Monday, May 8, 2023

Progressive Dog Rules

Dog rules: they’re mutable. Like Democrat/progressive, rules only they make more sense.

dog rules house

Choose to ignore them if you will and everything will turn out ‘mostly peaceful’ in the kingdom anyway.

if your rules are not applied

It might require a few urban redevelopment schemes at taxpayer expense down the line, but then again, show me a progressive rule that doesn’t.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Of Kings and Queens In The Land of Hashtags

brown cat green eye

What have we here? Dr. Jilly and granddaughter Finnegan Biden at Chuckie’s coronation, “standing with Ukraine” in their yellow and blue. How, um, inappropriate.


But won’t you please enjoy this pathetic spectacle anyway, in precisely the manner in which it should be. Oh, and nice homage to granny’s hair, Finny.

In case you’ve forgotten the last 2 Democrat hashtag pimps for Ukraine. The years march on but the propaganda remains fixed.

jen and marie

Oh, and congratulation Charles. I suspect you might indeed be the last King of England. In the age of Instagram and Twitter world no one -not even the British - still need your ilk. Check out #King, there are millions.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Sing It Or Wing It

new feathers

I have not quite bounced back following the Norovirus episode after Easter so this will be brief; my small tribute to Gordon Lightfoot. He was an amazing balladeer who wrote magically evocative, mostly autobiographical, songs about life: love, railroads, shipwrecks. He once noted that radio stations preferred to play songs that made people happy rather than made them think but he found a distinct audience that enjoyed both. While people variously attempted to classify his work as folk, pop or country it was none and all of it. He was simply a fine 20th century poet who wrote the words that moved his music and ultimately his fans.

His songs were covered by dozens of the greats and admired by many icons themselves, including Bob Dylan. Gordon always said he didn’t consider himself an icon, although he was, but simply “a hard working musician.”

Anyway, thank you Gordon for a lifetime of evocative songs and memories. Raj and I met him once in the late 60s or early 70s while we were in college. He was known but not yet a huge success, still playing quite small venues. Raj’s friend was his Mid-west concert promoter and got us tickets for the after show party. It was a small gathering where we actually got to talk to the artist. He was just an ordinary guy, normal, down to earth but with a huge talent. His lifelong unassuming countenance put many of his talented but narcissistic, loud mouthed  contemporaries both north and south of the border to shame for their superiority and greatly exaggerated sense of self importance in the world at large.

This is not one of Lightfoot’s  “biggest hits” but it has always been my favorite. It is evocative, emotional, tinged with regret and honest: everything he did so well.

R.I.P. minstrel extraordinaire.

"Your Love's Return"

Saturday, April 29, 2023

A Poet’s Epiphany

I missed the great bard’s birthday earlier this month (April 23). Of course Shakespeare is no longer required coursework for an English degree at many of the country’s prestigious universities (old dead white guy). But at least in some circles he’s still considered relevant.

jim harrisonI used to tell students…the difference between poetry and you is you look in the mirror and say, “I am getting old,” but Shakespeare looks in the mirror and says, “Devouring Time, blunt thou thy lion’s paws.”  - Jim Harrison via The Failed Aristocrat

Although “Devouring Time” finally got its lion’s paws into old Jim; doesn’t seem possible but he’s been dead now for 6 years, so maybe nobody considers either of these old dead white guys relevant after all. Jim Harrison at least has a chance, he’s got a little Native American blood in him.

“Naturally we would prefer seven epiphanies a day and an earth not so apparently devoid of angels.” – Jim Harrison, “Letters to Yesenin” (2013)

“What is past is prologue.” – William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act 2, Scene I.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

You Have The Right To Remain Ignorant

Dateline Michigan: Another school bows to the gods of woke. Will some one please read us our rights? If we still have any. It seems, if you are conservative, the only right you indisputable have is the right to remain silent.


“You have the right to be offended.”

Don’t let them tell you otherwise.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Demand a Refund

This week’s least surprising headline:

‘Entitled’ Gen Z is the most difficult generation in the workplace

I note that the article was written by a Millennial who is only too glad to pass the torch of “most entitled” on to the next generation. One can only hope that now they can take a break from bitching about how the Boomers ruined their lives.

gen z 3

If I were a member of either of these 2 generations I would demand a refund for my college degree(s); not from my government but from my institution of “higher learning” for their lack of product delivery.

Now get out there, eat right and enjoy the day. I’ve been told those 2 things are not mutually exclusive but do your own research as all other research is potentially biased.

pup dog and cupcake

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Progressives: Recycling Crap Since Karl Marx

earth-moss-ball100% recycled dingle berries

I’m so old I remember being lectured about all of us having “more in common than we have differences” and “why don’t we all just learn to get along.” That is apparently now considered old school thinking; new school is “let’s celebrate our differences instead of our sameness!” Honestly, I can’t keep up but it seems that this year many universities will be holding separate graduations based on whatever identity makes you feel special: race, sexuality, country of origin, and even socioeconomic status. But for the rhetorical nature of the question I would ask “who’s being regressive now?”

So, separate graduation ceremonies it will be: lavender…pink, green, blue, red, purple, gold, black and brown. Find the group identity that makes you feel special. Apparently we’ve been transported back to the future and using the really, really old school standard of ‘separate but equal.’ Progressives affinity for recycling is why this old (published 30 years ago) Doonesbury comic is not only classic but, as long as there are progressives afoot, will be evergreen:

doonesbury waterfountain

“I don’t get it, Campbell. The Black students now have separate dorms, fraternities, cafeteria tables, student center, studies program and graduation. After 25 years of intensive, progressive action in pursuit of racial justice at this college, we’ve managed to produce a fully segregated campus. *sigh* What a legacy I’ve created. And to think I marched with Dr. King in Selma.”

“So what is it now?”

“Um…the kids want their own water fountains.”

Oh, and Happy Earth Day from the people who’ve been recycling crap since, well, Karl Marx. Here’s all you need to know to participate in the latest National Holy Day of Obligation:

all you need know or remember about earth day

P.S.Not one single disastrous environmental prediction has come true in the last 50 years. Recycle that.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Feather Day Special

A new slant on feather day (is that a racist comment?)

AKA “How It Started”

japanese feather false eyelashes_thumb_thumb

How it’s going:


“Relax all you narrow minded religious bigots. It’s not like we’re coming into classrooms to talk your children into being gay/transexuals.”

drag queen satanic godess

We’re thinking more along the lines of a drag queen satanic goddesses. Any more questions about that slippery slope “fallacy”?

NOTE: gradually regaining strength. Had my first cup of coffee in over a week this morning, so that’s a good sign!