Saturday, June 7, 2014

Moral Narcissism in a Week of Anniversaries

June 4-5: Marks the 25th anniversary of The Tiananmen Square Protest in which hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Chinese citizens demonstrating for democracy were cut down by their government.

June 5: Also marks the 10th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s death; the man who ended the Cold War by winning it.

June 6-7: Marks the 70th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, a horrific battle which landed Allied forces on the beaches of Normandy giving the Allied Forces a foothold in Europe that finally led to our victory in World War II.

So here, for your weekend reflection, a couple of pieces that discuss the value of freedom and democracy in a world of tyranny. First, from Roger Simon, ‘I’m Just a Soul Whose Intentions Are Good’: Obama, Bergdahl and Moral Narcissism:

Moral Narcissism is an evocative term for the almost schizophrenic divide between intentions and results now common in our culture.  It doesn’t matter how anything turns out as long as your intentions are good.  And, just as importantly, the only determinant of those intentions, the only one who defines them, is you.(snip)

Also, although it pretends (especially to the self) to altruism, moral narcissism is in essence passive aggressive, asserting superiority over the ignorant or “selfish” other. It is elitist,  anti-democratic and quite often, consciously or unconsciously, sadistic.

Next, Daniel Henninger: Bergdahl, Obama and the Tank Man. Obama’s foreign policy is a five-year fuzzball of good intentions.

Last week at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, President Obama gave a speech describing his view of the U.S. role in the world. Any close reading of this speech would fail to identify a "situation," as we say today about places such as Ukraine, that would cause Mr. Obama to say simply: This must be stopped. (snip)

We straw men whom Mr. Obama set up and knocked down repeatedly in his Military Academy apologia would note that in the past five years the space between all or nothing has filled with Russia's border busting, Iran's nuclear-bomb project, Syria's sarin gas, China's disruptions of its neighbors, North Korea's threats against South Korea and Japan, Venezuela's Tiananmen-like crackdown of its democracy protesters, and al Qaeda subdividing into multiple cells from Asia to Africa.

obama bs protector-@vanna516h/t @vanna516

In the post modern world where good intentions serve as surrogates for good outcomes, it is good to reflect back to a time not so very long ago when results mattered and good intentions served exclusively as a road map to Hades.


But I’m just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and @JeffersonTeaPar, @Standlow, @ValCSilver, @FarNorthDallasT, @GingerMarple, @MStuart1970, @sejehh, @KathrynKemm, @puj_rit, @a3auntie on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Friday, June 6, 2014

I’ll trade you 5 Gitmo terrorists for one Costco Key Lime Pie

Enough of foreign affairs for one week, here’s some important news: it’s Key lime season again and that means…the giant Key lime pies are finally back in the coolers at Costco.


They are monstrously good, if you like a little tart with your sweet – and who doesn’t? Winking smileWinking smile

Additionally, it's actually good for you; packed with tons of vitamin C that can prevent scurvy, a disease that has recently reemerged, especially around Washington D.C..

keylime3 The vitamin C is harvested by scraping off the lime’s incredibly thin skin and then reaming the heck out those little berries orbs.

I don’t know if the pie provides any protection from another old ailment that has also raised it’s ugly head again: beriberi (alternate spelling, “barrybarry”) which is caused by a B (boy) vitamin deficiency.

article-2648339-1E7641EA00000578-678_634x454Beriberi is a disease caused by a lack of Vitamin B1 (thiamin).The thiamin-deficiency disorder is characterized by muscle weakness.”

Butt I say why take any chances when you can score a whole pie for $11.99 that will easily serve 20 people.

key lime Or 2, if they’re really, really hungry.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and @Standlow, @ValCSilver, @vanna516, @UpInTheHills, @yewkalaylee on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Riddle Me This



That’s right, after that he-man work out at the gym yesterday,

What the heck, it’s worth watching again.

BHO’s all pumped and feels like playing a little “Mr. Mysteriouso” mind game with you. So he’s authorized me to present this riddle on his behalf:

Q. What do the five recently released Taliban leaders have in common with the leader of the free world?

Don’t be hasty, all of the most obvious answers are wrong - well, probably not technically wrong, just not what we’re looking for in this riddle. Ready?

A. Now, just like Obama, if pesky laws prevent them from doing what they want, they can still get it done with their pens and phones.

taliban cell service3jpgHey, Mustafa, it’s Abdul; let Abdullah and Fazul know that it’s time for Death to America, OK?

taliban cell serviceI’m all over it boss.

Meanwhile the Riddler himself trains future terrorists in the fine art of Constitutional transformation.

366265-barack-obama-hamid-karzai-strategic-partnership“See Hamid, no matter what it says, it’s easy to change if you’ve got one of these Obama pens.”

Linked By: @JeffersonTeaPar, @FarNorthDallasT, @Standlow on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Warrior’s Homecoming: What Not to Wear

I’m running a little poll today, just because I’m curious.

Which reception for the returning Taliban warrior John Walker Lindh  Nicholas Brody Bowe Bergdahl do you think would be most appropriate: a White House Medal of Honor ceremony, or a military court martial?

And if you go with the Medal of Honor, what do you think Lady M should wear? Black, white, or red white and blue with green Cinderella pumps. If none of the above, kindly enter your own selection in the comments.

Screenshot Studio capture #2069

As always, Chicago Rules apply: vote early, often, and feel free to cast votes for all of your dead friends.




UPDATE: Coming soon to a war theatre near you.

MAD-Magazine-Trading-Private-Bergdahl_538e1730c295a6_07331124h/t MAD Magazine

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and @MrsVerCrouse. @JeffersonTeaPar, @Standlow, @ValCSilver, @UpInTheHills, @sejehh on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

…In Which We Slip Even Further Down the Rabbit Hole

Today’s reflection:

From odd Rose Garden receptions,

barack-obama-easter-bunny-pic-getty-929304545And then there were times when he was very idealistic. Some of the stuff he said might have sounded smart inside his head at the time, but I was never inside his head,”

to odder emails, clandestine negotiations and unlikely homecomings, things just seem to be growing curiouser and curiouser.

Butt all we need is…

bo more cowbell poster

“Let’s be careful out there.” h/t Sgt. Phil Esterhaus

Linked By: @Standlow, @GingerMarple on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Monday, June 2, 2014

We Are On Correct Path Comrades, June 2014 edition

Today’s reflection:


This week in Caracas, Venezuela, citizens already accustomed to shortages and rationing of basic commodities such as flour, milk, vegetable oil, and toilet paper, formed long lines to buy drinking water as well. This was entirely unexpected, as the government has been doing everything possible to help:

Regulated prices for bottled water have not been raised since November 2011. Since then, consumer prices have risen 110 percent, according to central bank data…“Production costs have risen with labor and transport,” Anber said. “The cost of producing and distributing bottled water has more than doubled in the past two and a half years.”

And thus, another socialist utopia reaches it’s zenith.

sean penn pawn useful idiotNice picks, Spicoli

As Breitbart commenter constantine2007 noted:

“A Spanish speaking population with a bloated bureaucracy, a struggling economy, massive debt and a left wing government. Now they are out of water. Good grief. It's California!”

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and @Standlow on twitter BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Sunday, June 1, 2014

A Year of Action - May: The War on Spuds

Today’s reflection: Things that are negotiable in the Age of Obama:

  • Borders
  • Language
  • Culture
  • Fiscal soundness
  • Gun rights
  • Privacy
  • Nukes
  • Israel
  • Missile defense
  • Ukraine
  • Your healthcare
  • Veterans healthcare
  • Ambassadors security
  • Iran
  • Terrorists* (as of 5-31-14)

Things that are NOT negotiable:


Potatoes don’t kill, terrorists do.


Hey, here’s an idea! How about we trade this years’ harvest of Idahos for our Marine in Mexico?

GiantSpudtruck19_idaho potato

Eric Holder could throw in about  4 thousand potato guns too.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and @Standlow on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Saturday, May 31, 2014

“Heck of a job, Carney!” You too, Ricky S.

The President’s official Press-mouth and surrogate whiner, having grown as much as he could in this job, has left his post to pursue more lucrative opportunities.


He’ll be replaced by a Press-mouth with an even more impossibly perfect Press-mouth name: “Josh Earnest.” Tell me this guy wasn’t born with a silver-tongued destiny in his mouth. Since Josh has been serving the WON since 2007, you can expect a smooth transition.

earnestobamaMr. Earnest, surrendered his personal integrity in 2007 and never looked back

Maybe he can at least see to it that Big Guy gets important news prior to reading about it in America’s Newspaper of Record.

josh bo jayJosh, Bo and JJ: as I’ve mentioned before, they all look like game show hosts to me. Different show, same game.

And speaking of changing the palace guard, it became painfully apparent sometime during this past week that heads would have to roll at the VA. The phony scandal situation finally reached critical mass - i.e. it came to light that you can now get a sex change operation funded by Medicare but you still can’t get a diagnostic colonoscopy at the VA - and needed to be addressed from the top.

In announcing that General Shinseki was unexpectedly falling on the sword, BHO stepped up to the plate to bunt:

“It is my Administration and I always take full responsibility,”

he told the Press Corpse, before deflecting blame back to George W. Bush.

We don’t have a permanent replacement for the General yet, butt his interim replacement is another natural: deputy secretary Sloan Gibson. Is that a great name or what? Sloan. 

ferris-bueller-cast11Sloane: What are we going to do?
Ferris: The question isn't "what are we going to do," the question is "what aren't we going to do?"

No, wait...that’s the wrong Sloan.

And Sloan looks enough like Steven Carrel to be his doppelganger; with that name and those looks he would make a great boss. Or at least he could play one on TV.

sloan carrel sloan carrel 2Wow! Even I can’t tell them apart.

So that’s it for this week:  We’re going to miss Jay Jay, the only man in the country who made Robert Gibbs’ 2 year run as press secretary look, um, not that bad. And good luck to Josh, who, having already served as BO’s campaign press secretary is uniquely qualified for the job requirements of Presidential Press-mouth: he’s already an “intellectual sociopath.”

So, buh bye Jay-Jay:

awkward jay boMost awkward man-hug-kiss in the history of  presidential man-hug-kisses

I’m pretty sure the best is yet to come for you.

pajama boy jay carney

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and @Standlow, @GingerMarple, @ValCSilver on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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