Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Silver Belts, Silver Belts, It’s Christmas Time In Hawaii

You probably heard about the Obama’s in Oahu Winter Solstice holiday. But what to pack? Lady M has been in a tizzy.

We’ve got the leis covered: laua juneJune Luau






Market  luau, August

But the rest of the wardrobe is problematic. It’s warm in Hawaii this time of year, so our signature cardigans are probably going to look even less appropriate than usual.

232x327 232x272 sweaterr 232x334      mvomit Michelle-Obama-portera-la-cuissarde-sans-talon_mode_une copenhagen3 BIG RED BELT child work 232x351

That leaves only the sundresses , belts and shorts.

mo leapneeds-more-boob-belt slide_1204_18446_large strapped slide_1204_18451_large

shorts michelle

God help us if she decides to combine all three, because, let’s face it, Lady M doesn’t have Jennifer’s hair.


Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Winter Holidays to Druids Everywhere

This is such a hectic season. The religious celebrations started last week, with the secular feasts to follow. First there was the 8th Night of Hanukkah party that we threw for our Jewish friends (although, just between you and me, I’m surprised we have any left).

national_menorah_white_house Non-denominational menorah at Big White

Like nearly every party we’ve had here lately, there was some controversy. First there was an issue over the number of invitees. It seems we initially invited only half as many Jewish friends as GWB did at his last Hanukkah party. But once everyone started flapping their gibs about it, we quickly sent out another 150 invites: you wouldn’t believe how many Jewish friends Joe Lieberman found for us! Then there was some silly flap over the fact that although we were celebrating Hanukkah, someone on Desiree’s staff decided to send the invitations out to the most influential Jews in America inviting them to a “holiday” party instead of a Hanukkah celebration.

I guess religious stuff makes Desiree and her staff a little nervous. It just seems odd to me that we would hire 30 people to come in to “kosherize” the Big White kitchen and then forget to tell the guests that it’s a Hanukkah party. But that’s why I’m MO’s mirror, and Desiree is her social secretary diva.

P121609SA-0124 Little children at the 8th night “holiday” celebration

I guess the official position (for now) is that all of our Big White celebrations are “holiday” celebrations, regardless of religious affiliation. I just hope no one goes poking through their mementos from our big Ramadan celebration last September, because I’m pretty sure that was billed as a “Ramadan” party.

Then there was the other big religious celebration last week: The Thermists* most holy week of worship at the altar of Global Warming in Copenhagen. Everybody who’s anybody in the Church of Thermology showed up.


Lady M couldn’t get away to attend this event, but it was just as well. She really hates snow and cold. And Big Guy can tell you, it was pretty chilly there.

Thankfully, that will be the end of the religious celebrations for a while. Coming up on the 23rd we have Festivus (as I mentioned earlier, we have a head start on this one, since BO and MO have been airing their grievances since they got here), followed by the joyous feast of Winter Solstice and wrapping up with Kwanza – which is most assuredly not religious. Unless by religious you mean a feast invented by a god-hating black racist who served time for multiple felonies.

And then, we’re already into a new year! We can start airing our grievances anew.


* Thermist: Member of the Church of Thermology. A god-less religion that worships environmentalism and rails against the satanic forces of industry and capitalism. The religion is based on the(unsubstantiated) belief that earth achieved its ideal temperature in 1906 and has been rising,to our detriment, ever since. Adherents of the religion are required to accept this basic premise on faith and do whatever is necessary to reduce Earth’s fever so as to return it to the pristine state of the Belle Époque. Once that ideal state has been attained, it is mankind’s responsibility to maintain earth’s perfect temperature in perpetuity. 

The Church of Thermology (aka the Church of Immaculate Deception) requires its members to participate in cleansing and purification rituals that include the rejection of the evil  element carbon, while simultaneously embracing Whole Foods, Priuses and South American dictators.

Al Gore is the religion’s patron saint. He invented the internet and  has spent the 10 years subsequent to his unsuccessful presidential  bid producing scary movies and amassing a fortune based on the sale of carbon credits: to date the largest legal scam ever perpetrated on a gullible public.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

When Snarks Attack: 2

Well it’s time for my new weekly segment, the Snark Attack Of The Week Contest. Before starting this weeks big contest, I want to send out Hugs & Kisses to the millions of bloggers who voted for their favorite Snark Attack, even if it was their own.

And now … drum roll please … the winner of the first ever MOTUS Snark Attack Of The Week Contest and recipient of this weeks “Golden FLOTUS” is:

Mrs. P “… solar panel heating.”

