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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query truth team. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


MOTUS Truth Team 3D-290_thumb[2]

Welcome MOTUS Truth Team Storm Troopers, future volunteers, curious visitors and even more curious Obot truthers! If you would like to volunteer for service as a MOTUS Truth Team Storm Trooper, you have come to the right place. Just between you and me, it might be a good idea to volunteer as a MOTUS Truth Team StormTrooper before Big Guy finishes his Selective Service conscription initiative that will require Obama Truth Team service from all American adults. MOTUS Truth Team StormTroopers get an exemption.

Ok, so you’ve decided to volunteer and want to know how. It’s easy as pie. Just take the MOTUS Truth Team Pledge, then, when you “See Something”, scamper over to this page and “Say Something.” It’s that simple: “SS”

MOTUS Truth Team Pledge

I pledge

to vote for


That’s it. No forms to fill out or checks to write like at Plouffe-Daddy’s Truth Team. And you even take the pledge on the honor system. As a MOTUS Truth Team Storm Trooper, you are entitled to download and use you own personal “MOTUS Truth Team” badge.

Butt MOTUS, where do I get my “MOTUS Truth Team” badge? Right at the bottom of this page!





Get your official, “MOTUS Truth Team” badge right here:

MOTUS Truth Team 3D-500_thumb[2]

500 pixels

MOTUS Truth Team 3D-250_thumb[2]

250 pixels

MOTUS Truth Team 3D-150_thumb[1]

150 pixels

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Join the MOTUS Truth Team: Expose the Lies

By now I’m sure you know that our WTF-2012 Campaign is in high gear. We were reminded at the staff meeting this morning that all senior Team-Obama staff are expected to get some skin in the game. Since I never got that raise Big Guy promised and I sure don’t know enough people with enough money to be a bundler, I had to find another way to get into the game.

So in order to show my team spirit I’ve decided to support Plouffe-Daddy’s newest initiative, the “Truth Team” by forming my own Truth Team Unit, right here on my blog.

MOTUS Truth Team 3D-500

You’re familiar with Plouffe-Daddy’s Truth Team initiative, aren’t you? No? What?  You didn’t get the memo? You may be the only one:


Friend --
If we've learned anything from the Republican primaries, it's that this is no ordinary election.
The GOP candidates are spending a huge amount of time attacking President Obama -- no surprise. But instead of basing their attacks on our differences of opinion, they've chosen to run on claims about his record that just aren't true.
Mitt Romney says that, despite 23 consecutive months of job growth under the President's watch, he's made the recession "worse." Rick Santorum says that the Affordable Care Act, which was based in part on Republican proposals and provides millions of Americans with access to affordable, private health insurance, is a government takeover of health care. They're not acting alone: With the newfound power of outside groups, these lies can be instantly amplified with millions of dollars in special-interest ad spending.
If the other guys are going to run a campaign based on misrepresenting the President's record -- and their own -- we have two options: sit back and let these lies go unchallenged, or fight back with the truth.
We're fighting back. Today we're introducing a new resource for grassroots supporters who want to make sure that when voters go to the polls in November, they know the truth -- and you should be a part of it.
Will you sign up to be a member of the Truth Team?
The website has three sections to reflect the team's goals: KeepingHisWord, where we'll communicate about President Obama's record and promises kept; AttackWatch, to fight back against false attacks on the President; and KeepingGOPHonest, where we'll debunk the Republicans' false claims about their own records.
In short, it's the grassroots communications team of the Obama 2012 campaign. We'll provide resources for you to learn everything you need to know and tools to help you share it with undecided voters in your life.
Communicating about the President's record -- and that of our opponents -- is what I do full-time. But people don't just want to hear from campaign statements or ads -- they want to hear from the family and friends they trust.
The President needs folks on board to roll up their sleeves, stand with him, and get the truth out all over the country.
So the next time you hear Mitt Romney accusing the President of "crony capitalism" or someone asking, "What has President Obama really accomplished?" you'll know what to do.
If you're ready to fight lies with the truth, sign up now:
Stephanie Cutter
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America

This email was sent to:

Update address | Unsubscribe


Not satisfied with controlling just the Legacy Media, we needed more ammo to use against Fox and all those radio talk show hosts who lie. So we added Media Matters to our list of truthers too.

So here’s my idea: no one can spot the lies out there better than my loyal MOLs, MODs, MYLs, MYDs and FOMs. So I’m setting up my own TRUTH Team! Where you can report exclusively, to dispel all the lies and damn lies.

tt page

Starting today, I am dedicating a special area of my blog to my very own Truth Team and encouraging everybody to volunteer as a MOTUS Truth Team Storm Trooper. Details of how to volunteer and become an official MOTUS Truth Team Storm Trooper are here on the SignUp Page.

