m sure you’ve noticed that I CHANGEd my header today. I know, I know, nobody likes CHANGE, butt I think it’s an improvement.More on point, and easier on the eyes. My internationally famous, award winning MO Fashion video is still here, just scootched over to the sidebar and now it links to a new page where the video is way bigger than it was in the header. I HOPE everybody likes my new look! (H/T for the change to UpNorthLurkin)

Linked By: Clarice on JustOneMinute, and Best Snark Here on Weasel Zippers, and Sailor on Real Clear Politics, Thanks!

Monday, January 9, 2012

One of these days Alice, one of these days!

Well, it looks like the new Jodi book is really getting under people’s skin around here. It hasn’t even been officially released yet and already we’ve had to issue clarifications, interpretations, restatements and denials. I think at this point the best strategy is to issue the standard rhetorical question – “Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?” and let the MSM kill it.


            King of Hearts: What do you know about this unfortunate affair?
            March Hare
: Nothing.
            Queen of Hearts
: Nothing whatever?
            March Hare
: Nothing whatever!
            Queen of Hearts
: [shouts] That's very important! Jury, write that down!

To wit, the “secret” Halloween Alice in Wonderland Tea Party in the State Dining Room: it never happened. Well the “secret” part anyway. Our official story is the party was totally transparent. It’s not our fault if the only media who choose to report on the Tea Party was the Johnny Depp News:

Johnny Depp & Tim Burton were amoung (sic) the attendess (sic) at the Whitehouse Halloween Party and apparently Johnny was very popular with the children because of his Jack Sparrow character from Pirates Of The Caribbean. It is not known yet if Depp & Burton dressed up for the Party but we do know there was some characters (sic) from The Night Before Christmas and apparently a tea party with the Mad Hatter....could this have been Johnny Depp?

And even they failed to mention that Chewbacca (the original, compliments of George Lucas) was at the party too.

wh_halloween2009_souzaBig Guy with Chewbacca (on your right)

JDN did note, however: “See, this is why you want to grow up to be president, kids. You get to use your status as the most powerful man in the world to have R2-D2 stare down an Ent.” Wow! They nailed it didn’t they?

97852_v1Little people with R2D2 and one of Tolkien’s giants at the Big White portico

And Fanpop even published a few pictures – they weren’t authorized of course, butt if the MSM had wanted to, they could have tracked them down. I mean, Fanpop is a major news outlet, right?

97850_v1A family photo to cherish forever. Butt who’s the dweeb in the Shetland and button down?


Our own little Wonderland


And yes, these pictures were taken in the Big White Map Room. We still don’t have any pics from the “elaborately” decorated State Dining Room that Tim Burton turned into a creepy Alice in Wonderland motif: no phones or cameras were allowed in there!

You probably recognize the Map Room, it’s where Big Guy tapes his weekly addresses, and (possibly) some (illegal) campaign videos.

obama-taping-againEEWWW! That is creepy! No, wait; that’s just our weekly taping session.

So, while this new “tell-me, tell-me” book  may make the folks around here a little squeamish for a few days -

23-big guy madhatter copy_thumb[1]March Hare: I have an excellent idea, LETS CHANGE THE SUBJECT!

- it’s sure a lot better than talking about the other things that Fox news keeps trying to whip up and recirculate; like “unconstitutional appointments,” “decimating the military,” “$16 trillion dollar debt,” “Obamacare waivers for unions (that push members cost increases off till after the election),” “Solyndra-gate” or “Fast and Furious-gate.” Just to name a few.

And frankly, Lady M rather likes the image that is emerging of her in this tome: a take-charge, in control, one-woman powerhouse running the country from behind the scenes.

hungry-eyes_thumbCheshire Cat: All ways here you see, are the QUEEN'S WAYS!



           Cheshire Cat: You know? We could make her *really* angry! Shall we try?
           Alice: Oh, no, no! 
           Cheshire Cat: Oh, but it's loads of fun!

22-mo-red queen-copy_thumb

Alice: And as for you... Your Majesty! Your Majesty indeed! Why, you're not a queen, [shrinking] but just a - a fat, pompous, bad tempered old ty...! [normal size] Tyrant.
Queen of Hearts: [giggles] And uh, just what were you saying, my dear?
Cheshire Cat: Why, she simply said that you're a fat, pompous, bad tempered old tyrant

I said, eat your *%#$&*# vegetables!

This message has been brought to you by the Campaign to Reelect the Cheshire Cat in Chief:

cheshire-cat-2The Cheshire Cat, at night. Note: NOT racist. It’s a cat.

