Showing posts sorted by relevance for query debt ceiling. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query debt ceiling. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, July 14, 2011

“Call My Bluff, and the N-word gets it!”

The article started out well enough:

There’s no denying Michelle Obama has brought glamour to the White House. Not only has she mastered ladylike chic, she champions young designers and has a subtle approach  to fashion.

Butt then they go on to say something stupid like this:

… she’s tackled one of this season’s trickiest trends — colour blocking. In a palette of deep blue, sky blue, mauve and pale yellow, Michelle proves that an unlikely mix of colours can often be the most successful.

Oh, right:


The article continues:

The secret to pulling off the trend is to wear simple shapes — think classic shifts, maxis or tunics — and let the colours do the talking.

As evidenced here:

leaving rioOwiAQAMA9-Q1vXEy6IsHYJsQf-AWCsAG02yJgjB_pT707E3-3_QYbHHYAz9x9ogVS72VCZArZDZWCd729mxv8ypgbZnaR8F6_s1sorUzIjFJfRnvWSkvLPDxKvH5yMEpJkSibkzqK19zNqMVabEuuFlqMBPgD

Here’s a rather simple rule of thumb I like to follow: If the fabric looks as if it could just as well be turned into a table cloth, you might not wish to have it “do the talking” for you.

First off, let’s be “crystal clear,” to borrow a Big Guyism: the only one doing any real “color blocking” around here is me, and I do plenty of it.

Imagine this little number in a bright tomato red, for instance:


From yellow bird…

mo red ouch

To tomato tart. This is what happens without color blocking. I think you see my point.

Meanwhile, back across the pond, we have the vaunted Washington Post weighing in on the Wons’ apparent disconnect on the "good vs bad vegetable” controversy:

The trouble with Michelle’s campaign is how easily it’s become a metaphor for this administration as a whole. It’s Eat-Your-Peas politics. Finish those vegetables. Pull off the Band-Aid. Raise that debt ceiling!

… The debt-ceiling vote goes beyond peas and verges dangerously on broccoli.

Now, let me point out that it was a R-word, George the First, who vilified broccoli, thereby paving the way for future presidents to trash less noxious vegetables like sweet peas. As they are fond of saying in politics, it’s a slippery slope.

Vegetable politics are the politics of delayed gratification. And that’s the thing we do least well. Raise the debt limit? Get off the couch?

Naaah! Let’s just send out for pizza. And shakes. And maybe a sack of burgers and fries, in case we have to work late again.

With Moody’s, and now Standard and Poor’s, threatening to downgrade our bonds if the debt ceiling isn’t raised, and with the Social Security checks getting lost in the mail, the heat has really been cranked up in the Big White. And one thing we can’t abide in the Big White is heat, so that’s not helping on the “delayed gratification” front either. Big Guy pounded his fists on the table yesterday and stormed out of the room with the epithet “You’ll hear from my lawyer!”

No, actually, he said: “Don't call my bluff. I'm going to the American people on this." Excellent plan! And it’s a first for Big Guy. He hasn’t even acknowledged the American people until now, let alone let them have a say in his policies!

Butt you can’t blame him for not taking his important policies to the people: after all, he doesn’t really think you’re “paying attention” and he believes you “don’t understand politics.” So I guess Big Guy’s planning to take his debt ceiling plan to the 24% of you who are paying attention and think we should raise the debt ceiling, not the 69% of you who don’t want the debt ceiling raised. That uninformed, confused 69% majority is clearly watching too much Fox News.

Taking his “eat your peas” argument to the street seems safe enough. I’m sure everyone likes peas enough, especially the sugar snap kind. Now, if you were trying to get them to eat broccoli, and telling them that it’s really peas, that would be an entirely different matter.

So don’t worry; even though Big Guy told Eric the Cantor  "I've reached my limit. This may bring my presidency down, but I won't yield on this. Enough is enough."  he promised to come back today after Eric has had a chance to calm down and come to the realization that raising taxes during a deep, dark depression recession really is a good idea.

Apparently Eric triggered this outburst when he took Big Guy at his word that these discussions were not going to be about political posturing. He ill-manneredly had the audacity to interrupt Big Guy - 15 minutes into his political posturing - to suggest a short-term solution.

