Sunday, October 20, 2019

They Make It Very Hard To Be a Good Citizen

Hazardous Waste Day: the Saga Continues. This story should have been dead yesterday but it is not.

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Let me explain.

Raj and I left for Hazardous Household Waste (HHW) collection day, which ran from 8:00 am till 2:00 pm,  at 7:55 am. The rear hatch of the Jeep was filled with toxic, hazardous waste materials: mostly stains, strippers and other oil based paint products, some half full 5 gallon pails of latex paint (I know, it can be dried and dumped but do you know how long it takes to dry a half-full pail?), old gasoline, toxic yard chemicals an old monitor and a motorcycle battery. We arrived at the downriver collection location – 29.5 miles from our house – at 8:23. The line was long, really, really long, backed up in both directions further than the eye could see on a busy 4 lane street with a left turn lane. We sat for an hour inching only a short distance in that time. And we were still not even within sight of the entrance to the junior college serving as the collection site. Whereas we had an appointment elsewhere at 10:30 we left at 9:55 when it became clear we wouldn’t even get to the head of line by then.  Roundtrip: 59 miles, total time invested, 2 hours.

Because I really wanted to get rid of this stuff in a responsible manner we returned towards the end of the day, thinking perhaps it wouldn’t be as busy. It wasn’t, but after another half hour drive we arrived back at the site at 1:15 pm to find a shorter but still very long line. OK, at least we could see the entrance from our place way way back in queue. As we inched forward we could see two uniformed officers at the traffic light where people were turning from both the right and left. They were doing…nothing. Not directing traffic, not even making sure that the cars turning right stayed in the right lane so there was somewhere for the cars turning left to go once the light changed and traffic cleared (no green turn arrow). As a result only one or two cars were getting through on each light.

But that’s hardly the worst of it. When we were just 3 cars from the head of the line (it is now 2:01 pm) the event organizers (Wayne County) drove a car across the entrance to the site and set up orange cones everywhere to block any additional entry. The guy who was next in line tried to persuade them to let him in, to no avail. It was 2:00 and that was the end of HHW collection day. Do I sound calm? Because I wasn’t. I was mad as a hatter. At the idiots running the event who couldn’t send someone out to place cones in the lane around 1:00 if they new they were shutting the gates at 2:00. At the officers who could have handled the traffic a whole lot better and especially at my township trustees.

When checking to find out when our local autumn HHW day was I discovered that our township board of trustees had decided not to participate in the waste collection days of our two adjacent communities as they always have in the past because it cost $36,000, an amount determined by the number of cars from our community that participated. Instead they decided it “wasn’t worth the cost” and would instead participate in the “free” county wide program. “Free” indeed. Our property taxes here are outrageous so please don’t tell me any of the government “services” provided are free.  And by the way, any “service” that you can’t actually avail yourself of isn’t really a “service.”

Having been to these events many times before I can, off the top of my head, can think of a dozen things they could have done to make this work more effectively. Not only isn’t it rocket science, it isn’t even science. But progressives would have us believe that more government can fix everything.

So allow me to recap: since our township trustees decided to save $36k out of their $48.5 million budget by dropping out of local HHW programs I ended up making two round trips for a total 118 miles only to be sent home with all my toxic wastes in tow. Including travel time and the waiting in line Raj and I both wasted 4 and a half hours of our life. And I’m sure there are school children somewhere crying over the carbon footprint my gas guzzling Jeep Grand Cherokee equipped with a Hemi made in the execution of that fool’s errand.

I should have known better, what made me think bureaucrats directed by politicians could run an efficient hazardous waste collection site? Idiots, they can’t even be trusted with water.

Image result for nameless faceless bureaucrats

I will locate someplace to dispose of my battery and gasoline, but where do you think the rest of this crap is going to end up? I’d really like to be a better person, but I’m not.

Related imageThis is where it would have ended up anyway.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Hazardous Waste Day

Today is Hazardous Waste Day in my little town. So I’ve rounded up 30 years worth of DIY leftover paint, stain, strippers and sealers that I’ve been saving for do-overs. As we’ve reached the point where even Raj has conceded that we are never going to repaint the entire house ourselves again, we’re hauling all this Schiff off to the toxic waste dump as we should have years ago.

                  If only it was that simple.

Please handle all hazardous waste with extreme caution as you never know how, or when, it will pop up again to pollute the environment.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Please Pray For the Turkeys

Erdogan had to prove that President Trump is not his daddy so there were skirmishes after the cease fire was announced. ABC released video:

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Most Democrats were elated because they perceive this as bad for Trump, temporarily forgetting about the Kurds they were so concerned about just a few short days ago. Of course there were some Democratic Socialists who were saddened by the news.


Please pray for those turkeys.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Throwback Thursday: When Real Women Wore Hosiery

I’m not exactly sure what this means but it can’t be good. Here’s the deal:

I saw this photo of Fiona Hill arriving to testify, or whatever, in the Impeachment Inquiry, or whatever, conducted by the House Intelligence Committee, or whatever committee is investigating the President this week - I didn’t care enough to check but I presume at some point this circus has to move onto the Judiciary committee – and my only thought was:

“Oh look, Fiona’s wearing black stockings! Maybe the bare-legged look is finally over.”

Image result for bare legs and. hosieryCan I hear it for a return to grace?

So there you have it, my fever broke for a day or two. By repeating the soothing mantra “I don’t give a Schiff” I managed to suspend my rage by remembering a more civilized time when bare legs were considered vulgar unless you were wearing shorts.