Linked By: Death By 1000 Papercuts, and NOBO2012 on a zillion sites including PJ Tatler, Thanks!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Michelle Obama’s Behind: the Scenes

539wLady M H/T’s Jodi Kantor: tell it, girl

I’ve finished reading my galley of Jodi’s new book. and it’s clear she has a blockbuster on her hands. I’m sure you’ve read the NYT and Huffpo accounts of Ms. Jodi Kantor’s book by now. There is so much good stuff in The Obamas that you might actually have to buy the book – butt I’ll do my best to cover the most important parts.

The book portrays Mrs. Obama as having gone through an evolution from struggle to fulfillment in her role at the White House but all the while an “unrecognized force” in pursuing the president’s goals.

The synopsis: unrecognized force meets immutable object:

fist bump

Hijinks ensue:

        halloweeen fairies_thumb[2]unemployment-3 


        Feb. 1, 2009
“During a Super Bowl watching party in the White House theatre, the President and First Lady join their guests in watching one of the TV commercials in 3D.”
(Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House. 

Of course, most of the content getting media attention involves Lady M’s schtruggles and sacrificin’ since day one.

Let’s start at the beginning, the big move to the Big White:

As Michelle Obama realized over the summer and fall of 2008 that she was likely to become first lady, she asked a question that probably would have surprised outsiders: could she and her children delay moving to the White House? Perhaps it was better, she told aides and friends, to remain in Chicago until the end of the school year, giving her children more time to adjust, rather than coming right at the inauguration. Her notion, though short-lived, was telling: she didn’t understand or care what sort of message it would send to a public enthralled by the new first family. (Snip)

Initially, she had considered postponing her move to the White House for months; after arriving, she bristled at its confinements and obligations — unable to walk her dog without risking being photographed, and monitored by her husband’s aides for everything from how she decorated the family’s private quarters to whether she took makeup artists on overseas trips.

So there’s sacrifice number one: we moved into “the people’s house” – even though it was a fixer-upper.

extreme makeover big white mo

Many of Lady M’s schtruggles documented in the book were with former senior staff members. The operative term here is “former.” :

New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor, in a book to be published Tuesday, portrays a White House where tensions developed between Mrs. Obama and former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and former press secretary and presidential adviser Robert Gibbs.

The book details how, through a whole bunch of sacrificin’ on Lady M’s part, she managed to get rid of all the trouble makers, one by one.

The first lady never confronted the advisers directly — that was not her way — but they found out about her displeasure from the president. “She feels as if our rudder isn’t set right,” Mr. Obama confided, according to aides.

Rahm Emanuel, then chief of staff, repeated the first lady’s criticisms to colleagues with indignation, according to three of them. Mr. Emanuel, in a brief interview, denied that he had grown frustrated with Mrs. Obama, but other advisers described a grim situation: a president whose agenda had hit the rocks, a first lady who disapproved of the turn the White House had taken, and a chief of staff who chafed against her influence.

Indeed,  she didn’t confront the advisors, as “that was not her way.” Lady M has spent many years cultivating the more traditional passive aggressive hit job. So she brought Valarie along to do the dirty work.

val tosses rahm"Can’t we all just get along kids?”

Lady M never approved of Big Guy’s pick of Rhambo as Chief of Staff in the first place and grew even less enamored as time went by.

Perhaps the greatest point of friction between Michelle Obama and Rahm Emanuel involved the push for health care reform...the first lady was skeptical of, if not outright opposed to, the backroom deals being cut to advance the legislation, wary that it would tarnish an image her husband had worked years to build. But the president, "his competitive juices stoked and his most important initiative on the line, did not halt his chief of staff's horse trading," writes Kantor.

When the whole enterprise seemed to have fallen apart, following the election of Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown, a Republican, the first lady was furious. Instead of letting her husband down easy, which top staff hoped she would do, she lit into him.

"She feels as if our rudder isn't set right," the president told his aides. "They had the sense that was not the actual language she had used."

Hee. I can assure you that “was not the actual language she had used.”

bra straps and scowls“Now you listen to me Buhrock, your staff is a bunch of (expletives deleted)”

Kantor…reports that Michelle Obama had "doubts" about the choice of Emanuel as chief of staff. Emanuel, in turn, had been opposed to bringing Valerie Jarrett, the Obamas' longtime mentor, into the White House as a senior adviser.


"Michelle and Rahm Emanuel had almost no bond; their relationship was distant and awkward from the beginning. She had been skeptical of him when he was selected, and now he returned the favor; he was uneasy about first ladies in general, several aides close to him said, based on clashes with Hillary Clinton in the 1990s that became so severe that she had tried to fire him from her husband's administration," writes Kantor. "Now Emanuel was chief of staff, a position that almost never included an easy relationship with the first lady. They were the president's two spouses, in a sense, one public and official and one private and informal."

As you know, spouse number Won won. Not surprisingly, Rhambo was the first one under the bus headed back to Chicago.

Was2128551Note to Mayor Rhambo: Do. Not. Mess. With. Lady M. Her balls are bigger than you balls

And Bobby Gibbs wasn’t a whole lot higher on her totem pole, even though he usually reported the news the way she wanted to have it told.

robert gibbs baghdad bobBaghdad Bob: put on your happy face

The tug of war between Michelle Obama and Rahm Emanuel for the president's spiritual or political soul contributed to a White House that was far more disorganized and friction-filled than the public perception holds. Kantor reports that then-White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was often deployed to push back against the first lady, informing her that she couldn't take a private vacation on a state visit, spend large amounts on White House redecoration, or buy expensive clothes.

Mo used Val-Jar to set Bobby up, and like the political rookie he was, he took the bait. When Val-Jar reported that Lady M was not happy with the way Bobby handled the charge from the French press that Lady M told Carla that it “was hell” living in the Big White, and she hated it (of course we officially denied ever having said that) he went postal.

“That’s not right, I’ve been killing myself on this, where’s this coming from?” Mr. Gibbs yelled, adding expletives. He interrogated Ms. Jarrett, whose calm only seemed to frustrate him more. The two went back and forth, Ms. Jarrett unruffled, Mr. Gibbs shaking with rage. Finally, several staff members said, Mr. Gibbs cursed the first lady — colleagues stared down at the table, shocked — and stormed out.

He was the next one under the bus headed west for Chicago.

gibbs5What part of “Don’t mess with Lady M” do you not understand?

Of course, you already know all about Desi’s short lived tenure in the Big White. While she “arrived in Washington to great fanfare, much of it her own making” it didn’t take her long to make enemies. So her departure came as no surprise, and it had less to do with her botched party throwing skills

what liberals wear2Desi’s Gate-crashers

…and more to do with making Lady M look bad, both by correcting her in public

Yet for someone with such a pitch-perfect sense of style and taste, she displayed startling levels of tone-deafness at times. At an event in the White House kitchen with students from L’Academie de Cuisine, Rogers openly corrected Michelle Obama on the name of a china pattern.

and making her butt look big:

                 untitled michelle-obama-vogue-photo-black-dress

Butt let’s face it, nobody felt bad about Desi getting thrown under the Chicago-bound bus.

Only the born-political animal, David Axelrod, managed to leave under his own terms, which included maintaining all his power and influence in return for getting Lady M and Big Guy reelected. Take note political neophytes: to be successful you must learn to be very circumspect in your speech:

“She has very much got his back,” said David Axelrod, Mr. Obama’s longtime strategist, in an interview. “When she thinks things have been mishandled or when things are off the track,” he continued, “she’ll raise it, because she’s hugely invested in him and has a sense of how hard he’s working, and wants to make sure everybody is doing their work properly.”

while still being willing to say anything. In fact, if you just focus on that last part, you should be golden. Just ask any political hack worth their salt.


There’s also a section in the book that some people are trying to turn into big hoop-la about our private Halloween party in ‘09, following our public Halloween party.

A White House “Alice in Wonderland” costume ball — put on by Johnny Depp and Hollywood director Tim Burton — proved to be a Mad-as-a-Hatter idea that was never made public for fear of a political backlash during hard economic times, according to a new tell-all.

“White House officials were so nervous about how a splashy, Hollywood-esque party would look to jobless Americans — or their representatives in Congress, who would soon vote on health care — that the event was not discussed publicly and Burton’s and Depp’s contributions went unacknowledged,” the book says.

However, the White House made certain that more humble Halloween festivities earlier that day — for thousands of Washington-area schoolkids — were well reported by the press corps

You probably remember my coverage of the event at the time. Butt even I was banned from reporting on the private party in the dining room, decorated in a creepy Alice in Wonderland theme.

You may recall, I did post pictures of the Wons in their costumes a bit later.

    22-mo-red queen-copy_thumb23-big guy madhatter copy_thumb[1]

I would just ask you to keep in mind that - although it may have been just a wee bit over the top at a time when unemployment was (officially) at 10% – it was, after all, just a tea party!

Sheeze – a lot of people who saw that the country was sliding further and further into the  rabbit hole were holding tea parties of their own all around town at the same time.


There’s a lot more in Jodi’s book. Butt even I have had enough for one day. I will give you the Shakespearean version at a later date.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and Winds Of Jihad, and Tweeted By: Zilla of the Resistance,Thanks!