Saturday, April 27, 2013

White House Correspondents’ Dinner: Waxing or Waning?

Tonight is the much anticipated White House Correspondents' Dinner. I guess something like “Washington fatigue” has set in this year, as we won’t be seeing the usual number of our Hollywood glitterati in attendance.


Butt do you know who won’t be missed? The winner of this year’s People’s Magazine most beautiful woman in the world award. No, it wasn’t Lady M…I know, I was surprised too!  It was Gwyneth Paltrow! I guess the selection committee decided they couldn’t pick Lady M every year, although they obviously used the same criteria:

Fashion forward:

      raising malawi 060208mo-big-bo_thumb6

They both know how to make the best of their derrière:

         66800_576395505725911_766258933_nmo butt

Friday, April 26, 2013

End of Week Buyer’s Remorse Roundup

It took them the better part of 4 years, butt I guess the Congress that passed the bill finally got around to reading it. When they did, they didn’t like what they passed. At least not for themselves. So, instead of repealing it for everyone, they are quietly looking into excepting themselves and their staffers from some of the onerous aspects of the “train wreck” they caused.


Good luck with that - now that the cat’s out of the bag. It’s like I always say, “Buyer’s Remorse” is the most embarrassing, uh,  embarrassment.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Itchy & Scratchy Do Dallas

It’s official. After 3 sightings within the past week, just like the swallows returning to Capistrano each spring, the boob belt is back. I knew you’d want to be the first to know.

Here we see several sightings, each one accenting Lady M’s arrow straight profile ever so handsomely.


My favorite, hands down, is this fuchsia draped neck frock with the standard issue black mini-me and eyelet boob belt that MO wore yesterday. Demonstrating yet again that we know how to keep our priorities straight following unspeakable tragedies, Big Guy and Lady M boarded Air Force Wo-n bound for an event in Dallas  guaranteed to increase our revenue stream: a DNC fundraiser. Because taking the House back in 2014 is more important than terrorism, national debt, or even global warming.

So off we went, ever mindful of job number Won. Unfortunately Lady M’s frock was made from some sort of itchy fabric:

bo mo arrive dallas love field with an itch

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Saudi Terrorist? What Saudi Terrorist?

This will be short and sweet as I’m having difficulty connecting to the intertoobs on my trip  - which I decided to make by car rather than fly commercial (since I’ve been sequestered out of commissioning the use of Air Force Won Too). I figured I’d reach my destination sooner by driving than having to deal with the (ever polite)TSA gendarmes in addition to the disgruntled FAA air traffic controllers who’ve been sequestered out of working their normal hours.

So, I open up my email and what do I find? A picture of Lady M from “anonymous.” I have determined, however, that it was actually sent by that naughty, naughty Gerard. How he managed to  slip through the Big White super-secret firewalls and filters intended to screen out riff-raff like him I’ll never know, butt I intend to have Raj look into it as soon as I get back.

Anyway, up until now Lady M’s visit to the little Saudi “prince of darkness” while she and Big Guy were making hospital rounds to visit victims of the Boston Bomber:

bo bostonmo hospital visits

was just an unsubstantiated rumor…

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I’ve Got a degree. In Science!

There isn’t much to report today.  This year’s Science Fair, hosted yesterday by Big Guy – a.k.a. “Dr. Sciencewas a real dud. Not even half as exciting as as last year’s winning entry, the rocket-fueled marshmallow launcher:

      bo vee vant to pump you upbo marshmallow

Marshmallow Launcher Wins 2012 Science Fair and a Defense Department Contract!

The rules were changed this year, prohibiting all military style weapons from the competition. Also in short supply this year: cute little white boys in glasses.

This year’s science fair seemed to focus more on diversity and political correctness than actual science.

our winners were politically correctDiversity ‘R Us; Science R’ Second: Making the Science Fair more “fair”

Although we did have some great green-energy science projects – like this collapsible, transportable, bicycle powered emergency water-sanitation station.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Bill? GLAAD Advocate for Change?

After last week, I’m really GLAAD to have this opportunity to change the subject.

And that opportunity was presented by what I guess are the monthly GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) Media Awards, this time in Los Angeles. Sort of ironic that they were held the same week as the latest Islamic Extremist (am I allowed to say that anymore?) bombing; as we all know how tolerant the “religion of pieces” is of homosexuality.

Anyway, guess who was there? To accept an award. Did you guess former President Bill Clinton?

bill charlize and the fedora“I’m so glaad to be here!”

Me neither. If I had to guess which Clinton was the recipient of GLAAD's first ever Advocate for Change award, I sure wouldn’t have gone with Bill as my first choice. Or even my second. In fact, if I had to guess who won GLAAD’s first “Advocate for Change” award, I would have guessed Big Guy. Who’s done more to CHANGE things than he has?

Anyway, for some reason they decided to give the award to Bill instead, the man who invented “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”  Here he is getting ready to accept his award from Charlize Theron, who was, if I may say, smokin’ hot:

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Coming Soon to a White House Near You: Lame Duck Dynasty

duck commander

I have a special assignment for you today: It’s a must read from Clarice on our newest lame duck president, “I Know Why the Lame Ducks Squawks.”

duck dynasty coming to the white house soonWatch for the new season, beginning soon

Butt first, a little housekeeping and catch-up: It was a very messy week for the Wons. First, the bitter defeat of Big Guy’s plan to blame the Republicans for blocking common sense gun control:

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Vicarious Images From The FFF: UPDATED–AGAIN!







Raj tried to post these and both he & Little Mo could see them, butt I couldn’t, so I’m devoting a special post to them. Please enjoy:

