Monday, January 4, 2016

You Keep Using That Word But I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means

Anyone else confused by the dual use of the acronym “BLM”? One minute it refers to the #BLM group, intimidating and harassing citizens minding their own business at a mall or shopping district near you.


The next, we’re talking about the U.S. government’s Bureau of Land Management harassing and intimidating citizens minding their own business on their own property. 

hammond fam

Oh! Now I get it! Not all terrorists are the same.

Some are dangerous:


And some are not:


Some fires are started by terrorists:

hammond ranch fireControlled range burn – unauthorized by BLM

Because if you accidently harm federal land, that’s a felony.

And some fires are started by SJW:

Ferguson-shooting-Re-LUncontrolled city burning – authorized by #BLM

Butt if you purposely set fire to privately owned properties, that’s understandable, because - white hegemony!

Because thugs who are burning down cities and taking over campuses are just disenfranchised yutes who need more free stuff, and hard working ranchers trying to eke out a living the old fashioned way are terrorists.

Let the record reflect that the Hammond family does not necessarily support the armed militia takeover of the Malhuer National Wildlife Refuge. And even though the Hammonds are going to voluntarily report to jail today to serve out their term, this isn’t going to end well.

Full Facts On Hammond Case HERE

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Is This Video Responsible for Increased Tensions in the Middle East?

I see they’re at it again in Tehran; what is it with the Middle East and firebombing embassies?

Iran's supreme leader said on Sunday that Saudi Arabia will face "divine revenge" for executing a top Shia cleric whose death sparked protests in which the kingdom's embassy in Tehran was firebombed.Telegraph

Meanwhile Barry and Company wrapped up the last day of their vacation by playing a little golf,


Going to the zoo,

obamasCome on people, don’t tell me you don’t see the resemblence between Pater and Filia

and going out to dinner at Buzz’s Lanikai Steak House before heading home for a little well earned rest and recreation. Big Guy didn’t comment on the Iranian seizure of the embassy as he was busy packing, butt spokesmouth Ben Rhodes advised:

In Hawaii, where President Barack Obama is on vacation with his family, White House deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said the administration has urged the Saudis to show restraint regarding respect for human rights.

“We broadly I think have concerns about human rights issues in Saudi Arabia, and again we also would like to see steps taken by Saudi Arabia and other countries to reduce sectarian tensions in the region," Rhodes said – Reuters

Funny, the White House didn’t seem too concerned about human rights - broadly or otherwise -  when the Iranian Freedom Fighters took to the streets in 2009. Nor did they worry much about “steps taken to reduce sectarian tensions in the region” while they stoked the flames of the Arab Spring which brought about waves of riots and civil wars and ultimately resulted in the ouster of leaders in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya (see then Secretary of State explain how concerned we were about reducing sectarian tensions:)

and Yemen.

Anyway, I was just wondering if this concurrent butt seemingly random act of violence in Brussels was related to the spontaneous Iranian embassy protest in any way:

Yutes hurl what passes for a car in Europe down a flight of stairs into a mass transit (the preferred method of travel) station.

Quick Quiz:

Q. How can you tell the “yutes” who pushed this car down a set of stairs were home-grown hoodlums and not Muslim immigrants?

A. There was nobody in it. 

Is that Black humor? A a micro-aggression? Cultural appropriation? I don’t care, I still think it’s funny.

Anyway, I guess the car-hurling was just an act of civil disobedience protesting man-made global warming and supporting a world-wide carbon tax - which in turn will reduce sectarian tensions in the Middle East. Or something.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Trumping Hillary

Based on all your tales from the dark side of the holidays I’ve concluded that Trump will make the perfect Republican presidential nominee:  a candidate that drives Progs batsh**t crazy by the mere mention of his name - just like Bush! (This is an odd thing, given The Donald’s history of engaging in Bush Derangement Syndome (BDS)1 himself).

If the GOP just went with Jeb! the Progs could just revive all of the original sloganeering for BDS:


Butt it seems they will migrate to Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) quite readily.

trump head pinata

So as we contemplate what new scandal might blow the whole thing apart – perhaps something contained in an as yet unreleased email chain – what say we relax and engage in a little early 2016 Trumping Hillary therapy?

The therapy sessions are easy: it requires no previous knowledge, has no rules and the objective is unclear – just like the Obama/Clinton foreign policy.