Mrs. P award-final- copy

Congratulations Mrs. P. You may proudly display your “Golden FLOTUS” on your mantle, dashboard, website or anywhere else you choose. And congratulations to all of my finalists; you are all winners in the progressive world of “contests.” But here, in the real world, the final count shows Mrs. P kicked your tuchus.

Some of you may have gotten more votes if all blog readers were equipped with the latest text translation apps like me & TOTUS, or a household 5 year old to interpret : bettyann writes “… My daughter, a fashion legend in her own mind, reads this blog. Now I know what OMG OMG OMG means…”

But remember, there will be a chance to win every week (if by every week you mean when I feel like it) and there may even be fabulous prizes, if we get a big new stimulus package. So, let the games begin (and once again, let me remind you, Chicago rules apply!) :

Nominees For The Week Of

December 13-19, 2009

(comments may be edited by moi)

  1. chiron: "He Put In His Thumb, and Pulled Out a Plum…":
    ....I must say, the only thing with any balls in that picture is the Christmas tree.
  2. Moright: "They’re Both Batt-y":
    Remember the Jimmy Carter years, folks? The sweaters? The gas lines? The failed presidency? The Snuggie may become the emblem of this Zero presidency.
  3. Cinderella: "They’re Both Batt-y":
    … Do you suppose we'll see him appearing at Williams Sonoma next week to hawk the newest in non stick cookware? How about a stop at Saks to pass out samples of the latest miracle skin cream?
    Does this man have nothing better to do with his time?
  4. AnnieCarmel: "Lady M’s Holiday Gift Return Policy":
    Notice that Grandma comes after the dog...just wondering when she'll send Grandma out to the local parks to pick up dog poop as she suggested during the campaign for all seniors to make themselves "useful". Maybe Grandma can escape the Park detail...probably enough poop to pick up in Big White alone.
  5. bettyann: "Warming Hearts and Minds In Copenhagen":
    SELL MY HARLEY!!? It may be cold in Copenhagen, but hell has not yet frozen over. The house goes back to the bank first!
    Besides, without a Harley, how is a girl supposed to cope with hot flashes?

Vote early, vote often!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hope-n-hagen: Change We Can Believe In

Well as we expected, it was another big disappointment in Copenhagen. Those little people just don’t seem to get it: we won! But over there - in the land whose greatest claim to fame up till now was inventing breakfast pastries - we are 0 for 2.

Big guy took it all in stride and still gave a stirring and articulate read (which you can review, with annotation, over on Dewey’s site). Totus merged the read we’ve been giving to those troublesome blue dogs on our historic health care takeover bill - which is going down in flames - with our extraordinary words on the need for cap & tax trade in order to keep the planet from going down in flames.

BO pulled out all the stops to save our FPF (favorite planet forever). He even commissioned Acorn to design a billboard around one of his favorite slogans (HOPE) and exploiting featuring those adorable kids from Obamacorps.

 obama kids 

But some of our best friends really let us down. First, Hugo Chavez comes up to the podium right after Big Guy speaks and claims that he can still smell sulfur. That’s just rude. And a little juvenile. It was probably the Tex-Mex special they served on Air Force One on the way over.

We really expected a little more support “on the street” too. But Andy Stern decided to have his purple gang skip the summit. He’s using his “muscle” instead to protest Big Guy’s healthcare bill, just because it doesn’t have a public option (yet). Boy, no matter how much money you throw at some people, you get no loyalty guarantee. These guys might as well be politicians.


Bad enough they didn’t turn out to support our global warming effort, but worse, the SEIU did send some clown in from L.A. just to taunt us. Big Guy didn’t like that a bit. He likes to do all the taunting himself.


MO and O  were back at the Big White, monitoring the event in real time. When it became obvious that we were going down in flames (along with the rest of the planet), they decided to monetize the disaster. So beginning with the new year, Lady M is going to personally embrace global warming and make it a positive part of our brand: HOTTER THAN EARTH copy

Because let’s face it, the planet isn’t really melting. And this White House gig isn’t going to last forever.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Warming Hearts and Minds In Copenhagen

Well, you’ve probably heard by now that we couldn’t talk Big Guy out of taking another heart breaking trip to Copenhagen. We fully expect that he will come home empty handed, but Gibbsy assured Toes that he will have talking points ready to help the supportive press see this as a historic and robust step forward no matter what.

Obama Fort Hood

TOTUS told me BO has loaded two extraordinary reads on his hard drive: one that praises Americans for electing him so that this historic deal could be reached, and one apologizing for the harm Americans have done before he was elected.


Although they had a swell time when they were here last fall,Lady M and Oprah decided to stay home this time, so that we could focus all the blame for the failure to reach a carbon deal on State Department fall-gal, Hillary. It seems she can’t get the Chinese to accept our demand for “transparency” in monitoring CO2 limit compliance. Apparently Hil has not properly clarified for the Chinese what Big Guy means by “transparency”.