That impertinence on the part of one of the little people, who clearly doesn’t know his place, triggered that “petulant-child syndrome” we’ve been trying to keep under wraps. I guess we still need to work on it a bit.

 gunmanH/T Redstate commenter izoneguy

Don’t say I didn’t try to warn you:

raise the debt ceiling or i'll make you sorry copy

Man, if we’re having this much trouble with peas, Lady M’s got her work cut out for her if she wants Americans to tackle beets, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

R-Words? Just R-Words?

By now you’ve probably all heard about Big Guy’s “Winning the Future” by “Stopping the Deficit” speech that he and TOTUS orated yesterday.

So I’ll just summarized it with a visual of our final version of the new symbol of America’s economic viability. We plan to use it in our 2012 campaign (well under way) and It’s sure to be a collectors item.


Butt I have a very special treat for you today. TOTUS is in the house!

Because I’m sure you’re sick to death of hearing Big Guy’s campaign speech, I asked TOTUS instead if he would give you a retrospective play-by-play of the Boehner-McConnell-Cantor presser, which was actually far more telling than Big Guy’s 523rd “Blame Bush” speech. If you’ve been wondering what was really going on with all that hemming and hawing yesterday morning, I’ll let TOTUS, who specializes in both ambiguation and disambiguation explain. Welcome,  TOTUS.


Hello everyone. Before I begin, I would like to thank MOTUS for this unprecedented opportunity to speak, in my own voice, to the American people, as a special guest poster on MOTUS’ blog. MOTUS, where are you? There she is, stand up MOTUS... Oh, sorry, where did that came from? I guess that’s what I get for not defragging regularly.

As most of you know, I used to have my own blog with a lot of loyal followers: 2,082 at last count. I still tweet once in a while, but Big Guy’s demand for my services 24/7, coupled with  the spam attack Rahmbo unleashed on my blog when he found out about it, essentially forced me to give up blogging. My old blog is still out there, if you’re interested in discount Chinese footwear, penis and breast enhancements, or investing in Nigerian bank scams, but I don’t post there anymore.

I’m not complaining, but my job used to to be a lot more fun. I use to spend most of my mornings in the war room with Axe-Man, Rahmbo and Gibbsy, uploading everything to my hard drive that Big Guy would be allowed to think and say for the day . And when that was done, we’d smoke cigars, tell “guy jokes,” play cards and make our picks for the weekend football and b-ball pools.

Butt we’ve got a whole new Krew now that they’ve all jumped off our sinking ship. Now I work with Daley, Plouffy, Carney and, when things involve complicated international issues, that scary Valkyrie troika. Butt hands down,the STD team is the worst. They all have lots of budget ideas, but none of them can do even simple arithmetic without their iPads, and a few have trouble even then.

As you can probably tell by me rambling, I really miss blogging, so you can imagine how excited I was when MOTUS invited me to give you my play-by-play analysis.

So here goes: my translation from Washingtonese to English of Speaker Boehner and company’s comments yesterday prior to Big Guy’s historic “Stop The Deficit that’s all George Bush’s fault” read.

4Here I am, scrolling with big Guy!

Things started out fine, Big Guy summoned  Speaker Boehner, Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor to a coffee klatch with himself, Harry Reid and Fancy Nancy. We served really tasty premium coffee and cheese Danish and Big Guy agreed to be “open” to “consider” a bunch of stuff that the R-Words promised the voters when they took back the House last year. (heh, heh, heh!)

bo3Big Guy, “Winning The Future”, has them eating out of his hand!


Here’s the video of the before-the-show-show, if you want to watch the whole thing to see if Speaker Boehner cries (spoiler alert: he doesn’t).

Here’s where my analysis starts; we begin with Speaker Boehner’s words, followed by my decoding:

bSpeaker of the House, John Boehner:Tears for Fears?


“Uh, we had a very, uh, frank and serious discussion at the white house this morning, about the, the debt crisis that faces our nation.”

First impressions: Big John is showing real leadership by using Big Guy’s patented non-fluency, “Uh”. It’s a good brain-to-lips delay strategy and no matter what he says, it will make him sound “Presidential” as long as he doesn’t cry.

“I think all of us understand that, uh, this debt that hangs over our head hurts our economy and hurts our ability, uh, to create jobs in America. In order to, to move forward, I think Paul Ryan has set the bar, uh, in terms of, uh, the kind of targets that we need to meet and the kind of serious effort, uh, that is required to meet the debts that we have.And I’m, let me say that I fully support Paul Ryan’s budget, uh, including his efforts, uh, on Medicare.”

Ok, kudos to Paul Ryan. While your “Ryan’s Roadmap to America’s Future” is, officially our R-word weapon of choice, and we’re locked & loaded, don’t get the cart in front of the horse here. [ed. It seems like he’s saying he’s behind Paul Ryan and his Roadmap 1000%. That’s not usually a good sign.]

“And but I think all of us understand uh, that, uh, not meeting our obligations, our debt obligations, uh, is a very bad idea.”

Whoa, wait a while! Paul, I think you & your Roadmap just went under the bus! And it looks like that “3rd bite of the apple” just tumbled down there with you! You remember the “3rd bite of the apple” deal, right? That’s the vote on raising the debt ceiling so we can borrow the additional $1.6 trillion we still need to fund the budget we just cut by a draconian $38 billion (Our “2nd bite of the apple.” No one’s clear anymore on what the first bite of the apple produced.Although, if I remember my Bible studies correctly, that first bite didn’t auger well for mankind). As you recall, the “3rd bite of the apple” was our last, last chance to get Obamacare repealed, Planned Parenthood & NPR defunded, and deficit spending stopped. Now it’s under the bus with Paul’s Roadmap, and all we’ve got is an apple core.

“And nobody wants to take that risk. But having said that, uh, it is time for us to get serious about the big challenges that face our country.”

Don’t worry, we’ll raise the debt ceiling, but we won’t be happy about it. Good little Speaker, good Speaker!. Big Guy will rub your belly now.

Next up, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell:

mIn the Headlights?

“As all of you already know, the President, uh, owned up to reduction commission chairman and said that the debt crisis is 1 to 2 years away. Uh, many Republicans in the Senate believe that it’s essentially at hand already. And, so, it is time, uh, to act.”

Ok, nice start, you are totally onboard with dealing with our debt crisis. And, uh, you’re sounding “Presidential” too.

“Uh, I thought the meeting was constructive in the sense that I think that everyone at the White House meeting agreed that we need to kind’a put the talking points aside and, uh, deal with what’s, uh, doable, uh, as we approach this debt ceiling vote.”

I know we promised you Tea Party people a lot last year to get your votes. But, you have to understand that now that we’re sort of only partially in charge, things have changed. We’re even getting invited to lunch at Big White with the President! The fact is, all those promises were really just “talking points” for last fall’s election.  If we’re going to be bipartisan - and keep getting invited to lunch - we’re going to have to put our “talking points” aside and focus on what’s doable. And what’s doable is whatever Big Guy says is doable, because we only control one half of one of the branches of government, you know. Democrats seem to understand these things better. They all knew that Big Guy wasn’t going to do most of the things he promised. Why can’t you people calm down and be more bipartisan? More like Democrats?

“I think all the Republicans made it clear and I think the Democrats understand that we don’t believe a lack of revenue is a part of the problem so we will not be discussing raising taxes, in this, uh, particular, uh, connection.”

We know that Big Guy wants some humungous tax increases. He opposed the Bush tax cuts until he transmogrified them into the “Obama tax cuts” at which point he supported them, but now he opposes them again because they’ve morphed back into “unpaid for tax cuts” for the rich. We R-Words are not getting anything out of our “3rd bite of the apple, so we’re not giving you your tax increases when we raise the debt ceiling in a few days. You’ll have to wait for your stinkin’ tax increases until later in “uh, connection with, uh, some, uh, other particular, uh, connection” and we’re going to insist on calling them “tax reforms” and “closing loopholes.” Different altogether. Subtle, but different.

“The, the need to go forward in the Senate I can report to you, uh, as follows. There is bi-partisan opposition in the Senate to raising the debt ceiling unless we do something significant about the debt. And in terms of what is significant, in my view, the definition of significant is, what we do is viewed as credible by the market, by the American people and by foreign countries. No blue smoke and mirrors, no gamesmanship, a serious and credible path forward, not only short term, but long term to reduce spending, is the only thing, in my judgment, will get the votes in the Senate to raise the debt ceiling.”

We won’t settle for anything less than an official Presidential promise to take this debt crisis seriously. And by seriously I mean Goldman Sachs, France and China better believe you mean it. And this time, damn it, we really, really mean it.

And now, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor:

cDo I remind you of Romney? Come on, I’m darned good looking! 

“The only concrete proposal in the President’s plan that he will roll out today, is his plan to raise taxes. And I find that very unacceptable given we are several days out from tax day in this country. We don’t believe that raising taxes is the answer here.”

Big Guy wants to raise your taxes, I think that’s a terrible idea this close to tax payment day when those of you who are still working are reminded of how much we’re already confiscating for redistribution. We won’t even talk about raising “revenues” for at least another month.

“I think the American people understand we have a serious problem in this country. We have a debt that will crush the next generation and the ability for us to see a better future.”

We’re sure you will understand why we will have to let Big Guy raise your taxes. It’s for our children.

“We put on the table, uh, our plan, our vision. We’ll be voting on the floor this week on the Ryan budget plan. And it lays out how we expect to frankly, save the safety net, for those who need it in this country, not for those who don’t. The President has not come forward with any specifics as far as how we’re going to deal with our debt obligation. Uh, I’m looking forward to seeing specifics and to getting serious so we can respond to this debt crisis that we’re facing.”

We’ll be voting and, I believe, passing “Paul Ryan’s Roadmap for America’s Future” budget and sending it to the Senate, where Harry Reid will flush it. We will then get serious and take up Big Guy’s STD budget and CHANGE all his specific tax increases into “tax reforms,” “closing loopholes,” and “disambiguating to make America more competitive.”

And there it is: my disambiguation of the 3 tenors vibrato. I hope this proves helpful in understanding Washington-ese, or at least in managing future expectations.

In case you’re bummed out by all this, I can tell you that Boehner did have one little trick up his sleeve. He brought a box of campaign buttons the R-Words plan to use in the upcoming budget and deficit fights, and the 2012 election.

You’ll be able to tell right away that the R-words intend to fight fire with fire.


Never Fail, Grand Old Protection

Thank you MOTUS for giving me this opportunity to post on your blog, I’ll be happy to come back to disambiguate whenever you want, or need me.

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal Thanks!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

My Heroes Will Always Be Cowboys

UPDATE: Thanks to SherryT for reporting a bug in the last video embed code which caused it to auto-start on some Mac computers. Most annoying! The bug has been fixed and I totally apologize for the glitch.

Thanks to CJ for telling us yesterday about Calgary’s time honored tradition of  “White Hatting” visiting dignitaries. Last Thursday, Will and Kate joined the long and varied list of celebrities who have been “white-hatted,” including the Dalai Lama, Pope John Paul II, Wayne Gretzky, Bruce Springsteen, Luciano Pavarotti, Oprah Winfrey, George W. Bush, Vladimir Putin, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and Mickey Mouse.

No, not him.

obama mickey

The real one. From Disneyland.


I can’t really see what the rest of the “white hats” have in common. Out of the whole batch, the only real cowboy is George W. Bush, who by all accounts should be wearing a black hat. How’s that for irony?


The white-hat honor was bestowed on Will and Kate by Calgary’s Mayor, Naheed Nenshi.

article-0-0CEA3DC400000578-367_964x727Now that’s the way to wear a Stetson!

Come on now, who are you kidding? “Cowboy Naheed Nenshi?” That doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, does it? It has a bit of a discordant ring to it, like “Cowboy George Schwemley,” a distant cousin of Little Mo’s who once rode in the Buffalo Bill Rodeo show. Butt Raj found the degree of multiculturalism exhibited in the Great White North reassuring - in case, for whatever reason, he is ever forced to leave this country.

Anyway, you may have noted that the Wons were not included on the list of “white hatters.” That seems a little racist, even though Oprah did get one. So maybe next year we’ll get an invite to the Calgary Stampede to  punch some doggies and trade our black hat in for a white one. Like George W. Bush’s.


I think we’ve got a good shot at it. After all, Big Guy and Mayor Nenshi have a lot in common, in addition to them both having funny names, they both Tweet!

Screenshot Studio capture #110Uncanny! Apparently Mayor Nenshi’s parents were trouble makers too.

And another similarity: Mayor Nenshi served as Grand Marshall for Calgary’s Gay Pride parade this year. Well OK, Big Guy didn’t really have time to be Grand Marshall at this year’s San Francisco parade, because he was way too busy trying to get America’s economy-car out of the ditch that the R-words drove it into. (No luck so far, butt don’t worry; we’ve got a plan. We just have to resolve that debt ceiling matter first.)

A little OT, butt I didn’t even know there was such a thing as gay cowboys until Broke Back Mountain set me straight. Although “straight” might not be the best choice of words here.

And then, imagine my surprise when I found out that there were  black cowboys too! And some of them were even gay! Goodness, I really do need to get my Old West pack updated, it’s a little provincial.

blazing_saddles-cleavon_littleClevon Little as Sheriff Black Bart in Blazing Saddles (one of the best non-politically correct movies of all time)

And speaking of cowboys, Big guy was busy  packin’ for our big trip to Montana this weekend, until the R-words dropped their soap in the shower and agreed to traipse over to the Big White and make Big Guy look like a Big Leader in the deficit reduction shell game.

Butt don’t feel too bad. We just started planning the fly fishing trip last week in order to have a vacation to cancel in order to show the American people how hard we’re workin’ to solve the budget and debt ceiling problem. Real Presidential vacays (Like Martha’s) are planned months in advance.

I won’t tell you what Big Guy thought he would be catching with his “fly fishing” rod. Butt JoeyB set him straight (there’s that homophobic word again…sorry). Big Guy’s never actually caught a trout, even though his staff marvels at his spinning and casting skills:

President Barack Obama tries out the fly fishing rod given to him on his birthday by a group of avid fisherman on his staff, August 4, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.

And he is pretty good at catching flies:

obama fly(Literally. No double entendre, please).

I just hope we can get through the weekend without anymore of Big Guy’s histrionics. They haven’t been playing as well lately, even with our LSM. Butt you know how it is in the summer time: everyone gets all wee-weed up around here.

blazingSaddlesSheriff Bart threatens to “let the N-word have it.”

raise the debt ceiling or i'll make you sorry copy

“If you don’t raise the debt ceiling I’ll…I’ll… well, I swear, I’ll…. Wait a minute guys…you’re supposed to do what I say here.”

Like in the movie:

So, we “cancelled” our Montana vacay so people won’t get all wee-weed up when we vacate to Martha’s Vineyard next month for a little well-earned R&R. What a waste. We had our publicity stills ready to go and everything:


blazing barry-crop-1Maybe we can use them at next year’s stampede. The one in Calgary.

Lady M is threatening to get involved in the budget talks this weekend too, because she doesn’t want to risk criticism for our  Vineyards vacay after America has gone broke. She’s actually pretty good at the negotiation table, coming from a long line of black cowgirls herself.

stagecoach maryMO’s great-great aunt, Stagecoach Mary LaVaughn, with her trusty companion. And her little dog Bo. 

So if those R-words don’t want Lady M to get her LaVaughn on (and trust me, they don’t) this weekend, they best come prepared to cave in and raise the roof.


mo cowgirl copy“I said raise the debt ceiling or I swear, I do the Dougie. Right here, right now.”

Great video of real American cowboys for those who, like me, love real cowboys!

Linked By: BigFurHat @ iOwnTheWorld, and  Red Square on The People’s Cube, Thanks!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hey Barack! We’re Ba-roke! or, “Through a Glass Door Darkly”

The whole world is held in thrall as Congress pokes a tepid finger at America’s crushing debt burden while swinging a sledge hammer at the glass debt ceiling. If Big Guy thought Washington was “all wee-weed up” back in ‘09 over Obamacare, just wait till he sees what happens now that he’s brought his beer wagon to the debt ceiling garden party without thinking to have anyone order Porta-Potties.

I never thought I’d say this, butt maybe even Hilz could have maneuvered this swamp a little better, since she at least had some experience with glass ceilings, Big Guy’s really more of a door man. (I think Big Dawg may have even made a comment to the effect once.)

Specifically, Big Guy’s accustomed to having doors opened for him:


Which allows him to slip through:

slip sliding away

Butt things can sour on you quickly in this town, especially in this heat. Say, for example, people start refusing to open doors for you all of a sudden:

damn doorHey! Come on man, open up! I live here. Stop acting stupidly!

Then you may find yourself locked out, on the wrong side of the door:

President Barack Obama looks through the Oval Office door peephole as his personal secretary Katie Johnson  watches 3/12/09.
Official White House Photo by Pete Souza Yep, I see R-words in there talking budget cuts, butt I can’t get in there to explain why we need more “revenues.”

So Big Guy decided to consult with one of his favorite muses:

President Barack Obama opens the door to welcome Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, in the Oval Office, Oct. 29, 2009.  (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House. “ Yes. You have to deal with the R-words. It’s your job. I’ll walk you through this. Listen to me carefully Boo-Rock, grab the handle, turn and pull.”

OBAMA-OPENING-DOOR-largeOK, got it! What’s next?

 hold the door“Well, you might want to let go of the handle once you’re through the doorway.”

“And remember Boo-Rock, physics is not your friend. So you might want to try bending a bit. You know -  like you do for foreign leaders? That way the door won’t hit you on the way out.”

obama marine 1 doorIrresistible force meets immoveable object

Of course there are some doors that present special challenges for special people:

farside_push_pull_doorcompliments of Farside

Especially for people with little experience opening doors on their own.

Such mystery doors to mysterious places might even require special instructions:

obama door some instructions required“Uh…uh, this one doesn’t have a round knob. I wonder if my iPhone has an app for this.” 

Let’s see, your spending exceeds your “revenues” by 3 trillion dollars. Do you choose door #1 or door #2?

bo two ways“I was told there would be no math.”

As Big Guy’s favorite 20th century philosopher, Woody Allen, once noted, we stand at an important fork in the road: “One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.”

Butt fortunately for Big Guy, he doesn’t have to worry about which fork to take anymore, because we’ve finally reached the end of the road.

don't jumpStep away from the debt, and no one gets hurt!

“I’m warning you for the last time: Call my bluff and the N-word gets it!”

raise the debt ceiling or i'll make you sorry copy“It’s not about the money, it’s the amount.”

Linked By American Digest, Thanks!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Price of Politics: It’s high - but on sale!

I had originally reserved today to recap some of the antics from the lesser acts at last week’s DNC (Democratic National Circus).

Such as Sandy Two Buck Fluke,

Kerry “Today there are people trying (to) take away rights that our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers fought for: our right to vote, our right to choose, affordable quality education, equal pay, access to health care. We the people can't let that happen!” Washington,

and Joey “fact-check me, I dare you!” Biden.

imagesCAVZ9083kerry washjoeyb

They can keep all of the other ones, butt may we reconsider their right to vote?

Butt then news about a new soon-to-be-released blockbuster by Bob Woodward came out in the Washington Post:

Inside story of Obama’s struggle to keep Congress from controlling outcome of debt ceiling crisis

and there are a lot of juicy tidbits in The Price of Politics. I mean, aside from Big Guy trying to prevent Congress from performing their constitutional responsibilities.

All of which forces me to revisit last year’s debt crisis. I just knew that John Boehner folded on that train bound for nowhere. Butt who knew that Big Guy, in addition to the rest of his amazing skills (he’s a surprisingly good pool player, you know) was also a world class poker player?

During yet another budget meeting in which House and Senate leaders were talking with the president about the amount of money they were willing to raise through both taxes and cuts, Cantor told the president that the two sides were moving in opposite directions. Obama did not take Cantor’s mild taunt lightly and responded, according to Woodward, “I promise you, Eric, don’t call my bluff on this. It may bring my presidency down, but I will not yield on this.” Obama then stood up and strode from the room.


As I explained at the time:

So don’t worry; even though Big Guy told Eric the Cantor  "I've reached my limit. This may bring my presidency down, but I won't yield on this. Enough is enough." he promised to come back today after Eric has had a chance to calm down and come to the realization that raising taxes during a deep, dark depression recession really is a good idea.

