Saturday, August 6, 2016


What a week; state dinner Tuesday, Barry’s birthday dinner at Fiola Mare on Thursday, and then - last night! Birthday Lollapalooza! We rolled up the carpets and everyone boogied down till the sun came up. And while there was no sit-down dinner, don’t worry; there were enough “snacks” to feed all the starving children in America as well as the rest of the world - for a year. Butt as you know, no pictures. The most transparent administration ever is wrapping up their last year the same way they started: no outsiders, no photographers, no press, and no social media (!?!).

The party list consisted exclusively of fatally hip, terminally cool, rich kids on the block. They hung out all night drinking, blowing, eating, dancing and speaking ill of Republicans in general and Donald Trump in particular. Cleanup is going to be horrendous butt fortunately the help will have 2 whole weeks to handle it as the Wons will be off to Martha’s Exclusive Enclave for 2 weeks as of today.

So, as I have no new photos of the Spectacular Won’s 55th spectacular birthday party, I’m presenting one last shot at Tuesday’s hot mess. It comes my way via Gerard who ransacks the internet every day in order to enlighten and entertain us with life’s highs and oh-so lows. He emailed this gem yesterday: Everything Wrong With America, In A Photo


WOMAN: Hulking, sullen, traps that could stuff an NFL running back.

MAN: Effete beta, deferential to his wife, smug libfag smirk because he’s proud of himself for signaling his male feminist bona fides. (“Ladies and gentleman…my beard! I wouldn’t be where I am today without, her.”)

If that offends, you certainly don’t want to click on the link as the Obama’s represent just a few of the genders they really don’t like that much over there. Although it does sum up the whole surly mess we call “the Wons” rather succinctly. Let’s just hope they move their entertainment empire venue on to New York or Hollywood real soon.

mo betta entertainment

MO-BETTA Entertainment for Amerika since 2009.

Linked By: American Digest, and Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Friday, August 5, 2016

The Audacity of Coincidence

The man who assured us that “if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor” and “there was not even a smidgen of corruption” involved in the IRS scandal now tells us that the $400 million pallet of cash delivered to Tehran on the same day the hostages were released was merely a coincidence. Even though the hostages waited at the airport all night for the plane carrying the non-ransom to arrive.  Because “we do not pay ransom for hostages.”

ransom“Abedini said he and the others waited a full night in the airport. According to police, they were waiting for another plane to arrive.”

So I stand corrected; apparently there is such a thing as a coincidence.

obama coincidence“The Audacity of Coincidence”

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Thursday, August 4, 2016

“That’s what sustained me in my time of trouble.”

Following Barry’s lead, French President Hollande has come down firmly in the anti-Trump camp. He finds The Donald’s "hurtful and humiliating comments" to be retch worthy. Which is perhaps not all that significant as the French are known for their delicate constitution, having come by the somewhat disparaging “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” appellation the old fashioned way - they earned it.

french cheese eating surrender monkeys

All I know is if it comes down to a knife fight between the erudite, cunning François Hollande and the man who wants to make America great again, I’m going with The Donald. I get the impression that Hollande is one of those guys who learned the rules to the rigged system a long while ago and follows them assiduously.


And Trump, who also learned the rules early on, is equally tenacious in his refusal to adhere to them. That tends to throw his enemies off their game.

He’s sort of a Butch Cassidy type (h/t Hillaryis44):

And for all those fair-weather soldiers who continue to support The Donald only when he follows the rules of the enemy’s game, Mr. Trump would like to Tweet the following message - “That’s what sustained me in my time of trouble” by way of appreciation.

mouse-has-cheese1-1bf8sfxToday’s post sponsored by François, the cheese eating surrender mouse: because MOTUS has a ban on simian references.

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

What Not To Wear, Ever. Episode 2751

Another whimsical notion from the unflinching Daily Mail, this time regarding the frock Lady M chose for last night’s state dinner honoring Singapore:

We're going to file this one under: BREATHTAKING.