I’m a little disappointed because I was really looking forward to all the snow that Al Gore arranged so that the attendees could see what it used to be like in Copenhagen before we gave the planet a fever. And, as you regulars know, we’ve assembled a stunning wardrobe of insulated outfits that would have been perfect.

From what I’ve seen so far though, the little people down on the street are not as cute or happy as the Oslots. Gibbsy says they are anarchists. Maybe it’s just me, but they look more like communists.

commiesFrankly, they scare me a little, but Big Guy says they are completely harmless. We’ve been monitoring the conference from the Big White, and it looks like everyone is having a lot of fun. Except maybe for the cops. So far my favorite part has been watching the snowball fight between the global warming “anarchists” and the capitalist ghosts who changed our climate. They’re not keeping score, but it looks like the capitalists are losing.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lady M’s Holiday Gift Return Policy

Not to be outdone by Big Guy, Lady M played Santa Claus yesterday,  handing out hundreds of donated “holiday” toys.232x279

Just like BO, she got her toys for redistribution from an extortion scheme too:

Earlier this month, when she unveiled the White House Christmas decorations, Obama also kicked off a toy collection drive to benefit Toys for Tots. So far, White House staff have donated some 500 gifts including board games and Legos and at least one spectacular Barbie Corvette.

You can bet that whoever donated that corvette is going to get a nice “holiday” stimulus this year, compliments of the O’s and the American people.

For the occasion MO wore a festive multi-holiday black and white tweed jacket that the press keeps calling a “pea jacket” but since none of them have ever served in the military they don’t  know what a real pea jacket looks like.

Note: no belt navy pea



This, for all you fashion-challenged dweebs, is properly known as a trapeze jacket. Just the thing for hiding those pesky holiday handles under it’s swingy shape.







Above, MO is advising a Toys for Tots volunteer that she’ll have to take the goodies back after the photo-op, because this is just the first stop on our tour.

She made up for taking the toys back by conferring good wishes on the Marines and the rest of the little people in attendance:

"On behalf of the President, Malia, Sasha, Bo and Grandma, we wish everybody a happy holidays, Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukah, anybody who's out there celebrating anything: happy!"

Big Guy better watch out, Lady M is becoming nearly as eloquent and articulate as he is: and without a teleprompter.


butt0x“I need this one back if you’re done playing with it.”

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Big White’s Open Door Policy

OK people. You can calm down, so we had a couple extra guests for breakfast, what’s the big deal? So what if they showed up for a tour of the Big White on the wrong day? We just showed them some D.C. hospitality, for goodness sake – we were having breakfast anyway.

And besides, it happened way last month, on Veteran’s Day: long before Crasher-gate. This is just another example of FOX News trying to make us look sloppy and incompetent.

state dinner impostersjoeyb and gatecrashersstate crashers

Honestly, we don’t need their help.




We just happen to have the most open, transparent administration ever. And we’ve demonstrated that we welcome all sides into the Big White. Remember?


We even invited that cop who acted stupidly over for a beer.




So our policy from day one has always been that we welcome all of the American people into our gracious home.

Some of our friends:

    valerie jarrett desiree snobcheryl crow  reid-pelosipalin oprah2

Some of our enemies:

sd7carla5 clintonsEPA2311_468x420

Everyone, and I mean everyone, is welcome here.

Well, almost everyone. Hospitality does have its limits.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

They’re Both Batt-y


Big Guy went out to the local Home Depot to put a plug in for home weatherization. He told the crowd that he thinks insulation is “sexy.”

Normally I’d say that was just too much information, but I have to admit, it’s beginning to explain a few things about MO’s wardrobe choices. See what you think:


Space age insulation





gold insulationmotusUS President Obama At Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony - Oslo_1260475787941 


Strangely Layered retrofits:

belt  yellow mo belted PicApp Search results for michelle obama_1260911605433 PicApp Search results for michelle obama_1260910510370 PicApp Search results for michelle obama_1260911481617 PicApp Search results for michelle obama_1260911433838

Corning pink batt wraps:


PicApp Search results for michelle obama_1260910400326 PicApp Search results for michelle obama_1260910867521

PicApp Search results for michelle obama_1260910574173 PicApp Search results for michelle obama_1260910323194 s-WHITE-HOUSE-PINK-RIBBON-large

And even a a couple that incorporates all three:

luau mo-pink shirt base copy

If you find insulation sexy too, you’ll definitely get off on this video. Don’t worry, it’s not X-rated: