Welcome to Rabbit Hole Wednesday. This week we explore how neo-Nazis came to be known to the Deep State Media (DSM) as ‘alt-right’. Any mediocre student of history would recognize this 1984, rabbit hole-ish misnomer for the fallacy it is. The movement that called itself the national socialist party has been previously debunked as a right wing phenomenon. But since that’s not enough for the DSM let’s hear from Hitler himself:
“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions” – Adolf Hitler, May 1, 1927.
Nevertheless, DSM has determined that neo-Nazis should be labeled “far right” simply for being fascist, and everyone knows that fascists are bad so it is pretty easy to slip down this particular rabbit hole. And nobody should be surprised, once they slip down, to discover that the Left’s tea party is still being hosted by the Mad Hatter of Chicago.
Raised by Marxists, matriculated in social justice and steeped in a bath of Alinsky.
It may be helpful to note that in the rabbit hole, just like above ground, appeasement never works. Case in point: PDJT’s Saturday statement regarding the violence in Charlottesville. Calling out all the wacko violence on both sides was not satisfactory for the DSM. They demanded that the President specifically condemn the neo-Nazi’s. So he did. But that wasn’t satisfactory either; now they are demanding Steve Bannon's head, along with Sebastian Gorka’s and Steve Miller’s for the crime of being alt-right (as determined and branded by the DSM).
As the great Rush-bo first pointed out decades ago, the Left will always tell you who they fear most as that’s who they will attack most ferociously. Have we ever seen DSM go after the likes of a Ryan, McConnell, McCain? Of course not, they always crumble and grovel when accused of anything by DSM. But Bannon, Gorka and Miller? They annihilate both their opponents and their spokesmouths - generally one and the same in the rabbit hole – at every confrontation.

Therefore they must go. Here’s a recap of the entire Charlottesville rabbit hole episode in two tweets.


And that’s it from the rabbit hole this week.
Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!