Michelle Obama stole the show at this evening's state dinner wearing a strapless gown that folded over at the neckline and cinched in her waist before it elegantly fell to the floor with its splendid statement cape.

Would we expect anything less from the First Lady of Style? [ed.I couldn’t have put it better myself]

custom contstructed brandon maxell

[ed. Does anyone other than me think this “folded over at the neckline” look is a bit derivative of Mary Tyler Moore’s costume in Change of Habit?]

mary tyler moore

In typical Michelle Obama fashion, she chose an up and coming designer for this evening's stunning custom-made look by Brandon Maxwell. With a penchant for dramatic silhouettes,

side view of the construction - Copy


trailing glory - Copy

and exquisite tailoring,

back view - Copy

Maxwell has made a name for himself in the fashion world by creating some (of) Lady Gaga's most memorable costumes and red-carpet ensembles.

Oh yes, trust me; it could have been much worse.

lady gaga on stageFrom Lady Gaga to FLOTUS in 7 short years: amazing!

And the Butani diamond earrings looked nice with the “dramatic smokey eye” and pink lips.


I’m sure Singapore was impressed.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Now Where Did I Put That Plumber’s Putty?

What if it’s true; what if the NSA has copies of all Hillary’s missing emails? And why wouldn’t they? They have copies of everyone else’s.

Still, no reason to get excited, everyone knows they were all about yoga.

 hillary does yoga

So can we just get back to talking about how Trump disses Muslims and doesn’t have a chance against St. Hillary? And stop worrying about all those leak rumors; they have been grossly exaggerated. Nothing a little plumbers putty won’t fix.


We just need to find ourselves a few plumbers.

watergate plumbers

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Monday, August 1, 2016

The 4 Pinocchios and the Woman Who Won Them

Hillary, lying her way through Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace:

chris and hill

Chris Wallace: Madame Secretary, are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Part?

Secretary Clinton: WTF! I was told there would be no geo-political questions.




The Washington Post awarded her Fox News Sunday performance the full 4 Pinocchios, which surprised no one. As some wag noted they should start calling them “Hillarys” from now on.

4 hillarys pinocchio

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Face Freeze

calvin face freeze

Let’s just reflect a moment on Hillary’s likeness as portrayed by Hollywood makeup artists -

hillary face on a stickHow they want us to see Hillary

Vs. the “real” Hillary face, or at least as real as it can be after a couple of face lifts and unlimited use of Botox and fillers.

hillary getty The “real” face of Hillary at a rally in Pennsylvania on Friday, July 29

Wow! She could easily pass for 10 years older than her 68 years. Don’t worry though, the only one you’ll ever see is this version, shot by the MSM’s professional photographers who are prone to soften her image with unfocused lenses, softened lighting and, when necessary, photoshopping:

hillary softened

So stop demanding Hillary’s medical records and just take the media’s word for it, she’s healthy and vibrant!

Oh, and don’t forget; today is the last day of National Hot Dog Month! Stick a fork in it.

hillary hot dog

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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Saturday, July 30, 2016

A Tale of Weebles and Bobble-Heads: Not My Circus, Not My Monkey

What a long, hot, contentious week this has been. Never have I been quite so happy to say:

circus poster

So I make no attempt to explain. I shall simply illustrate.

First, the star monkey as a Weeble (I suspect this is a microaggresion) in blue:


…and again, in white (I know this is mircoaggresion; apologies in advance and I better throw in a trigger warning as well):


And next, our star monkey as a Bobble-head (again, trigger warning and apologies for the microaggresion) doll:

DEM 2016 Convention

And as a real-live bobble-head:

Step right up! See the only living Bobble-head running for President!

The Democrats have a really big tent

circus tent

so I suspect the turnout will be high and the various circus acts stellar.

weeble circus tent and cannonsLadies and gentleman! The human cannon ball!

Butt, like I said: not my circus,

vintage weeble wooble clown

not my monkey.

weeblesque clownHave a nice day.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

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