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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query buckskin. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Healthy, Hungry Free and (Jack) Booted

After another busy day of sacrificin’ for the American people, Lady M still found time for the annual reading of The Night Before Christmas at the National Children’s Medical Center. We always dress down for this event, in order to avoid scaring the sick children.


So we went with our Christmassy brown J. Crew.

and her little dog bo Little Bo and Santa Make Anything Less Scary: butt Bo wonders why Santa’s thighs are smaller than Lady M’s.

Butt for the most important part of the day we chose a swoopy, front-loaded Azzedine Alaia jersey frock in mouse gray, supported by our super-secret containment  system. We paired it up with specially made camel colored buckskin boots and a plastic fantastic flower power brooch.

swoopydress Jersey: it hangs wherever you put it

Oh, and we brought Big Guy along for the official signing of Lady M’s No Fat Kids’ Behinds bill into law because Bill Clinton wasn’t available.

tongue and broochWhoops! Our containment system is making a break for it.

Now that it’s official, the SEIU and Big Food can start cashing in on the $4.5 billion provisions. And we can stop worrying about national security! Because apparently that’s taken care of by keeping sugary drinks and salty snacks out of vending machines. That’s why it was so important to “git ‘er done” according to WaPo:

"Had I not been able to get this bill passed, I would be sleeping on the couch," (the president) said.

The first lady, laughing, replied, "Let's just say it got done."

Lady M was a bit testy, because she pretty much had to “git ‘er done” on her own, because Big Guy was too busy having Bill Clinton cut the tax deal for him.

witchesWicked witches of the East and West were on hand for the signing

Normally Lady M’s high heeled boot-sox would have been the funkiest fashion forward leg covering in the room, but that always stylish Rep. Rosa DeLauro (who obviously reads my blog for fashion advice) really upstaged her this time.

witches buckskin

Rosa’s ruby legs and slippers, left, and MO’s buttah’ yellow buckskins

Normally this would have been a good day, butt then we hear about the idiot judge in Virginia who decided that our Obamacare plan was unconstitutional. UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Are you kidding me? WE decide what’s constitutional around here, not some silly judge.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Michelle named head cheerleader for 2012 WTF season: Wu-Hoo!

As announced in the NYT today, Lady M has a new role in our re-election campaign: Head Cheerleader. Yes! That’s right, head cheerleader. Something Lady M’s always dreamed of.

 Big Guy, Big Guy, He’s Our Man, if he can’t do it, no one can!

Give me a “B”!,  make that a “B+”!!

And the best thing about this new role? We’ll be needing a whole new wardrobe. For this assignment we’re hiring Lady M’s own personal head cheerleader and unpaid spokesperson, Jason Wu. Here are a few excerpts from a pre-game pep rally interview with Jason:

On why Lady M is one of his heroes:

She really is this amazing woman. When I asked her how she chose my dress, she just chose it because she liked it. The idea that she would choose a dress for such an important day based purely on instinct is quite brave, and such a great thing to hear. Without any other deciding factor, she decided on the dress because she liked it.

Because – particularly in Lady M’s case - choosing a dress based solely on your instincts really is brave.

            imagemore new hair1

What do you think of her style sense?

I think she has certainly made Washington a more fashionable place and really inspired working women who may have been afraid to dress up too much for work in fear of not being taken seriously.


                mo to NYCmo clowns around IOTW

Who wouldn’t take Lady M seriously? Seriously?

With her beautiful chic dresses and the figure-flattering things she wears with bare arms, it doesn't get in the way of the fact that she is a great first lady promoting some great causes and I think that is inspiring women all over the world to not be afraid to embrace their femininity.

 mo big bo

Nothing inspires femininity like a figure flattering big bow

On having his gown selected by Lady M for the inauguration:

It was really an amazing thing. I never thought that as a designer I would get to experience something of that magnitude. Because it is not only significant in my career, but it is also historically significant. I think that is something not every designer gets to do in their lifetime so I feel very proud of it.  


We’re all very proud. It’s historical.

What do we have to look forward too?

My spring collection was inspired by pop art. It's really a combination of two things. Haute couture techniques and pop art. They are two very different elements and I wanted to combine them in such a way where they seem at home with each other.


Oh dear! I think I know where this is headed.


Curse you, Andy Warhol

What makes your designs special?

I have really honed my craft and made these truly breathtaking, gravity-defying clothes



Some so gravity defying they actually take your breath away

Well, that’s all for now. I’ve got to run because we’re all busy getting in shape for the cheerleading  competition. We’ve got Two-A-Days scheduled now through January.

                jumpflying again



2012. WTF. Are you in?

H/T: Chickaboomer

Linked By: Jammie Wearing Fools, and Barack "I am the 1%" Obama on Business Insider, and Barracuda Brigade, Thanks!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Incoming!! All Available Boots on the Ground!

Kathleen Sebelius (aka Kathipotamus) is testifying on the Hill as I post.


So far, it looks like fun, although she looked a bit surprised to find out she was going to be sworn in; you know, “swear to tell the truth.” That always complicates matters.

I wonder if anyone’s going to ask her about Lady M’s friend’s who works for CGI? Or if anyone will dare mention the Valkarie’s son-in-law’s potential connection to the HHS contract?

Butt I tell you what – how about we just ignore all the hippopotamuses in the room:

hippos in the roomDems dancing at the Kathipotamus testimony

and check out this tantalizing squirrel instead: (h/t HuffPo)


“Those Obama girls are such trendsetters. On a trip to church on Sunday, Michelle Obama led her stylish brood in showing off some of the season's key looks.

FLOTUS and Sasha coordinated in shades of deep purple, and Michelle kept the hue current with a pair of black thigh-high boots. And Malia's statement-making coat offered a prime example of the grid-print trend we've been seeing all season.

We've seen plenty of stars like Hilary Duff, Miley Cyrus and Diane Kruger in sexy suede over-the-knee stompers... though we admit Michelle might make the shoes look the classiest. We've even seen FLOTUS rock the thigh-high height before, namely, on a trip to India back in 2010. (What a trendsetter!)”

“Trendsetter” indeed! Lady M’s been rockin’ boots, both tall and short, since 2009! Here’s just a teeny sampling from our previous boot-trendsetting years, in no particular order:

December 2011: Up Where the Air is Rare

Screenshot Studio capture #1436

Where we paired the hip boots up with a new style sheath dress, the shar pei:

shar pei_thumb[1]

November 2010: The Star of India has Arrived

mo boots3

Because housedresses, brown paper bags and black suede boot sox say “fashion forward” in Hindi.

December 2010: Historic Holiday Impressions

mo and giant santa

Because…well, because we can.

October 2012: These Boots Were Made For Walking

mo lucky boots

“Forward” and over the top!

December 2011: Jackboots, Silver Boots and Thigh-Highs

slim santa mo

Because every picture tells a story.

March 2012: Crouching Tigers, Hidden Dragons

Screenshot Studio capture #1435

These Tory Burches were made for gardening - with panache.

February 2012: St Valentine’s Day Massacre

mo boots

Seriously: mixed paisley print wrap dress and thigh-highs! Do we rock or what?

Well, I could go on

boots_thumb_thumb_thumbChamois soft buckskin: better than buttah’!

Butt all you really need to know is that all of Lady M’s thigh-high boots are custom made by a world famous boot maker who wishes to remain anonymous.

Mo's modified Clergerie_Boots-wm copy

And if Lady M’s totally, completely awesome fabulosity on the fashion front doesn’t completely divert your attention from the dancing Dems up on the Hill:

hippo dems questioning kathipotomous

Well then, there’s still this:

The White House will air a livestream of First Lady Michelle Obama's two Let's Move! events today beginning at 2:40 PM EDT, her office said.  Joined by Sesame Street characters, Mrs. Obama will make an announcement "about marketing healthier foods to children," which will be followed by the autumn harvest of her Kitchen Garden.

As Injainjuneer advised yesterday: the garden fairies have been here to restore our Organic Garden of Good and Evil after the Teahadists destroyed it during their anarchist uprising. So we’ll be proceeding with our annual harvest after all.

I better run and get my reflector and refractor shields warmed up. Who knows what MO will wear to this year’s sweet potato harvest?

michelle-obama-walking-garden_thumb[2]Jimmy Choos, on the march

I just HOPE it’s not those trendsetting brown suede over-the-thigh boots. They give a run for it’s money when it comes to holes, gaps and system errors.

Screenshot Studio capture #1437

And I know I’ll be accused of tossing out another squirrel to divert your attention from the dismal performance of Kathipotamus, butt hey, how often do you get a chance to use a picture of a squirrel in cowboy boots?

squirrell in boots…and packin’

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and Adrienne’s Corner, and Abby L Call, Helene Fagan Bidwell, Candace Crider, Clint Counts on facebook, and @Standlow, @kmcccomcastnet, @sharondmwilson, @Treatise on twitter, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network