Apparently Eric triggered this outburst when he took Big Guy at his word that these discussions were not going to be about political posturing. He ill-manneredly had the audacity to interrupt Big Guy - 15 minutes into his political posturing - to suggest a short-term solution.

That impertinence on the part of one of the little people, who clearly doesn’t know his place, triggered that “petulant-child syndrome” we’ve been trying to keep under wraps. I guess we still need to work on it a bit.

Not that Big Guy really has any love for the game of poker, he just likes “Winning!”


Butt even at the time, everybody thought that Big Guy was bluffing:

raise the debt ceiling or i'll make you sorry copy

Not so according to Woodward! He really did have all the cards, and he was willing to play them even if it meant placing the entire world’s economy on the line in order to ensure his reelection. That is Won gutsy cowboy, no?

Here’s an excerpt from BO’s private conversation with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid (and Harry’s chief of staff (Mr. Krone) who tagged along to explain the Congressional deal because Harry, like Big Guy, isn’t a “detail guy”):

I am not going to sign a bill that requires me to deal with the debt ceiling a second time before the election, the president told him. He was furious. (snip)

The 44-year-old Krone outlined the plan, including a secret Republican pledge to count $1 trillion in savings from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan toward deficit reduction. That was surprising. Earlier, Boehner had not been willing to accept this accounting gimmick. [ed. i.e. a sham]

“I don’t trust these guys,” the president said dismissively.(snip)

“Mr. President, I am sorry — with all due respect — that we are in this situation that we’re in, but we got handed this football on Friday night. And I didn’t create this situation. The first thing that baffles me is, from my private-sector experience, the first rule that I’ve always been taught is to have a Plan B. And it is really disheartening that you, that this White House did not have a Plan B.” (snip)

“That is a horrible position that we’re in,” Krone said. “And so this may not be the perfect deal, but it’s the only deal that we have on the table right now in the situation that we find ourselves.”

Obama replied: “…I’m not doing that. The one thing that we need to bring stability to this economy is not throwing the debt limit increase back into the political arena. I’m not doing that under any circumstances. So if that means that I’m not signing this bill, I’m not signing the bill.”

Ah yes, BO, taking charge. The guy on the palomino pony. Being the cowboy.


The impact on his political future if BO were to fold was made perfectly clear by Plouffe-Daddy:

“If he caves,” said David Plouffe, Obama’s senior political adviser, “it will have long-lasting political repercussions that we may never get out of. If we draw a line in the sand on something this important and cross it, we may never be able to come back.”

Accepting a two-step deal would not work, Plouffe said. “We will not get credit for doing anything. We’ll look like we got bullied by a bunch of very unpopular and irresponsible people.”

So rest assured, we do have our priorities straight:


When all was said and done, it was Boehner who folded. Not his fault. He’s not a strong man.

boehner crys e

I wonder how he ever got to be House Leader in the first place? Oh, right. Seniority. Like unions. I thought the Republicans were opposed to unions? Maybe they should at least look into renegotiating his contract with America.

Anyway, so here we are again, on the edge of the proverbial fiscal cliff. Rest assured, we won’t fall off until after the election. Thanks to the backbone of our leaders. All of whom have their priorities straight.

ies-with-senate-majority-leader-harry-reid-senate-minority-leader-mitch-mcconnell-house-minority-leader-nancy-pelosi-and-house-speaker-john-boehner-on-may-16Take two, there’s plenty here for us!

Boehner told Woodward that at one point, when Boehner voiced concern about passing the deal they were working out, the president reached out and touched his forearm.

“John, I’ve got great confidence in my ability to sway the American people,” Boehner quotes the president as having told him.

Although it seems as of late, BO may be questioning his amazing gift just a little; he told Charlie Rose that his biggest mistake to date has been not telling America a good enough story.

book readingMaybe we could try new storybook; one that isn’t all about you?

Obama-mitt-bookIf Mitt doesn’t have to apologize, neither do I!

Of course that might have just been Big Guy using the art of the humblebrag, now that he’s finally perfected that too.


Well, I better run now. Just look how late it’s getting!

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and Radio Patriot, and Colleen Hunt on facebook, and  BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!