Thursday, December 26, 2013

Obamacare: Fairness in the Shadow of Perpetual Adolescence

Well, did you have “the talk” with any of your “young invincible” pajama-wearing, perpetually adolescent relatives this Christmas - as directed by Big Guy?

pajama boy-man-child

MOTUS did, as her family has over two dozen 20-30 somethings. This is what I learned.

As with youngsters of all eras, their ideology does not hold up well under the crushing realities of day-to-day life and economics. Those who have graduated from college in the 5 years subsequent to the coronation of America’s first Black President don’t give a rat’s ass what color he is anymore. Been there, done that; what has he done for me lately? 

bo military christmasWhere khakis, bring notes, talk about Obama.

For the batch of  “young invincibles” who haven’t yet found a job earning what they think they’re worth, with benefits they find acceptable, Big Guy is now indistinguishable from any other politician such as, say, George W. Bush – who they know they hate, butt have forgotten why.


While most do not follow politics beyond what’s covered on the Daily Show, they are all familiar with Obamacare, because it effects them personally. (note to self: good marketing technique for the yutes of America - make it all about them)

One nephew was happy because he’s still eligible for coverage under Mom and Dad’s policy for another 2 years.


And no more sub-par health insurance for him! (Don’t forget to thank Mom and Dad! Their premiums will be going up astronomically to ensure that your coverage now includes all Obamacare mandated items such as free condoms and other related womym’s “healthcare” – like  “day after” pills that the mean old Republicans wanted to deny you for free.)

Another nephew, who is working a part time job because that’s all he could find with his language arts degree, was delighted to discover that after his cheapy, catastrophic only BC/BS policy was cancelled that he could get better coverage (free condoms!) at a lower cost because he was eligible for a subsidy! (You’re welcome, nephew. Please remember my contribution to your well being when I’m old and eligible only for the pain pill.) He also informed me that lots of his friends have heard that they are going to be eligible for Medicaid (great) butt haven’t bothered to sign up yet because “it’s too big a hassle.”

Obamacare-broDude, we’ve got better things to do.

One of the nieces concurs, she cannot be bothered to try to get enrolled in Obamacare either, even though she has no coverage. She’s already had a rough year, really doesn’t need any more hassle right now and doubts that she needs healthcare coverage now anyway. Plus, she refuses to let it ruin her life by worrying about it. That’s somebody else’s job. Besides, she’s still got the basic 30-something’s fall back healthcare system: Mom and Dad.

imagesCAKOE7QWself-reliance: it ain’t what it used to be

For the few of the bunch who have found decent employment in their field (the ones who chose to major in a marketable discipline) the reality of contributing a rather substantial portion of their paycheck for the welfare of their (previous) peers who were neither as wise nor as motivated while in college is beginning to rankle. So maybe there’s reason for optimism. It turns out the kids, once they figure it out, don’t like getting screwed by the government any better than the oldsters. As evidence of this hypothesis, I submit this  pretty much verbatim dialogue with one of my niece-mirrors yesterday:

MOTUS: So how’s your new job as athletic trainer going, Meghan?

MEGHAN: Fine, I like it, and the coaches, a lot. And I love my apartment…and most of my roommates.

MOTUS: Oh, how many roommates do you have?

MEGHAN: Three, that’s what we needed to rent a decent place. And three of us are good, but everyone’s a little ticked off at Erin right now.

MOTUS: What’s the problem?

MEGHAN: Well, she just signed up for food stamps, and we’re all like WHAT!?  She’s got a crappy part time job, butt we’re like “why don’t you just get another part-time job?” and she’s like, ‘I need some me time.’ Some ME TIME!?! The rest of us are humping our asses and she just goes in and gets free food stamps! We just couldn’t believe it.

MOTUS: Just curious, what did she major in? (again, on my honor, I’m not making this up. You can’t)

MEGHAN: Womyns Studies, like anybody thought she’d get a job with that. Anyway, she was so proud of getting the food stamps and can’t understand why we’re all upset. Butt that’s not the worst part, Aunt MOTUS.

MOTUS: What’s the worst part?

MEGHAN: She wanted us to pay HER for the food she bought with the food stamps! We told her, “we already have Erin.”

