Sunday, April 7, 2013

You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Till It’s Gone

Well, it’s official. The University of Chicago (where Big Guy used to lecture on his version of Constitutional Law and where Lady M used to…well, I’m not really sure what she did as Vice President for Community and External Affairs, butt I do know she didn’t need her law license to do it) has decided to demolish the childhood home of Ronald Reagan. To build a parking lot.


What do you say we give it a send off with a little travelling music? (h/t: Jackie Gleason)

Big Yellow Taxi: Joni Mitchell


They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot

With a pink hotel,



Saturday, April 6, 2013

Mid-fight in the Organic Garden of Good and Evil

What a week! Big Guy was in San Fran, acting all heterosexual over the hot California AG: which was great because it gave the Legacy Media something to cluck-cluck over, so as not to have to talk about the 90 million people who Big Guy has “disappeared” from the workforce since he took office. Nor will they have to note that the “official” unemployment rate of 7.6% includes another 11.7 million people also out of work.

That’s over 100 million of us not working! That’s, like, nearly one third of our population!!! No wonder Lady M is teaching the children how to plant a garden:

Friday, April 5, 2013

The New Campbell: Mmm Mmm Good

You remember Campbell don’t you?


No, I mean this Campbell; a card carrying member of the Hollywood/Media/Entertainment complex:


She used to work at NBC, where she got passed over for the TODAY show host. Later she went to CNN where they fired her for having bad ratings. That seems rather unfair and possibly even discriminatory, given that nobody has good ratings at CNN.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Do you get it? Or are you stupid or something?

If you don’t know by now why the Dems are considered the Smug Party, today’s post is for you. Surprisingly it’s not because of Big Guy, although he does make a pretty good case for himself:

bo smirk 2

No. Once again we’ve got the Women of Obama’s Team (WOOT1) to thank for that honor. Behold, Rep. Diana DeGette’s (D-Colo.) smug outdoes even the Great Won:

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

If I Only Had A Brain: I’d know more about history, economics and guns.

Yesterday was filled with big doin’s around here. MO did a movie review while, down the hall, BO addressed the importance of having a brain.

Lady M, as part of her continuing series of culturally sensitive movie reviews, held a film workshop on the movie “42.”


“42” is a biopic about Jackie Robinson, the baseball player who broke the Major League’s color barrier in 1947 (he also was a successful business man after his baseball career butt he didn’t do that on his own).

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Not One More Peep About Those Missed Shots (can I say that?)

Sheeze! Lighten up! Everyone is picking on Big Guy for missing 20 of his 22 shots at the shootout (can I say that?) yesterday.

165188323It’s catch and release, BO, release!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Our MO Makes Plans to MOOve on Up. Peeps Approve.

Lady M is in the headlines again today: enough of the fashion icon, entertainer, (“The Evolution of Mom Dancing”) cover girl. Lady M is getting serious. Rumors abound that she is getting pressure to run for the Senate in 2016. Butt trust me, Senate? I don’t think so. She’s way more serious than that: there’s going to be an opening in the Big White that year, if I’m not mistaken.

So maybe that’s why we decided to go to church as a family yesterday, once the Wee Wons returned to the nest after completing their Spring Break East and Spring Break West.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter 2013. Deliver Us From Evil: Exodus 20-13


tombstone-2-300x199 “He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.” - Matthew 28:6