For several days I was fine, ignoring everything leaked by the Kangaroo Kourt. Until yesterday that is, when the President met with members of Congress to discuss the Syrian situation and little Miss Fancy-Pantsy advised President Trump that with him “all roads lead to Putin.” She-of-little brain conveniently ignoring the fact that it was President Obama, not President Trump, who allowed Russia to get a foothold in the Middle East. And that it was Obama’s redline head-fake that created today’s mess.

The party whose political ideology brought slovenliness to virtually every level of human behavior only now thinks to ask “why the hell are we standing down”?  Unfortunately it was their squad that let their panties get in a bundle.

And I’m pretty sure they don’t know how to unbundle them so they’ll just blame President Trump. And continue to bitch about the incivility. Well if they insist on continuing this fight they might want to stock up on some of these:

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Uni-panties – They take a lickin’ and keep on kickin’

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Following Is A Paid Political Message

Three hours of Democrats Debating! Sheer joy.

Off limits for discussion last night: immigration, critical trade issues, climate change.

On topic: Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Socialism, more Socialism, and most Socialism!

For some reason the entire evening reminded me of the punchline of that old joke about prostitution, “Madam, we've already established that. Now we are just haggling about the price”.

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Tempting, isn’t it? The thought of eliminating the pimps?

Except in Washington people pimp themselves out so you’ll never be rid of them. Speaking of which, everyone gasped when Anderson Cooper dared ask the unmentionable of Joe Biden:

“If it's not okay for a president's family to be involved in foreign businesses, why was it okay for your son when you were vice president?”

Well that’s easy; because he’s just Joe being Joe and Trump isn’t. Next question?

“My son did nothing wrong. I did nothing wrong. I carried out the policy of the United States in rooting out corruption in Ukraine. And that's what we should be focusing on…My son's statement speaks for itself. What I think is important is we focus on why it's so important to remove this man from office.”

I had momentarily forgotten that liberals believe only in situational ethics. And if your personal situation requires you to sin and/or commit unethical and illegal acts in order to advance your personal goals you get a pass.

Note: This has been a paid political announcement paid for by the Kamala Harris for President campaign. 

Image result for decriminalize prostitution pimp freeI’m Kamala Harris and I approve this message.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Twilight Zone Tuesday: Swamp Edition

Imagine if you will a world where one of President Donald J. Trump’s sons with no experience in the gas and oil business was appointed to the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma which then paid him $50,000 a month.

Image result for hunter biden today interviewIf I was Hunter I might have saved this George Clooney look for my witness protection days

And then imagine that the same son, with no real experience in business, finance or international law, sets up an investment company and immediately is granted meetings with executives from China's biggest banks as well as it's sovereign wealth and social security funds. Then imagine that the son’s still new company gets a $1.5 BILLION deal with these same Chinese companies, somehow beating out the oldest most established banking organizations in America. Oh, and did I mention, this son also had a history of drug abuse?

If this was a Trump son and the Democrat-media complex expressed so little interest would you think maybe we’ve entered the Twilight Zone?

To help you answer, I remind you that the state-owned Chinese entities that Hunter’s firm was doing “business” with are also in the business of stealing U.S. intellectual properties including military secrets. If that makes any difference. I can tell you one thing for sure, you wouldn’t here CNN declaring this:

There is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe or Hunter Biden.

if the above scenario was about either of the Trump sons.

So again I ask: Twilight Zone?

Image result for twilight zone politics

Or just deep in the swamp?

Image result for washington swamp

Monday, October 14, 2019

Mirrorless Monday: In Which We Fail To See Christopher Columbus’ Reflection

Here it is, the second Monday in October which means it’s once again Columbus Day, that most contentious of holidays. Columbus Day has unofficially been celebrated since 1792 and has been a national holiday since 1934. Ever since the late 70s there has been a move afoot to “take back the holiday” from the evil white privileged supremacist and celebrate instead those perfectly formed, innocent and peaceful Indigenous Peoples who discovered corn.

Naturally California and universities were the first to embrace this politically correct change, alleging that the man who literally changed the world did so with malice aforethought. We are to believe that Christopher Columbus – who sailed forth into a void that many believed was the edge of the world that he would fall to his death from - in search of the Orient (also no longer politically correct and I don’t even know why) with genocide in his heart. Upon discovering the Americas by accident he set about the intentional destruction of the indigenous peoples. If you doubt for one moment that this is the way history is now taught read the comments on any article about changing the name of the holiday: the little trained rats queue up to share their indoctrinated view of the hateful Christopher Columbus.

Accordingly today’s Google doodle is dedicated not to explorer Christopher Columbus, the man who volunteered to sail off the edge of the world in order to prove it was round and inadvertently ran into the Americas, but rather to Belgian physicist Joseph Antoine Ferdinand Plateau on the occasion of his 218th birth anniversary. This prescient tech giant invented the phenakistiscope, a device that led to the onset of cinema by creating the illusion of moving images. I note that we don’t blame him for the likes of Heaven's Gate, Gigli and Loqueesha.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

If You Can’t Compete You Must Impeach

Real News: 

“According to the findings of a new Hill-HarrisX poll, a shocking 32 percent of black male voters would prefer to vote for Donald Trump over a generic Democrat opponent in the 2020 presidential election.” - Big League Politics

Fake News:

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over TrumpThe Hill

Image result for fake news

Shift and insert as needed

Note that the entire Hill-HarrisX survey consisted of just 210 black voters which places the margin of error at plus or minus 6.8 percentage points. In other words it’s meaningless. It’s not a poll poll, it’s a push poll, intended to tell blacks how they’re supposed to vote. And I’m guessing if they were to increase the sample size the percentage of black males indicating they’d vote for Trump would increase…and at 32% it’s already devastating for Democrats.

Take heart patriots; we’re winning. That’s why they hate us.

If you can’t compete you MUST impeach.