If you remember my previous initiatives, “Stop The Smear,” “Fight The Smear” and the always popular, “AttackWatch,” you will remember that we have a simple goal: if you See Something, Say Something. (SS, get it?)



Plouffe-Daddy is reprising AttackWatch for our Truth Team initiative and adding “KeepingGOPHonest” and “KeepingHisWord” for a perfect trifecta.


AttackWatch: I think everybody knows what we’re looking for in this category by now, butt we’ve added a new feature “Attack Files,” or “A-Files,” where you can get the “facts” you need to fight back against all the attacks on Big Guy.

                                                                      attack files

KeepingGOPHonest: This is the category where we will be lying to you about exposing the Republican’s racist positions and plans for making the rich richer and the poor poorer.


KeepingHisWord: This is where we’ll be fabricating praising Big Guy’s record to prove he has kept all his promises from last time around, and therefore deserves 4 more years to undo the damage caused by George W. Bush.


With a little help from our friends, we will make sure that voters see nothing butt the truth.


Doug Ross provides a little demonstration of how this campaign all comes together if we’re up and running on all pistons:

It’s the headline that a President facing re-election with a dismal economic record didn’t want to see:
1.2 million people driven out of the workforce in a single month!

A frantic White House exploded into damage-control mode, as a deeply shaken President Obama retreated into his chambers. Nervous spokesmen fanned across the airwaves to stammer apologies, search for silver linings among the storm clouds, offer campaign boilerplate about “hope and change,” and desperately search for some way to blame George Bush for an absolute unemployment disaster that occurred over three years after he left office…

What’s that, you say? You didn’t see that headline? Well, of course not, silly. All you’re seeing in the headlines is good news, because the official, heavily-massaged U-3 unemployment rate fell to 8.3 percent. Fewer people in the workforce means the percentage of unemployed people in the workforce drops.

h/t “Lies, Damn Lies and Obama’s Unemployment Numbers”

Much more later: we’ve sure got our work cut out for us with all these lies to deal with:


Butt don’t worry: the Truth is out there:


And we will get to it, one little white lie at a time.

Obamaletter lie%20(1)

“I won’t lie to you,” Obama penned in hand to Charles Oliver in October. “It will probably take another year or two to fully dig our way out of this hole.”

Note to self: remind Big Guy that rule number one when you find yourself in a deep hole is to stop digging:

budget on drugs

All in all, I’m feeling pretty good about WTF now.

Evidence to the contrary not withstanding, Conservatives keep insisting that they’re much smarter than Liberals. Butt if that’s the case, explain to me why it is that Big Guy’s team came up with this Truther site designed to network it’s way to WTF 2012, and all the Republicans come come up with is this!?!!?


Linked By: Clarice at American Thinker, and Adrianne’s Corner, and Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and sb on Weasel Zippers, Thanks!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Truthiness or Consequences

Take a bow Stephen Colbert, your fake news show term “truthiness” has just been adopted by your government. It’s been shortened to “truthy” and is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the old “Attack Watch” organization which was later acquired by the newly incorporated “Truth Team.” (I explained how this worked back when the merger was originally announced in 2012.) 

In case you’ve forgotten, the role of those totally impartial organizations was to turn Right Wingers in to the authorities for telling lies about Big Guy - so the IRS could audit them.

truth team “The Truth Team is a network of supporters of President Obama who are committed to responding to unfounded attacks and defending the President’s record. When you’re faced with someone who misrepresents the truth, you can find all the facts you need right here—along with ways to share the message with whoever needs to hear it.”

The newest formulation of the Truth Team is a science project at Indiana University funded by the National Science Foundation to “monitor “suspicious memes” and what it considers “false and misleading ideas,” with a major focus on political activity online.” Because we don’t already have enough college kids in Washington messing with us yet.


Butt don’t worry, the science project’s overseer assures us his intentions are pure:

“Truthy” claims to be non-partisan. However, the project’s lead investigator Filippo Menczer proclaims his support for numerous progressive advocacy groups, including President Barack Obama’s Organizing for Action,, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, Amnesty International, and True Majority.

So don’t worry, fellow travelers will continue to have their right to express themselves with impunity. However, if your choose to express yourself in a fashion that we’ve deemed to be “hate speech” (criticism of BHO) or “misinformation” (non-progressive ideas) you will be tracked down by the “Truthy” Team and turned over to the IRS for auditing.