For relief at any time, here’s all you have to do:

  • Navigate to my permanent Hillary Therapy Clinic (it's over there -–> in my sidebar)
  • Watch Hillary free fall, banging into and bouncing off The Donald bumpers to your hearts’ content
  • When Hillary lands in a crevasse and stops falling, just grab her by the head, butt or pantsuit with your mouse and push, pull or squeeze her over, under or through the bumpers. She’ll even fit through invisible cracks! I know – hard to believe!
  • At any time if you feel the need you can increase the efficacy of the treatment session by grabbing Hilz in mid-fall with your mouse and flinging her wherever you want! She’ll just keep falling.

No prescription is required and treatment will be available whenever you need it. Go ahead, give my customized Hillary - "What does 'fubar' mean?" - Therapy® session a go and see how much better you feel almost instantly.

Remember: you can’t fix stupid, butt you can fling it around


1 “The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the

presidency—nay—the very existence of George W. Bush.” – Charles Krauthammer

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and iOWNTHEWORLDREPORT, and The Right Reason, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Friday, January 1, 2016

It’s 2016: Let’s Make America Great Again.

Happy New Year MOTI!


We’ve made it to 2016 and I’m confident we can make it to 2017 as well. And because it’s January 1st, I take the opportunity to post this list of resolutions that a friend sent me back in the 70’s. You remember the 70’s; kind of like the current decade: bad economy, incompetent President, Iran holding us hostage. Except we were young then - invulnerable, quick on the rebound, anxious to get on with our lives. Now that we’re not so young, considerably more vulnerable and a bit slower on the rebound and have lived a good part of our lives these resolutions seem even more prudent.

And even though I adopt them anew each January 1, I forget half of them by March and the rest by June. So one more time…



No one every gets out of this world alive.  Resolve, therefore, to maintain a sense of values.



Take care of yourself.  Good health is everyone's major source of wealth.  Without it, happiness is virtually impossible.


bo gym


Resolve to be cheerful and helpful.  People will repay in kind.


bo told you so

Avoid zealots.  They are generally humorless.


bo hitler


Resolve to listen more and talk less.  No one ever learns anything by talking.


gazing on teh Won

Be wary of giving advice.  Wise men don't need it, and fools won't heed it.



Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and wrong.  Sometime in your life you will have been all of these.



Do not equate money with success.  The world abounds with big money makers who are miserable failures as human beings.  What counts most about success is how a person achieves it.

2FA43C1400000578-3375890-image-a-1_1451307688255Choice A: Happy Family. Made money the new age way, graft, grift and giving speeches.

la-donald-trump-poses-with-family-after-candidacy-announcement-20150616Choice B: Happy Family. Made money the old fashioned way, he earned it.

Maybe if we made all of our elected leaders adopt the above resolutions we really could make America great again.


Or at least avoid another O.B.A.M.A.


Happy New Year! May 2016 make America great again.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Filtering the Internet so you don’t have to: 2016 is SO 1984 all over again.

I see that Google Chrome is introducing a Trump filter which allows you to enjoy a Trump-free internet. I’m not sure what the price-point is for this feature butt I’m sure it will be worth it to people who won’t be voting for The Donald anyway and just don’t want to be bothered.

trump filterI believe this “feature” is known as a “trial run” in government circles.

Butt if they want to sell more of these “featured filters” they should so have a conversation with some of their other stakeholders.

For example, if they could come up with some filters that would guard against people who regularly break the internet they might have something worth calling a presser to announce. I understand why an Obama-free filter for the duration of the occupation would prove to be problematic just try to walk that back after it slipped out; that would so be a micro-aggression.

Butt there are a few other filters that I think could be a commercial success; for example, what would you be willing to pay for a Kardashian filter?


Especially if there was an optional enhanced version that included filters of anyone associated with the K’s either by marriage, divorce or political affiliation. I think with that secret sauce thrown on it would sail right past the PC gatekeepers.


And if we could get a filter that would zap all the man-spreading going around the intertoobs I’d sure sign on, wouldn’t you?

Screen Capture #052Man-spreading, Obama style

I mean, it’s not so much the space as it is the physicality:

caitlyn-jenner-2Whew! That Caitlyn person is sure giving me life!

Anyway, speaking of filters and bans, I see Michigan’s Upper Penninsula Lake Superior State University has released it’s annual 2016 banned words list. So, try not to use them any more, ok? Here they are:

so, conversation, price point, problematic, stakeholder, secret sauce, break the internet, walk it back, presser, man-spreading, vape, giving me life, physicality.