I immediately commended her mother for raising such a well-grounded young woman. And you see, maybe there is real hope for the future. It’s like that movie: Reality Bites. And real reality bites even harder. If only we could get our economy rolling again so that all the young, brainwashed masses can get a real job in the real world; perhaps then they will finally understand that there are two sides to the “make it fair” equation.


Or at least we, like Einstein, can dream.


article-0-1A4A325500000578-823_634x483I know: “I’m sorry” is inadequate. I’m really, really sorry. (h/t Blonde Gator)

Linked By: Abby L Call, Mireille Buser, Rich Pletcher, Kimberly C. Conner on facebook, and @ValCSilver on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Stille Nacht : A Blessed Christmas

For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16

Photo Mosaic by Flatsimile Studios
Fallen Heroes photos via Washington Post
Please click and  zoom to remember those who have sacrificed everything to ensure we remain free to celebrate the Christ in Christmas.

Merry Christmas from MOTUS, Raj and Little Mo to all of our friends and family here!


Linked By: Abby L Call, Betsy Bitter, Missy Kendrick, Maggi Haglund on facebook, and @Standlow, @BlueMusky on twitter, Thanks!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Mele Kalik-Obama #5

Each year I reprise this Christmas Eve post, originally posted in 2009, to commemorate our first, historic, Presidential vacation on the alleged island of Barry’s birth. To this day however, nobody really knows exactly where our new messiah was born.

Each year I like to update it to capture a bit of the nation’s current Zeitgeist, in order to provide a more accurate record of the First Historic Imperial American Presidency for future generations. And don’t worry if you haven’t had time to get all your shopping done and your cookies baked: Big Guy is granting a special, one-time-only, one day extension of the Christmas Eve deadline this year!

  So please enjoy this year’s edition, and as we say in Hawaii: Mele Kalikimaka!

Christmas Eve, 2013

If you didn’t receive this year’s official Big White Winter Holiday card yet, it’s probably because we had to cut back on our mailing list this year: part of the lingering effects of the heartless Republican sequester cuts. Butt don’t feel bad, as most people agree that this year’s was not really one of our better efforts.


I have to say, aside from the pop-up architecture, it doesn’t look like anyone put much thought into this card. “Gather around?” The “season?” What does that even mean? The only thing we gather around regularly is the table and we do that in every season. And, “may the warmth and joy of the holidays fill your home?” Your home, maybe; butt not ours, as we’re vacating it for 17 days.

Given all the negative reviews coming in about the “gatherings” card, our handlers decided on a style work around after we arrived in Hawaii. So I’ve been authorized to offer - for a limited only - all my MOLs, MODs and FOM’s a copy of our second edition 2013 commemorative Winter Holiday card from the WONs:


won's winter holiday card2 copyAs the old Hawaiian saying goes, sometimes you should quit before you get any further behind. 

Or, alternatively, you can have this Christmas card from that red-neck, bible thumper guy, and his family.


When placing your order, simply indicate card “A” - the cheerless, mirthless, joyless family or “B” - the Happy, Happy, Happy one. I’ll take care of the rest.


And now, here’s the original Mele Kalikemaka Christmas Eve post, from way back in 2009. (hard to believe, I know!) complete with my special “Christmas Eve Dream” video. Enjoy.

Santa and his elves are hanging around D.C. just long enough this morning to vote on how much they’re going to charge for shipping and handling on this year’s free gifts.

Then we can all fly away for our Winter Solstice holidays! I can’t wait – I’ve never been to Big Guy’s alleged birth state. I have to remember to pack my UVA and UVB lenses.

I dreamed about our vacation all last night

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and Clarice Feldman and Ken Butt, Steve Martin, Abby L Call, Austin Williams, Anna Salerno on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Monday, December 23, 2013

It’s A WONderful Life: The Coloring Book...and The Movie???

If you’re done wrapping presents and baking cookies, and find yourself looking to kill some time -  and who isn’t this time of year -

santa's flat reindeer

here’s a fun way to make your own Christmas gifts: at the Crayola Story Studio you can create your own coloring books! Blonde Gator told me about it and it’s proved to be a real life saver for me.

As you know, we left for our Winter Holiday vacay on the alleged isle of our birth much earlier than usual, and I didn’t get my shopping done. I was certain that Big Guy would stay in D.C. to make sure was working before we left, butt I guess I mis-misunderstood his priorities. And now that we’re here, I find out that Lady M borrowed my debit card to do some on-line shopping at Target for Big White staff gifts before we left, and now my bank has put a hold on it.

So the Crayola Story Studio was just what I needed! I’m making Big Guy and Lady M a special coloring book called It’s A WONderful Life, highlighting and commemorating the important, historic events during their reign. I’m HOPEing that Harvey Weinstein will buy my book, make it into a movie and enter it in the 2016 Sundance Film Festival. Because seriously, it's got WINNING! written all over it - in fact, that’s it’s alternate title.

You can make your own coloring book story about the reign of the WONs too; or you can just download and color the one I made. If you make your own, please remember to share it with us. Maybe I’ll add it to my story book and you can cash in on the movie residuals!

Here are a few  pages from my historic coloring book, It’s A WONderful Life:

Since I’m looking to attract Hollywood’s attention, my first page commemorates Lady M’s Nickelodeon space-age glittery “Metallica” frock:



nickelodeon-2 copy

Next, Lady M steals the Academy Awards via satellite in another metallic space frock. Here she is handing out the “Best Movie of the Year” award:


As you can see in my coloring book adaptation, we implemented a few special effects for this appearance.

oscars copy

And here’s a page commemorating Big Guy’s first, historic, campaign platform from his first, historic campaign for Prezzy:



2 copy

Next, my page commemorating Big Guy’s first, historic Nobel Prize:



nobel copy

And finally, what story of the historic events of the Won’s Regime would be complete without a salute to Obamacare:



obamacare copy

Well, I’ve gotta’ run out and buy Lady M a box of crayons. I think I’ll go totus porkus (whole hog) and get her the 152 count Ultimate Tub featuring 120 "regular" colors, 16 "Scintilliants" and 16 "metallic" crayons.


She’s gonna’ need the Scintilliants and metallics for most of my featured frocks! And I’m pleased to report that the Ultimate Collection now includes (by law) the new “Multicultural Flesh Tones” set:

multi flesh

If I have any money left over I’m going to get her the glitter and molten metal collections as well; they just scream “Lady M,” Right?

Screenshot Studio capture #1607

So, I’m waving my copyright on “It’s a WONderful Life: the Coloring Book” just for the next few days, so for a limited time you can download the pages from my coloring book for free and color these pages, or let the kids/grandkids color them while you’re making those cute little Penguin Ho Hos.

Just remember a few basic coloring rules: if you are a conservative or a Republican, make sure you stay inside the lines. If you are a liberal, make sure you use every color at least once; if you’re a Democrat be sure to share your crayons with others who don’t have as many as you do, and if you are a Moderate, well, don’t bother coloring it all; just sit back and critique the work submitted by everyone else.

mitt bo pres“I’m sitting this one out, because Obama’s too liberal and Romney’s not Conservative enough. And besides, what difference, at this point, does it make?”

Linked By: Susana Patrick, Abby L Call on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Duck the Halls Sing-along and Annual Christmas Recipe Exchange Day

The day we’ve all been waiting for: Christmas Recipe Exchange!

Today’s the day to post recipes and/or pictures of your favorite holiday dishes and/or your cutest Christmas sweets and treats.

These little guys were a perennial favorite, prior to the demise of the iconic Hostess Company in post-Obama America. Butt good news! Since their major component has now been rebooted and retooled by new owners, it is once again available for construction purposes. So I’m  re-posting these adorable little guys, the Christmas Ho Ho Penguins:

Chrismtas edible crafts, kids crafts, holiday chocolate treats, penguin snack cakes, Ho Ho penguins, Swiss Roll penguins

Yes! That’s right; not only are the Hostess Ho Hos back, butt they’re gayer than ever! Which makes them more festive, right?

Screenshot Studio capture #1598

And since their half-life, along with Twinkies, has been expanded up too 6 decades, these little treats can become family heirlooms. Anyhoo, to assemble these babies you just need a box of Ho Hos and a few other indestructible construction materials:

how to make a penguin using a Swiss Roll snack cake, Hostess Ho Ho penguins, edible crafts, holiday crafts for kids, Christmas craft ideas copy  Hungry Happenings provides more detailed techniques, if required, butt suffice it to say the Tootsie Rolls need a bit of warming in the microwave.

And while not technically a Christmas treat, these cute little sheeple may serve as stand-ins for sheep in your crèche if the rest of your flock has mysteriously disappeared, as they often do when the shepherds lose track of their flock .

cute white sheep

Please note that these sheeple come in politically correct black and white versions,


as well as everything in between:

sheeple cupcakes

So let’s get cooking MOLs, MODs, and FOM! Christmas is right around the corner. And don’t worry if you don’t have time today, in all likelihood, we’ll be continuing this wonderful holiday tradition tomorrow as MOTUS may well be busy wrapping up shopping and her presents.

396-114-ducks-smallAn old fashioned “Duck the Halls” sing-along: Quack.


Linked By: Victory Girls, and snark on Godlike Productions, and Abby L Call, Sandy Peterson, Candace Crider, Teala Sindt Sipes, Bob Thieman on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

They’ Gone

Yep, they’ gone!

A&E Season WM2



No, not that really “happy, happy, happy”  Duck family; I mean our “happy, happy, happy” First Family. Here they are being sent off on their 17 day Hawaiian hiatus.

Screenshot Studio capture #1595Yep, they gone!

Goodness! We were in such a hurry to start our vacation that Lady M left without her trousers. She boarded Air Force Won wearing just tights. That’s the sort of thing that happens when she’s rushed and she doesn’t get to take her own flight on Air Force Won Too.

a moConsider this Beyoncé Boo-tay shot my Christmas present to you.

Butt I better just shut up about other people’s butts: apparently talking about them can get you in a heap of trouble.


So carry-on everyone: time is short, and there are so many Christmas treats to make.


Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and Bill Alcott, Abby L Call, Clint Counts on facebook, and Brea on We The People, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Obligatory Duck Dynasty Controversy Post

Clearly Phil Robertson is not as articulate as Pope Francis, butt as far as I can determine they both said essentially the same thing. So why is the Pope Man of the Year and old Phil a dead duck?


Maybe it’s because, as head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis is not required to meet the New American Standards of political correctness, which, in the current case have been determined by GLAAD (Gay Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation).

I should note here that GLAAD has been authorized by the LGBT Alliance to serve as the new Gay arm of the Rainbow Push Coalition. As such it serves as the official clearing house of unacceptable speech regarding homosexuals in America; A&E was simply bowing to GLAAD’s newly designated role as the new centurion. And since they’ve determined that this new tolerance will not tolerate Christian beliefs regarding homosexual activity, they’ve determined that anyone who thinks that way is an ignorant “homophobe.” And in the new hate speech lexicon, “homophobe” is the new “racist” so I’m sure you can see that what Phil Robertson said was totally unacceptable.


I shouldn’t be dealing with this problem today because I need to finish up my Christmas shopping, butt I have this niggling (can I say that?) little problem eating away at at the logic circuit in my mother board: it has to do with the adoption of a politically correct lexicon of approved speech in America. Doesn’t the adoption of an agreed upon politically correct lexicon likewise require the adoption of politically correct group-think - which is quintessentially un-American? Worse, doesn’t it require that someone serve as the clearing house for what is, collectively, approved as “politically correct?”

Exactly who would that be, I wonder?

pajama boy-man-childNo, really; don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.

I think maybe we should ban political correctness and go back to the old fashioned method of dealing with different opinions in the public arena: relegate the outcome to the superiority of the idea itself. You know: speaking your mind and defending your position on its merits?  Not that we would have many people capable of doing that anymore, critical thinking skills having been abandoned in the public education system for a couple of generations now. Advancing your position through logical argument is a bit more difficult when you wouldn’t know a logic flaw from an cheeseburger.

logic flaw

And speaking of Logic Lessons: here’s what happens when logic dies: after the adoption of new Obamacare standards forced insurance companies to cancel millions of “sub-standard plans” that didn’t meet the new “minimal” Obamacare standards, Big Guy’s little people injected a new twist yesterday. HHS announced that anybody who had their policy canceled because it was sub-standard and now can’t afford to buy the new Affordable Care Act plans available through the Obamacare Exchanges can get an exemption that allows them to buy “catastrophic coverage” policies instead. By Obamacare definition, aren’t the catastrophic-coverage-only policies the same “sub-standard” plans that Obamacare required the insurance companies to cancel in the first place? Or is there something wrong with my logic circuits?

workaround-2-WM copyDon’t worry about the logic, we can fix this thing if we all join hands and wish really hard.

Well, maybe you can figure it out, I’m going Christmas shopping to spread what’s left of my wealth around the old fashioned way.

Carry on.  

linus lucyLiberal Logic 101: Judge not less ye be judged. And we can’t have that.

Linked By: Abby L Call, Mary Ann, Far North Dallas Tea Party Patriots, Sandy Peterson, Ellen Kokoris on facebook, and @Standlow, @birrdytalk, @2oldCrabs, @BlueMusky on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Selling Socialism: the New American Dream.

I’ve never worked in marketing, butt I know when you have to send in “your best salesperson” it’s generally because your product won’t sell itself. No matter what your spokesman says.

shamWOW vince shlomi2“Sells itself.” That’s why we’re spending $200 million on this advertising campaign.

“The first lady is the best salesperson” for the White House, senior adviser Valerie Jarrett told POLITICO. She’s getting involved now, Jarrett said, because she’s the right person to convey the message of the moment: that the uninsured — especially young people and minorities — should look for insurance on exchanges and that those with insurance are already feeling the benefits of the law.

Screenshot Studio capture #1582

And you know what we’re sellin’ needs a good saleswoman when she shows up wearing a high-necked, long sleeved, below the knee, belted at the waist, gray frock. With pearls.

So how bad is it?  Well, so far it’s 67%-want-to-delay-Obamacare-53%-forever bad. Not only that, butt the same percent of Americans are wishing Obamacare’s namesake would likewise go away for ever. Let’s face it: when you’ve lost Barbara Walters the end is neigh.

Screenshot Studio capture #1583I mean, she’s practically family!

Oh, and by the way, did you catch Barbara’s “Most Fascinating Person of the Year” for 2013? Hilz? Really!? Babs really has lost faith in her personal “messiah” hasn’t she?

159934236Although, the election’s not until 2016, so what difference, at this point, does it make?

Anyway back to Lady M: taking a page from Big Guy’s pledge to “restore America’s faith in government” she’s committed to restore America’s faith in Obamacare.

bo mo mom's who care and do good works

Just for the record, Big Guy hasn’t quite accomplished his restoration project yet either.

Screenshot Studio capture #158519%? Worse than during the Nixon, Carter AND Bush Administrations!?!

Here we are “Meeting with Moms:” 

bo mo mom's who care and do good works

Because who better to evangelize for Obamacare than moms who just recently discovered how easy it is to take other peoples money for things you used to have to pay for yourself? Who wouldn’t want that for their kids…and themselves?

Take Sue from Missoula, Montana, for example: she was mad when her healthcare plan was cancelled this fall, until she found out she was disadvantaged enough to have other taxpayers subsidize the cost of her new Obamacare plan:

"I got so mad that I went to my phone and started calling all the political people and giving them what for," Spanke told The Billings Gazette. That was before she learned she was eligible for a policy at a much lower cost.

After angrily calling her state auditor's office, Spanke, a self-employed artist in her 50s, found she was eligible for a federal subsidy. Her new insurance will cover her for a mere $30 to $40 a month with a deductible of only $500. She had been paying $350 a month for a Blue Cross policy with a $5,000 deductible. "I went from a horrible policy that didn't cover anything, that was breaking me, to the best policy at the best price I've had since I was in my 20s," she said.

So see there?

“Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance.” – Nancy Pelosi

Just like Nan promised, only being an artist was Sue’s day job – so it’s even better!

juliaJulia (and Sue): Living the Socialist Dream since 2013. Mission Accomplished.

barackobamaobamasmeetmothersdiscusshealthotqzingblqml“I can’t believe it’s come to this.”

17df5a7c80e24c2a460f6a706700cc81“Me neither.”

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and DeniseVB on The Crawdad Hole, and Far North Dallas Tea Party Patriots, Abby L Call, Laurie Guthrie, Allan Sternquist on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network