Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Truth Is Out There

My only love sprung from my only hate!
Too early seen unknown, and known too late!
- Romeo and Juliet: Act I, scene V

The truth is out there but you’ll have to ferret it out on you own. The Left is too busy using the tragedy in Parkland to woo voters, raise money and castigate their opponents again as knuckle-dragging Neanderthals hauling 21st century “assault” weapons around.

Among the whoppers that have already been debunked: 1. that Nikolas Cruz was a white nationalist, 2. this was the 18th school shooting in the U.S. this yeara claim so bogus it deserves the WaPo’s full 4 Pinocchio rating.for finnochios Pinochio1

Meanwhile, over on the Russian Front, Mueller’s  “13 Russians indicted for election meddling” certainly isn’t the story the Left was hoping for. And despite assurances that “there is no allegation in the indictment that any American was a knowing participant in the alleged unlawful activity,” (I guess that lets the media off the hook) don’t expect the Left to abandon their belief - and hope - that Trump was behind this heinous “Russian Collusion” that “didn’t effect the election.”

Consider it their own personal triumph of hope over fate; they are congenitally incapable of admitting they are wrong. Especially when it comes to Trump’s victory over their Chosen One, Clinton. All of which brings to mind Samuel Johnson’s astute observation on the human spirit:

“Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.”


Advice to my friends on the Left: vet your own candidate a little better instead of lying about ours. The truth is out there and we are hell-bent this time around to expose it.

If circumstances lead me, I will find where truth is hid, though it were hid indeed within the centre. – Hamlet: Act 2, scene 2

Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Friday, February 16, 2018

FLOTUS Friday: Post-Valentine Edition

It’s been a long week and I think we could all use a palate cleanser. How about FLOTUS visiting sick children at the National Institute of Health to pass out Valentines and make cookies?

melania valentine nis4melania valentines180214202548-melania-valentines---5-exlarge-169

The media coverage was predictable, as usual:

Melania Trump was feeling the love on Valentine's Day in $2,995 Calvin Klein look. [Imagine that, wife of billionaire wears designer coat.]

Melania Trump Spends Valentine's Day with Ill Kids as Husband's Lawyer Admits He Paid Off Porn Star. [Guess what? We still don’t care.]

And my personal favorite:

Twitter calls her out for not wishing her husband a happy Valentine's Day.

Because it’s now considered “normal” for the White Houses occupants to send syrupy, publicist written, made-for-public-consumption Valentines to each other? Since when? Oh yeah, since Obama.

I heart grimacesBO and MO, sporting their Valentine’s Day grimaces, demonstrate how it should be done.

In sharp contrast, Barack and Michelle Obama both shared sweet messages to one another in honor of Valentine's Day.

Oh yeah, now I remember: the Obamas used to mess traffic up in D.C. in order to go out for a romantic Valentine’s dinner before jetting off for separate but equal expensive vacations.

I guess some world leaders just naturally take direction from former world leaders better than others:

4938D0AA00000578-5392931-Canadian_Prime_Minister_Justin_Trudeau_valentineJustiefek (H/T JettieG) weighs in

VSGPDJT did receive a lot of Valentines from his fans, but his favorite is the one he got from the media – it’s the same one they sent last year.

calvin valentines“Dear President Trump, I hate you. Drop dead.” Sincerely, the Fake News Media

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

A Fish Tail

Another big one that got away: like many before him, yesterday’s killer was “known to the FBI.”

Last fall, a Mississippi bail bondsman and frequent YouTube vlogger noticed an alarming comment left on one of his videos. "I'm going to be a professional school shooter," said a user named Nikolas Cruz.

The YouTuber, 36-year-old Ben Bennight, alerted the FBI, emailing a screenshot of the comment to the bureau's tips account…

Agents with the bureau's Mississippi field office got back to him "immediately," Bennight said, and conducted an in-person interview the following day, on Sept. 25. – BuzzFeed

I can only assume that the organization was too busy with their ongoing investigation into Trump’s Russian collusion to pursue this certifiable maniac.

But enough, I leave it to the 24/7 media to pursue this “gun crime” and bring the weapons to justice. Let’s focus instead on some good news - here we are only the second day of Lent and we already have one bona fide miracle:

Now available for Lent: the Chick-fil-A Fish- fil- A, guaranteed 100% meat free. And that’s a real fish tail.


Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine’s Day

Is Valentine’s Day not the best made-up holiday ever? It’s a fake holiday for lovers: lovers of flowers, chocolates, puppies…no matter who or what you love there’s something for everyone.


Puppies:heart nose

Flower Puppies:valentine-flower-arrangements-ideas-30de907ef359dbe97c9929eb5e2e4597-valentines-flowers-valentines-day



Chocolate Puppies:


And even lovers of sentimental thoughts: funny-valentines-day-cards-o-facebook-astonishing-picture-inspirations-valentine-honest-for-couples-with-an-unusualbcb41d623ac3d4cf680a866238c75a87--valentine-poems-valentine-craftsroses are red

But if you still can’t think of a reason to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day, tell me this isn’t reason enough?

muslim valentines

Now get out there, wear your heart on your butt,

heart on my butt

and have yourself a merry little holiday…with chocolate. Regardless of it’s race, color, sex or national origin.


Sure it’s messy, but what have you got to lose?

1423664464--264_Chocolate_Fondue_1 It’s all good.

And I know it’s Ash Wednesday but I’m hoping God will understand just this one time. After all, I didn’t invent chocolate.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Groundbreaking and Very Modern

Secrets revealed about the official Obama Portraits:

First: It was an unfortunate coincidence that the portraits were revealed the same week as the Westminster Dog Show.

Second: They were not the first portraits done of the former First POTUS and FLOTUS. Initially Amy Sherald did a magical portrait of Barack. It was very groundbreaking. And modern.

amy sherald mostly in her headIt was titled “It made sense…mostly in zer mind.” 

And Kahinde Wylie plied his talents on the portrait of Michelle, working title, “The Beard.” Also groundbreaking.


However upon review it was determined that switching the artists out with each other would produce a better final product for the National Portrait Gallery, even thought they wouldn’t be quite as modern, or groundbreaking.

Third: That hot air balloon MO is wearing in her official portrait was actually a made to order designer gown.

[Michelle Obama] is captured in a halter gown printed with geometric shapes. The dress was a bespoke creation from American designer Michelle Smith of the label Milly, based on a look from her Spring 2017 collection.

00-story-MO-Dress-final“The dress also reveals her arms, which I believe is groundbreaking and very modern for a portrait of the First Lady.”

Fourth: Much to my surprise, Michelle Obama still has a stylist on staff!

[Smith] worked on the project alongside Obama’s stylist Meredith Koop. Smith says it was meant to be “a dress that Mrs. Obama could wear in her everyday life, as well as in this iconic portrait.” “It’s made of a stretch cotton poplin print in a clean, minimal, geometric print without a reference to anything past or nostalgic, which gives the dress a very forward-thinking sensibility—this is very Michelle Obama.” [and very modern]

Very Michelle” - I would say so. Butt you don’t think this sense of style comes naturally do you?

michelle-obama4MO and BO, stylin’ in Tuscany, May 2017

Fifth: - and this is important - it could have been worse.

kehinde5Barack, as envisioned by Kehinde Wiley as our #1 savior. And he did it all “according to the book.” Although I doubt we’re talking about the Good Book.

So I hope everyone enjoys Fat Tuesday, or as it’s known in Detroit, paczkis (poonch keys) day.  You will have 6 long weeks of Lent to do penance.


Linked By: BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Olympic Apparatchiks

North Korea Judged Winner of Diplomatic Gold at Olympics! – Reuters

kim jong un rocketman

I understand the American media’s fawning over North Korea’s cynical Olympic “unification” overtures. They really can’t help themselves – the media’s always been a sucker for a certain “type” and they fall for the same guy time and time again. 

Lenin_CHANGE_posterStalin_Changeobama-hope-poster-taupeHow can you not recognise mao zedong _082f8f3c39542ef515c2ab31cc52f7f1

che_revolution_poster_hopefidel castro hopehugo hopeObama_Poster_Cowbell

So naturally they are willing to overlook Rocketman’s past atrocities, assume that he’s changed his bad-boy ways and is well on his way to winning the Nobel Peace Price. The chemistry was just too much to resist.

