Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Breaking the Circle of Poverty, One Election at a Time

UPDATE: Had to repost since the video didn’t embed. It looks like I lost a few comments in the repost, so sorry! I’m afraid I can’t recapture.

Finally: our reelection campaign has hit its stride. We have now officially locked up the two most crucial voting blocks in the Democratic party: Hollywood and the fashion industry. These are just two of the constituencies that totally reflect Big Guy’s deep commitment to moving the great Socialist Movement American experiment Forward.

Well, here, I’ll let Greg explain:

I think he speaks eloquently for the rest of America.

“Saying ‘vote Obama’[is] the best thing to happen to no-talents since breast implants, which is why Hollywood is now Obama’s volunteer PR army and personal ATM machine. But while the prez and this cult are the best star-pairing since ‘Thelma and Louise,’ — you know how that ended. And also, if Anna Wintour is the face of the campaign … your campaign may need a facelift.”

Butt we’re not relying strictly on that star power to win this thing. We’ve also got Bubba in our camp (sort of).

bo bubba happy to be here.2jpgHappy to be here, BO. Really.

In a fundraising marathon both Bo and Bubba trumpeted their mutual bragging rights of being the most fiscally responsible presidents since…Eisenhower! Wait, who? Wow, impressive nevertheless.

Of course, Bubba’s enviable spending levels are due to wisely signing up with the R-words contract with America and signing onto a fiscally responsible plan of reducing welfare funding along with any number of other decidedly undemocratic spending cuts. I wonder if that could work again?

Anyway, as for Big Guy: we all know that the big spending he’s been forced to approve was all George W. Bush’s fault. And he doesn’t have to count the money he’s committed to spending in perpetuity for his signature legislation, Obamacare, because we’re only counting the made-up savings in the current time frame. The spending comes later, and it will be somebody else’s fault. That’s why we call it government mathamagicals.

Now, on a more important issue; have you seen the lengths to which the R-words have gone to be dismissive, even derisive of Lady M’s campaign to eliminate childhood obesity in one generation? They’ve now planted a story that exercise is not good for you! What next, we find out the Happy Meal is actually good for you?

mo happy meal

This nonsense non-science has just got to stop.

Whatever will we do for photo ops if we have to stop exercising?

mo crinkleslets movemonoproven' we're not a hypocritfat like me232x334form follows functionmichelle-obama-lets-move-10ORIOLESmarchinsocce5soccer3

Anyway, for now we’re focusing on preparations for our patriotic 4th of July celebration. I think we’re going to hire the Queen’s Jubilee staff as our party planner, as they seem to have a sense of the kind of all-American celebration we’d like to have on the Washington Mall.

Picnic baskets for all attendees prepared to the exacting standards of Chef:

royal picnic lunch by experimental chef Heston Blumenthala Queens spread

Fireworks extraordinaire:

tv competes with the real thing

And a HOPE and CHANGE themed Ferris wheel over the Potomac:

new obama logo

And the seasons they go round and round
And the painted ponies go up and down
We're captive on the carousel of time
We can't return we can only look
Behind from where we came
And go round and round and round
In the circle game


Break the Circle. November 6, 2012

Don’t forget to help Governor Walker continue to break the circle of poverty in Wisconsin today. Be sure to vote if you live in Wisconsin. Or Chicago – it’s not that far of a drive and you can register at the door.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Our Queen for a Day doesn’t know enough to come in out of the rain

Wow! Talk about pomp and circumstance! Did you see the adoring crowds at the Queen’s jubilee on the Telly over the weekend?

bo rope line woman in chicago cultural center 6-1-12

In London, I mean.

Where Queen Elizabeth II, despite threatening skies, continued the celebration of her 60th year as head of the British monarchy.



I don’t really understand what all the fuss is about. For heaven’s sake, what does Britain have that we don’t? A royal family?

Do we not rock the royal red as well as any royal whatshername?

red queenmo-red queen-watermark cropdiamond jubilee flotilla 3 030612

Do our Big White mirrors Embarrassed smile, not reflect queens too?

