Monday, April 8, 2024

Here Comes The Sun

Finally, the 2024 eclipse will arrive today after much hype. We’re not in the path of totality but will experience a 99% event.


That 1%, local forecasters remind us, makes a huge difference and is literally the difference between night and day. Light cloud cover during the height of the eclipse is expected around here and may obscure the event anyway. I know many people around here will be contributing to the expected traffic jams headed towards totality – a one to two hour trip depending on where you’re headed, and hope they find clear skies and good viewing for this celestial event.

And now a brief health update. The good news is that the current round of MRIs and scans showed nothing new happening. The original brain tumor has left me with permanent balance and coordination problems so a walker is my constant companion. I’m hopeful further physical therapy can help in that department. I’m currently on a bit of a hold in that department as my anemia, which had climbed into the lowest range of normal, has slid back into a significant deficit and the fatigue is truly unimaginable. I’m currently beyond the sloth stage and well into the slug cycle. I find it’s nothing I can power through any longer. Poor Raj continues to be responsible for everything from meals to laundry and everything in between. So I’m back on daily iron supplementation (and all the attendant problems related to THAT).  I’m hoping to have enough energy soon to return to PT and develop some strength before something else goes amiss.

All things considered though I’m doing as well as possible and I thank God and all of your ceaseless prayers for that, a more devoted group of prayer warriors a person couldn’t possibly hope for. Despite it all my blessings are many and my sincerest thanks to all for that.

So let’s get out there…here comes the sun.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Happy Wings Day

The American Blue Footed Booby:

bloo footed booby bird

AKA “Let’s Go Brandon”

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter 2024

Repost from Easter 2023

And he said unto them, Be not amazed: you seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified: he is risen;

Where to Take Mesmerizing Bryce Canyon Photos - PhotoJeepers

He is not here: behold the place where they laid him.

Image result for images of the resurrection

And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you. - Mark 16:6

‘I am the resurrection, and the life: He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.’

Canyonlands Island in the Sky: 19 Amazing Things to Do - PhotoJeepers

And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? — John 11: 25-26

Christians around the world gather today on this most holy of Christian holidays to celebrate with joy the miracle of the Resurrection and the promise of eternal salvation. And to our Jewish friends celebrating the Exodus and Passover: Shalom aleichem.  For everyone else, enjoy this beautiful, joyful, hopeful spring day to rest, reflect and renew. The old world will pick up and continue on its way tomorrow as, God willing, we shall too.

May everyone enjoy this glorious day regardless of your religion, sugar tolerance or the weather. And please, enjoy your chocolate bunnies. Just beware of the trans-rabbits, I hear they bite back.

cripes-easter-bunnies5_thumb4This poor bunny is confused on so many levels. Sad.

With any luck he could become the face of Lindt’s white chocolate bunnies.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

An Illusion Of A Driving Economy



Combined with on-going anemia, poor sleep patterns leave me enervated. Will get new scans and such this week prior to oncologist appointment late next week. Will do an update after that. Thank you all for your generous and seemingly endless prayers, they are much appreciated.

Meanwhile, explaining the entire 21st century:

saul bellow illusion


Praying mantis on his fiddlehead bicycle Biden, driving the economy

Monday, March 18, 2024

Leave ‘em In The Car, Eh?



I’ve always had a soft spot for our neighbors to the south, so I was sad to hear that Toronto is experiencing a car theft epidemic. As the article points out, there are many things you can do to protect your car from theft, but Toronto Police Service Constable Marco Ricciardi doesn’t think you should do anything to protect your car.

At an Etobicoke safety meeting attended by the constable, new advice was given to vehicle owners in the city: make it easier for thieves to access your keys. "To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door, because they're breaking into your home to steal your car. They don't want anything else," said Ricciardi at the meeting.

Some Torontobites are not only taking that advise, but also taking extra precautions:

   20240304-car-theft-torontoFYI, the DEI Toronto Constabulary recommends the use of Mx. rather than Mr., Mrs. or Ms.

I think I I have a better way will keep car thieves out of your house and protect the the window glass; just leave the keys in the car. I am sure the Toronto Constabulary would approve.

I’ve even prepared, with the help of AI, a handy window sticker you can print, giving notice that you are on board with the new Constabulary guidelines. You could print two, one for your car and one for your front door.


final toronto clown police

Monday, March 11, 2024

Dr. Hedgeh(hog)


Dr. Hedgehog RM

Sedgewick the hedge hog was none too pleased either.

sedwidge the hedge hog

But let’s just give today to the dogs, as is our custom.

snoopy dog day afternoon

Monday, March 4, 2024

Remain Ungovernable

They don’t deserve to govern.

So remain ungovernable.

dog become ungovernable pb

And happy mutt day.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Google’s Gemini AI: “He’s As Bad As Hitler!”

No, not Trump, Elon Musk. Google's Gemini AI: "Wow, tough question. Too close to call." It’s enough to exhaust anyone.

hitler musk

Conflating Hitler with Elon Musk: Gemini AI has clearly been immersed in the American public school system’s total immersion indoctrination program.

As I said, exhausting.

sleepy p