Sunday, October 13, 2024

And So It Goes

covid and cancer what doesn't kill you mutates and tries again_thumb[1]_thumb_thumbA Covid lesson


Like Marxism, stage 4 cancer is evil and never completely goes away.  It lurks beneath the radar until such time as it raises its ugly head again and we must fight it, again. And so it goes. My last scan showed tumor growth in the esophagus which calls for another round of radiation beginning next week (if the techs don’t hold a walkout as they have threatened, but that’s another story). Of course there will be side effects including nausea and fatigue, two of my constant companions already so I’m well acquainted and can cope. I fear it’s worse for Raj. As many of you know only too well, being the caregiver is as difficult as being the patient. You sometimes feel helpless as you don’t have the power to “fix” things, something that real men are naturally inclined to do. I feel guilty because there’s so little I can do and Raj is left to handle just about everything. To say I’m lucky to have such a loving and helpful partner is a gross understatement. As I’ve said before, I don’t know what I’d do without him.

And so we soldier on; Raj keeps my spirits up and makes me laugh. I’ve learned to be grateful for the smallest gifts we receive each day. Life is very different now – I used to hike and ski, now I need a walker and my gait is unsteady and my pace is slow. Still, I’m standing, and very grateful to God for that as well as a good number of other things.

My Norway maple is turning gold, my Sunset maple is turning crimson and my neighbor’s maple is turning very orange. Despite a very dry end of summer it looks as if we’re going to have a glorious fall after all. May we all enjoy the glorious, deal with the inglorious and revel in the messy business of living.

Speaking of the glorious: my sister-in-law took these pictures of the Northern lights from her farm in mid-Michigan two nights ago

Untitled - Copynorthern lights - Copy

Maybe not so impressive to those in the Aurora Borealis belt, but stunning to us Mid-westerners.

Raj and I are celebrating our 52nd anniversary today and feel lucky to be doing so. May everyone enjoy a quiet, peaceful day filled with loved ones, either in person or in memories.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Your Government Builds A Sandwich…Better

The government makes a sandwich:



Despite technically including all the required elements of a sandwich it ends up an impressive feat of stupidity. useless for it’s original intent. And it only costs $219.99. I suppose it could be worse; it could be PB&J.

May all have a good week.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

My Old Shoe

A brief history of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict:








In my business life when we ran into this type of non-negotiation-negotiation tactic we called it the “why don’t you give me your new car for one of my old shoes” strategy. You can’t make a deal if one party refuses to negotiate in good faith.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

The World Is A Dangerous Place

You would have an attitude too if somebody tied a big, pink satin bow around your neck.

cat attitude

What next? Pink sandwiches?

strawberry food art

The world is a dangerous place. Let’s be careful out there.

Friday, September 13, 2024

A Friday Lament

Summer continues to trickle out.

green river bank

Late summer fruits begin to trickle in.

pears - Copy

Another season approaches and as usual we are not quite prepared.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Kamala’s Kampaigne

Reason number 48 why Kamala has to distance herself from the administration where she’s been #2 for 3 3/4 years:

built back better m_thumb

Building clean power for all your energy needs.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Kamala and Her Emotional Support Dog

Kamala has more in common with Hillary than that annoying cackle and a closet full of multi-colored pant suits.


El Rushbo was the first to point out that the less Hillary talks the more people seem to like her. I’m sure he would agree that the same is true of Kamala and that’s one of the reasons she’s laying low.

Never the less she and her emotional support dog will be on CNN pretending to be interviewed tonight. I suggest you skip it.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Happy Wingsday

Things to do with old typewriters:

typewritter bird

Imagination is a wonderous thing. Except in the hands of Democrats, where it’s just lies.