 Official Diamond Jubilee portrait of British monarch HM Queen Elizabeth IIJan. 20, 2009
ÒPresident-elect Barack Obama was about to walk out to take the oath of office. Backstage at the U.S. Capitol, he took one last look at his appearance in the mirror.Ó
(Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.

Do we not have a royal flotilla?

flotillaQueen’s flotilla on the Thames; Big Guy’s new Naval flotilla prototype: solar powered barge with unarmed F-18 Hornet

Fairy tale coaches? We’ve got ’em:

fairy tale coachchevy-volt-obamajpg-8d8566418d825660_large

And ours self-ignite

Orb’s and scepters?

orb and scepterThe orb represents Christian sovereignty, while the scepter beside it symbolizes the monarch's temporal power under the cross.


         220px-Coronation_of_Queen_Elizabeth_II_Xbo czar

I’m not sure about the Christianity and cross thing (separation of church and state you know), and it’s not clear just how “temporal” Big Guy considers his powers; butt otherwise, check – orb, scepter:     

                        Chambord by Donald Edgeobamacare scepter

So why all this nostalgia for the monarchy, a construct invented by old dead white guys? Perhaps it’s because the political class has mucked things up so badly?

During [Queen Elizabeth’s] reign – David Cameron is her 12th prime minister – respect for Britain’s political class has plummeted.

Yet the Royal Family is gaining in popularity, with seven out of ten people believing the nation is better off with the monarchy.

Tellingly, a poll yesterday found three times as many people think the Queen, for all the privilege that she enjoys, is more in touch with ordinary Britons than Mr Cameron and his senior ministers.

Odd, isn’t it, when the royals seem more down to earth than mere celebrity icons?

I wonder if one of the reasons for their rebound might be the new thrifty Royal, Kate, Duchess of Cambridge. Even the Queen Mum has grown fond of “...her thrifty attitude towards her wardrobe and willingness to wear the same outfit twice...” (Not thrice or fourthice (?) mind you, butt twice.)

ka_2210414ah/t Full-MetalSpanx

Although to the best of my knowledge Kate doesn’t do it in a fashion forward way like Lady M:

mo backwards blouseFool me once, shame on you; fool we twice…

Although it may already be too late for England if you believe Kyle Smith. Even frugal, grounded Royals may not be able to save the Union Jack:  Britain’s Already Dead, It Just Hasn’t Been Buried Yet.

Against the wishes of the average citizen, Britain has a government that is simultaneously abdicating its core functions and pretending to take responsibility for other duties for which it is spectacularly ill-suited. It has abandoned a proud, concrete culture in pursuit of a hazy dream of a transnational ideal. The people’s response has been to fume lightly and do nothing, because they’re British and expect things to be bad and get worse.

Quite unlike us Yanks, who tend to fume vehemently before doing nothing. Butt seriously, how does this happen? Getting a government that governs against the wishes of the average citizen I mean?

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.”
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

Oh. Yeah, there’s that.

Butt we’re not gloomy like the Brits! Because we’re Americans we just continue to HOPE for a CHANGE. I HOPE this time around it’s a sea change.

any port in a storm

Because when the ship’s going down, you need more than a man with an umbrella.


morton salt girl


Sunday, June 3, 2012

In the End, Everyone Agreed He was Historic

Today’s four words: Et tu, Mo Do? 

Not again!

The president who started off with such dazzle now seems incapable of stimulating either the economy or the voters. His campaign is offering Obama 2012 car magnets for a donation of $10; cat collars reading “I Meow for Michelle” for $12; an Obama grill spatula for $40, and discounted hoodies and T-shirts. How the mighty have fallen.

Hey MoDo! They’re all high quality products!

           ofaxxxx_cat_collar_michellefired up apron

In his new book, “A Nation of Wusses,” the Democrat Ed Rendell, the former governor of Pennsylvania, wonders how “the best communicator in campaign history” lost his touch.

totus at bully conferenceIt is a mystery all right; he always speaks from the heart


The legendary speaker who drew campaign crowds in the tens of thousands and inspired a dispirited nation ended up nonchalantly delegating to a pork-happy Congress, disdaining the bully pulpit, neglecting to do any L.B.J.-style grunt work with Congress and the American public, and ceding control of his narrative.