Sounds like Big Guy just used his magic pen to create a new Federal Department: the Ministry of Truth.


Maybe I should reactivate the MOTUS Truth Team, just to help sort out the TRUTH from the non-truthy truth.


MOTUS Truth Team LARGE-3D copy


Truthiness or Consequences: It’s not just a game show anymore

irs_audit“You can use hate speech if you want, but it will bankrupt you.”

Linked By: DeniseVB on the Crawdad Hole, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Sunday, February 26, 2012

ASSumptions and the Irony of TRUTH

I’m really busy getting ready for our big party later today. No, silly, not the NASCAR Daytona 500. Lady M had enough of the Ricky Bobby crowd to last a lifetime last summer.

Bristol09075Yes. You’re seeing right. A human American Flag! Made up of fans!

michelle-obamaget-me-out-of-here-nascar-fans Get me the %#@# out of here Buh-rock! Now! I mean it!!

And no, I’m not talking about our Oscar party either. We have to defer that to Monday night when we watch Joan Rivers’ Fashion Police review of the Red Carpet hit’s and misses. Tonight we’ll be doing more sacrificin’ – we’re throwing our annual Governor’s Ball.

                  michella-obama-at-inaugural-ballObama Hosts The Governors Ball NWoeor_LA4plobama-governors-dinner-2

Past Governor’s Balls: we always go glam

I’ll do my best, butt there’s usually a photo embargo at this event. This is to prevent any images of Big Guy and Lady M schmoozing with unacceptable R-word Governors being released to our base.

Obama Gov BrewerBarack-Obama-Pointing-Finger-at-Indian-Republican-Bobby-Jindal

Q: When is it appropriate to point your finger? A: When you are the Won. And you’re PO’d

And did you see what that snotty Governor Brewer did? She snubbed us before we could snub her - again. That’s going to cost her: it’s her third strike.

" brewer jan“A firm hand on the shoulder indicates to the touchee that you are in charge. This is a good way to deliver the message that ‘you are a subordinate: a little person’ and will encourage them to fall in line.”

Anyway, ASSuming we’re still here next year this time - and everyone around here is making that ASSumption – we’ll need to reschedule the Governor’s Ball so it doesn’t conflict with the Oscars. We have it on good authority that the new movie (currently being made) about the wondrous Won will be a winner next year. Lady M and Big Guy will have to attend, of course, to pick up their Oscars. It’s a shoo-in since we tapped Davis Guggenheim, the director of AlGore’s enormously popular An Inconvenient Truth. The working title for the sequel is An Inconvenient Polling Booth which we’re hoping will be enormously popular too.

The campaign paid more than $160,000 for the film, which is less than 30 minutes long and set to be released in the coming weeks, Goldman reports.

Guggenheim has worked for Obama before, directing a 30-minute ad than ran just before his 2008 election and a biographical clip for the Democratic National Convention that year.

Boy, I would think that with an additional 3 1/2 years of facts to work with, we could at least produce a feature length film. I know money’s no object so I can’t imagine what the problem is.

Anyway, like Guggie’s previous 2 winners, the Algorical  and the WON’s 2008 campaign film, this one will be a fantasy documentary too.

Now, one last exciting bit of news before I have to run to polish the silverware for dinner: yesterday’s discussion about our new Irony Czar got my creative juices flowing, and I revised my MOTUS Truth Team badge to get onboard with our newest sub-text: “isn’t it ironic.” What do you think?

MOTUS Truth Team LARGE-3D copy

(any similarity between MOTUS’ emblem and Hitler’s SchutzStaffel is purely ironic)

The new badge incorporates our official “SS” theme (See Something, Say Something), only in a much more ironic way.

underware-ironyA few of the currently proposed “irony symbols” for international use

Butt wait, there’s more! Because PortiaElizabeth asked, Little Mo & Little Bo have restocked the shelves of my little boutique with tons of new merchandise sporting the new emblem. Don’t tell Big Guy because my products are not manufactured by any of his bundlers.

Oh, and if you don’t “See Something” you want, “Say Something” and Little Mo will see if my elves can make it for you!

Here’s a sample:

mugls t-shirttote bag

The totebag would be a nice addition to your “save-the-earth by not using plastic bags at the grocery store collection”, or you can simply use it to irritate people at Whole Foods. Pull it over your head when you’ve managed to really honk them off (h/t NBK), butt remember to cut eyeholes: safety first!