I skipped “vape” because there seems to be some controversy: while Lake Superior State banned it, the Oxford dictionary just named it “word of the year” so you’re on your own with this one.

11055710_806688242754759_275417770_nAll you need is a pen and an e-cig


Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Hoverboard: The New Weapon of Mass Destruction

Did you get a Hooverboard for Christmas? Me neither. Butt they sure look like fun! And if you don’t believe me, ask Santa – hint: don’t run into immoveable objects.

Or Darth Vader – can you not take a hint?

Or even Mike Tyson – hint: stay on the hard surfaces.

“Everybody’s got a plan...”

So here’s your chance: who would you like to see crowned as this year’s hoverboard fail champion? My first choice is obvious: fit, trim, athletically gifted and blessed with enough “packaging” to prevent severe injury in the event of an unplanned landing.

mo hoverboard2_thumb[1]

My first runner-up pick gets tougher though because in the event Lady M is unable to fulfill her responsibilites as Hoverboard queen, the runner up will assume the title. So given that I think I’ll go with the other Michael, although he got his hoverboard with the optional big boy tires, handles and seat. Butt due to mandatory handicapped accomodations, he still qualifies.

michael moore segway copy_thumb[1]

Or maybe you want to take a hoverboard for a spin yourself. If so, better do it quickly because not only have they been known to spontaneously combust,


butt they are also being deployed as weapons of mass destruction in certain parts of the world. Once Homeland Security catches on to their nefarious uses, they’ll be banned.

Achmed does a test run on his suicide hoverboard.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Little Man, Big Head

In case there’s anyone who still thinks Rahm willingly left Big Guy’s employ as Chief of Staff to spend more time with his Chicago family: Al Sharpton, Barry’s go-to-man on race just called for Emanuel’s resignation. That should clarify the break up once and for all.

luv ya broI love you bro, butt it’s time to go.

Yes, it’s true; the one time street agitator who was single handedly responsible for destroying the reputation of an innocent NY prosecuter by falsely accusing him of raping Tawana Brawley,

rev al sharpton -Tawana-Brawley-1

of instigating a riot against white owned Freddie’s Fashion Mart, resulting in the death of 8 people,

sharpton fashion mart

who stoked black rage after a Hasidic Jewish driver accidentally killed a young boy with his car and at the funeral railed against “Jewish diamond merchants” who “run down young boys” heights

  is now the country’s most important black leader.

So it was only a matter of time before Big Al and Big Guy would form a mutually beneficial admiration society to fundamentally transform America.

“He’s calculating ... he gets the game.” Sharpton recently told an associate when asked about why he’s bonded with Obama. Politico


Naturally The Rev would be the designated hitter to take Rahm out of the game and get Big Guy’s hometown back in the fold before the next election. And so he was dispatched to  "Morning Joe"  to opine that “I've never seen this kind of detachment in the years I've been fighting…”

obama-makes-statement-on-james-foley-isis-beheading-rushes-play-golf-marthas-vineyardReally, Al? 

So let’s just say that the former street agitator - the little man with a big head whose power reflects an inverse relationship to his abilities – will continue to rule the roost for at least another year.

USA NEW YORK OBAMA NATIONAL ACTION NETWORKLittle man, big head; your choice

P.S. Many thanks to Doug Ross – we’re all winners on this bus!

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

And The Winner Is...Us!

That’s right, we won!  Michelle’s Mirror wins Doug Ross’ Fabulous 50 Blog Award for 2015:

BEST FIRST LADY BLOG: Michelle's Mirror: nothing butt the naked truth behind FLOTUS with the best comments section east of the Mississippi

fab50-winner2300“best comment section east of the Mississippi.”

“These awards recognize a variety of blogs and websites operating in the conservative hemisphere of the Internet, all of which have worked tirelessly to promote conservatism, free market capitalism, fiscal sanity, the sovereignty of the individual, and otherwise protect America from the cockroach-like Statists -- some in very unique ways.”

I know every MOTI has already been to Larwyn’s Linx and Doug Ross @ Journal this morning, so you know that all your favorite blogs and websites are winners. Butt go back again and visit every winner’s site. Bookmark them all in your handy Freedom Fighters folder.

So MOTI, MOLs, MODs. MYLs, MYDs and FOMs, bask in the glory of this award today, you earned it. Tomorrow we start again, because we’ve got a long, hard slog ahead of us in 2016.