In the end, it’s always about not being able to get our message out.


As president, Obama has never felt the need to explain or sell his signature pieces of legislation — the stimulus and health care bills — or stanch the flow of false information from the other side.

Are you kidding me?  Did nothing to “stanch the flow of false information from the other side” !? Has she not seen our Attack Watch hashtag?


“The administration lost the communications war with disastrous consequences that played out on Election Day 2010,” Rendell writes, and Obama never got credit for the two pieces of legislation where he reached for greatness.

I guess the operative term there is “reached for.”

And MoDo (as if she would know) goes on to explain Big Guy’s relationships:

His New York [composite] girlfriend, Genevieve Cook, told Maraniss that Obama confessed to her that “he felt like an impostor. Because he was so white. There was hardly a black bone in his body.” When she predicted that his future might be with a black woman — “That lithe, bubbly, strong black lady is waiting somewhere!” she wrote in her journal — he told her “he doubted there were any black women he would feel truly comfortable with. I would tell him, ‘No, she is out there.’ ”

rupaul_rpdr_cologo3Rue Paul, drag queen

Butt speaking of queens, did you know that Queen Elizabeth is celebrating her silver jubilee this year? 60 years as head of the British monarchy. Chickaboomer sent a linky, “Are we Yanks missing out royally without a queen?” along with a comment “au contraire: America has a queen: Michelle.”

I know, I know: actually America has two queens, which is the source of no end of troubles around here. You’ve probably heard that the competition between two old queens can be brutal;

obama bo mo comp

Which is one of the reasons we’re offering the exclusive “I Meow for Michelle” cat collar in several different sizes (0 to 3x), depending on the size of your cat.

meow michelle2 copyBe the first on your block to get one of these new cat collars for your cool cat.

If you’re interested, you better act now, as they’re going fast.

Anyway, old Maureen still isn’t finished with her trash talk:

He wanted to get out of the corporate world he found so distasteful — he described himself as “a spy behind enemy lines” — and reimagine[d] himself as a politician.

And despite having a very active imagination, BO’s only been partially successful at disentangling himself from that corporate world he finds so distasteful.

          alg_warren-buffett-medalbo friending zuckerberg

          bo immeltObama_corzine

Obama Meets Heads Major Banks White House blankfein ChenaultThe Bankers of Wall Street arrive at the Big White for tea

On CNBC on Friday, Romney complained that Obama has “been more focused on his perspective of his historic legislative achievements than he has been focused on getting people back to work.”

I can’t imagine what he’s referring to by that remark, and it seems to me rather irresponsible of MoDo to repeat it without any evidence of it’s veracity.

  • President Lyndon Johnson signed Medicare signed (sic) into law in 1965—providing millions of elderly healthcare stability. President Obama’s historic health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act, strengthens Medicare, offers eligible seniors a range of preventive services with no cost-sharing, and provides discounts on drugs when in the coverage gap known as the “donut hole.”


Screenshot Studio capture #550#ObamaInHistory not withstanding

Cook told Maraniss that she thought Obama’s desire to “play out a superhero life” was “a very strong archetype in his personality.”

Well, that certainly does explain his attraction to Lady M, no?

MO Wonder Woman copy

In some ways, he’s still finding himself, too absorbed to see what’s not working. But the White House is a very hard place to go on a vision quest, especially with a storm brewing.

Not only that, butt it can also be very dangerous if you’re a narcissist with superhuman powers.

“The president had lofty dreams of playing the great convener and conciliator. But at a fund-raiser in Minneapolis, he admitted he’s just another combatant in a capital full of Hatfields and McCoys. No compromises, just nihilism.”

Obama_-_My_Work_Here_Is_DoneIn the end, everyone agreed he was historic

Linked By: Chickaboomer, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!