Still, Fangirling a guy who runs a repressive regime, starves his people to death and threatens nuclear annihilation seems a bit extreme - even if you are doing it to bash the Trump Administration. Seriously media: there are limits to “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” strategy. You might want to go back to the play book and search for a tactic that doesn’t make you look like such a bunch of apparatchiks.

kim jung un nuke

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Death of Oil Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

solar energy obama styleThe proclamation of solar power’s dominance may have been a bit premature

Meanwhile, in the Oil-ympics, Team USA is currently looking strong: US sells oil to the Middle East as surging domestic production puts America on pace to rival Russia and Saudi as world's top energy producer.

In 2013, the US shipped just over 100,000 barrels a day.

This past November, American firms exported 1.53 million barrels a day.

The US now exports up to 1.7 million barrels per day of crude, and this year will have the capacity to export 3.8 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas.

Terminals conceived for importing liquefied natural gas have now been overhauled to allow exports.

As Reuters reported last month:

Surging shale production is poised to push US oil output to more than 10 million barrels per day - toppling a record set in 1970 and crossing a threshold few could have imagined even a decade ago.

Least of the “few [who] could have imagined,[it] even a decade ago” would have been Barack Hussein Obama, our President for 8 years of that decade of diminishing expectations. He spent his tenure establishing bans on drilling, implementing regulatory roadblocks, and trying to eliminated tax breaks for oil production while giving huge tax credits for wind and solar powered projects.

bo wind and solarThe sun, the wind and the star behind America’s alternate energy plan

Every time he pulled out his favorite trope - “we can’t just drill our way out the energy and climate challenge that we face” - he explained quite simply how the self-fulfilling prophecy works.

Like much of the Obama legacy that particularly pernicious policy of self-destruction is now being reversed. It turns out we can indeed drill our way out of a self-imposed energy crisis. In fact, if you are dedicated to Making America Great Again there is very little you can’t do. Regardless of the roadblocks thrown up around you.

161110102302-trump-oil-pumps-780x439Hold my coat, I’m going to Make America Great Again

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Saturday, February 10, 2018

If Everything’s Racist Say “Thank You Obama!”

It’s been less than a week and I’ve already found something else the SJWs have ruined: the Olympics.

It seems there was a bit of a kerfuffle over who would carry the flag for Team USA in the opening ceremony. The honor is determined by a vote of the the eight American winter sports federations that participate in the Olympics. This year their vote split 4-4 for Erin Hamlin (female, white) and Shani Davis (male, black). In the event of a tie the US Olympic committee has previously established a procedure whereby the designated flag bearer is determined by the flip of a coin, generally considered a fair and unbiased way to settle such things. Hamlin won the toss, end of story, right?

Wrong, not if the loser is a black male who thinks his story - growing up on the streets of Chicago and dealing with the teasing of his friends to train as a competitive speed skater to become the first African-American to make the U.S. speedskating team and the first black Winter Olympian to win an individual Winter Olympic gold medal (Turin,  2006) - is better than Erin’s story – whatever it may be. She may be a girl but she’s a girl born into white privilege. In other words, she didn’t really do that by herself; somebody else did that for her.

Now that’s not exactly the way Shani put it,


but that’s exactly what he meant. He thought he deserved the honor more than Erin because of his skin color and the story it bears. To not recognize that is “dishonorable.” Oh, and it’s Black History month!

racist coin toss

In order to register his objections to the unfairness of this coin toss decision he skipped the opening ceremony altogether, saying he never intended to attend any way as it conflicted with this training schedule. So either he intended to show up simply to carry the flag and then go home to bed or the whole thing is a moot point.

And just when you think it can’t get much worse than that none other than Jesse Jackson, the man who practically invented race baiting politics, jumped into the fray:

jesse jacksonBecause coin tossing is racist. Or something.

The old SJW is accustomed  to organizations and corporations saying “how high” when he calls for them to jump so I suspect Team USA will immediately revise this racist coin toss policy. Never again will a black man suffer a humiliating loss to a white girl, be forced to issue an angry tweet, skip the opening ceremony and scream “racist!” from afar into a packed arena.

“To paraphrase Jon Gabriel’s classic tweet about the Obama era, my favorite part about the Olympics is all the racial healing.” Ed Driscoll

Next time instead of using a coin to settle the tie, they will use a card.


File this post under “If everything’s racist, well, thank you, Obama!”

Linked By: American Digest, and Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!