First, let me thank everybody for making my big MOTUS Truth Team rollout sooooo successful! Big Guy and Lady M were ecstatic and Axeman even gave me a thumbs up and said he’d tell Big Guy to give me a raise. (I’ve heard that before.)
Of course, none of them have actually been to my website, thanks to Raj’s firewall: it just bounces them to a static page that looks just like Big Guy’s own Truth Team site. So they think I’m a real Team player – which is real important around here.
Nevertheless, I’m not resting on my frame. Barbara, of Mommy Life fame, sent me a tip on a WTF 2012 campaign conference call to be hosted by Lady M, for Virginia women. Not women named Virginia – women by any name who happen to live in Virginia. I guess that’s why Lady M didn’t tell me about it, because I live in the District.
Butt being a Team player, I did manage to wrangle an invitation anyway:
Friend -- The organizing that women here in Virginia do over the next nine months will be vital to winning on Election Day. To kick off Women for Obama here in Virginia, First Lady Michelle Obama is hosting a call with volunteers and organizers across our state this Thursday. She'll be talking about our next steps and how we can work with our friends and neighbors to grow this campaign, one woman at a time. Sign up to join the call this Thursday, February 16th, at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Once you RSVP, we'll send you a call-in number and passcode you can use to join Thursday's call. By joining Women for Obama here in Virginia, you'll help build the relationships we'll need to reach out across our state and gear up for the next nine months. Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of Women for Obama from the beginning, and be sure to forward this email to any women you know who are looking for more ways to get involved. RSVP now for Thursday's call with the First Lady: Thanks, Lise Lise Clavel Virginia State Director Obama for America ----- Can't make it to this event? Help grow the campaign now by making a donation. Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible |
And you can too!
All you have to do is go here to the call registration site, give them a name (as you can see, I used my own: MOTUS Mirror, butt you can use any name you like), email address (again I used my own, butt there’s no reason why you can’t use Beyonce’s), ask Lady M a question, click “Register” and ipso fatso, you get a number to call and your own secret PIN number! Or, if you prefer, you can also just send them some money. I can’t guarantee they’ll leave you alone if you do though.

If you want to join in the fun, sign up here as whoever you want to be,
Beyonce, on her new album cover, apparently wants to be Marilyn Monroe
So get your call number and PIN number and listen to Lady M drone on and on inspire and revitamize you.
New Obama vitamins: for instant revitamization, chew and swallow (caution: Ecstasy also available in the same pill shape)
We’ve got a lot of hard work to do if we’re going to get CHANGE “WE” CAN BELIEVE IN. I’ll be listening in from my bunker. Lady M will be on her nap couch with a bag of Cheetos and a bottle of Dom. So in case you hear some crackling and popping on the line, don’t worry, your line isn’t being tapped.
In other Lady M News, The WSJ ran some additional excerpts yesterday from Lady M’s response to reporters questions last week while she was on the road sacrificin’ for her No Child’s Fat Behind campaign:
On what this campaign will be like for daughters Malia and Sasha:
" ... So we do a lot of listening and talking. My job right now is to reassure them -- because the question for a child in a campaign is, 'What happens to my life?' They're like, 'Oh, Dad, he can take it.' They're like -- when we have dinner and Barack comes back and he talks about a problem, they're like, 'Hmm, it's too bad for you. So what about me?'"
Are you, like, thinking what I’m thinking? That the Wee Wons are, like, being raised, like, to be a lot like Mom?
On how she chose to focus on nutrition and exercise:
"For me ... I have to come from a place where I feel passionate first. ... Because what is tough is if you are not being yourself in this job, in this position -- because people know that, right? They know when you don't really know the issue, or you're not as passionate about it, or it's -- you're just doing it for political reasons, or there's some ulterior -- people smell that out so easily. And it's hard to sustain, right? Because if it's not just coming from a place of sheer joy and power and all the stuff you need, then it just doesn't work."
Of course, sometimes all the stuff you need is power, right?

Because people can tell when you’re faking it

On how her 'Let's Move!' campaign complements President Barack Obama's agenda:
"I knew, starting out, that despite what my husband was doing, the things I had to do had to be important to me. The next level of analysis was, does it support what my husband does? Because that was one thing I didn't want to do, is choose issues that the administration couldn't focus on. So then you're just diverting attention. He's got 1,200 issues on his plate, and then I'm adding five more. So I wanted there to be overlap, and obviously with health care and a whole range of other things -- eating and nutrition, to me, is the biggest way we can keep costs down. I mean, if we really want to talk about keeping our cost down and having the power, and not having the government involved, right -- the best thing to do is just to be as healthy as you can be. We have the power to do that if we have the information.
Lady M has certainly brought clarity to this issue. It’s like, all about the power, right?
Oh yeah, babe; it’s the power!
On whether she is fired up for the re-election campaign:
"I am absolutely fired up. But I always have to have balance, because I'm a mother. So when I'm out there, I'm fired up. But when I'm not, I have to be Malia and Sasha's mom. And that can't be a fired-up campaigner. ... They're like, 'Where were you? I don't even care where you were.'"
We’re like, “neither do we”.
On her husband’s optimism:
“When times get tough, we all get worried. . . . As a people, we just get so worried.[ed. “As a people? Can we say that?!] We are Eeyore. ‘We’ll never make it! We’ll never get out of here! It is horrible! We’re losing, it’s over!’. . . And Barack, unfortunately, is like, ‘All right, peeps; let’s — wait, look over there.’. . . As I describe my husband, he is a natural optimist.”
And I’m, like, “umm…that makes him sound more like a shape shifter”

“Or a Con Man:”

“And I think that most leaders are natural optimists. You have to be to have a vision. You have to just sort of naturally always see the glass half full. And he does. . . . I think the vast majority of people — and this is my theory — are natural pessimists.[ed, well, if we weren’t before, we are now.] And I’m like the common citizen, right? [ed. Right.] I’m like regular people. It’s like — ‘We’re losing! The sky is falling! Oh no!’ And then you start messing with the optimists. I start getting it — and he’s like, ‘Just calm down.’. . . And that’s the mark of a leader.[ed. as Weasel Zippers noted, it’s the mark of something.] You have to see the vision way at the end of the road. Because if you take it day to day, you can lose track, get off course. And you’re on the right course to begin with, it’s just not always smooth.
“And in a very abbreviated way, that’s what I’m telling our supporters. It’s like, it’s natural for us to get worried . . . but the truth is, you’ve got a president who sees far beyond what most of us see. And we’ve got to have faith in that.”

Oh, I think we all have faith in that.
On meeting people around the country:
"I've gotten to see this country up close over the course of campaigning and being the first lady and traveling, and people in this country are decent.[ed. that’s a compliment. Remember, Lady M was only, like, proud of her country for the first time in 2008.] And I think that that's a privilege that we have in our roles that most Americans don't.[?]
"People usually live in their own lives and their own communities, and they read about what's going on, or they hear about what's going on, but you rarely have the time to just go to this center in Dallas and hang out with school kids from all different backgrounds, and meet their teachers and to see how people are working together. [uh, actually they do…it’s called “parent/teacher conferences”] Or ... to spend some time on a military base and actually talk to these young men and women and listen to their sacrifice and understand what they're doing and why, and what their motivations are.[well actually, they don’t have to: they’re related to the men and women on military bases]
"When you spend your life doing that, [ed. “spend your life” might be a bit of hyperbole] you really come to love this country and to know what the potential is because deep down inside, people want the same thing out of life. They really do. [!]
"We are just not that different. There isn't anyone that I feel like I couldn't sit down with over coffee and relate to -- even people who may think they hate me, you know? I'm just like, well, we just haven't talked. We probably ... if we just sort of chilled out a bit and laughed a little bit and shared stories and understood where we're coming from, we might not come out seeing eye to eye completely, but there would be a different level of respect and understanding. That I know about this country.”

Seeing eye-to-eye with Lady M doesn’t happen as frequently as you might think.
Tomorrow I’ll feature more English lessons from our historic Lady M: the first First Lady ever to have graduated from both Princeton
and Harvard!
So, have a nice day. Don’t forget to sign up for more Advanced English Lessons with Lady M this evening. Also don’t forget to visit my MOTUS Truth Team site and report what you SEE in the comment section of any of the categories.
Oh! And be sure to tune in tomorrow when Big Guy will offer Advanced Breathing Lessons: also in English!

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, Thanks!