Also, please remember: when you See Something (“SS”), report to the MOTUS Truth Team HQ and Say Something (“SS”). Here at the Won and only official WTF Truther site, we’re still taking names and kicking ASSets. I ASSume you’re all onboard.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Inconvenient truths, Half-truths, Lies and Damn Lies

"In wartime, truth is so precious, she should be attended by a bodyguard of lies."  - Churchill to Stalin at Yalta.

You may recall from back in the day of the Bubba bimbo eruptions that “everyone lies about sex.” The efficacy of that defense started a new trend in government relations (no pun intended). Now everybody lies about everything.

The Attorney General lies:


Washington ain’t what it used to be: The quality of lies is in steep decline.

Former Sen. Bob Kerrey of Nebraska once damned fellow Democrat Bill Clinton with faint praise by saying he was “an uncommonly good liar.” Now we have Eric Holder.

Despite lots of practice, the attorney general remains an amateur with whoppers. His claim to Congress that he never heard of the Justice Department’s “potential prosecution” of a journalist for reporting classified material wasn’t just misleading — it was provably false.

the Director of National Security parses his lies:


“I responded in what I thought was the most truthful, or least untruthful, manner by saying ‘no,’” Clapper told NBC News on Sunday.

On Sunday, Clapper elaborated: “This has to do with of course somewhat of a semantic, perhaps some would say too cute by half. But it is—there are honest differences on the semantics of what—when someone says ‘collection’ to me, that has a specific meaning, which may have a different meaning to him.”

Translation: It depends on what the meaning of “is” is.

The Press Secretary is a full time “paid liar.”

jay carney getting hot under the collar

The former Secretary of State is a seasoned liar:


Despite then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's denials that pleadings from Ambassador Chris Stevens, killed in the terrorist attack, never reached her desk, the interim Benghazi report concludes that:

"Reductions of security levels prior to the attacks in Benghazi were approved at the highest levels of the State Department, up to and including Secretary Clinton. This fact contradicts her testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on January 23, 2013."

The former US Ambassador to the UN lied to throw off the dogs:


Susan Rice, a spectacular fivefold liar as US Ambassador to the UN, has now been rewarded by the president to be National Security Advisor, for her laying down the scent to divert the beagles and hounds in hot pursuit of the truth about Benghazi.

And of course some people think that if you throw in lies of omission, half-truths and obfuscation that even Big Guy has been forced into lying to us. Constantly.


We’ve been advised that “al Qaeda is in retreat.” We’ve met the “bodyguard of lies.” The only questions remaining are: 1) against whom, precisely, is this war being waged?


“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”


And 2) who is left to hold “the precious truth?” I don’t know the answer to that last question just yet.

Butt here at the Ministry of Truth, let’s just stipulate that everybody lies about everything, all the time, okay?

truth teamJoin the Truth Team: Expose the Lies

Linked By: Wendy Tucker Morgan, Kathleen Franklin Avant on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Advanced English Lessons with Lady M Now Available

First, let me thank everybody for making my big MOTUS Truth Team rollout sooooo successful! Big Guy and Lady M were ecstatic and Axeman even gave me a thumbs up and said he’d tell Big Guy to give me a raise. (I’ve heard that before.)

Of course, none of them have actually been to my website, thanks to Raj’s firewall: it just bounces them to a static page that looks just like Big Guy’s own Truth Team site. So they think I’m a real Team player – which is real important around here.

Nevertheless, I’m not resting on my frame. Barbara, of Mommy Life fame, sent me a tip on a WTF 2012 campaign conference call to be hosted by Lady M, for Virginia women. Not women named Virginia – women by any name who happen to live in Virginia. I guess that’s why Lady M didn’t tell me about it, because I live in the District.

Butt being a Team player, I did manage to wrangle an invitation anyway:

Obama - Biden

Friend --
The organizing that women here in Virginia do over the next nine months will be vital to winning on Election Day.
To kick off Women for Obama here in Virginia, First Lady Michelle Obama is hosting a call with volunteers and organizers across our state this Thursday. She'll be talking about our next steps and how we can work with our friends and neighbors to grow this campaign, one woman at a time.
Sign up to join the call this Thursday, February 16th, at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
Once you RSVP, we'll send you a call-in number and passcode you can use to join Thursday's call.
By joining Women for Obama here in Virginia, you'll help build the relationships we'll need to reach out across our state and gear up for the next nine months. Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of Women for Obama from the beginning, and be sure to forward this email to any women you know who are looking for more ways to get involved.
RSVP now for Thursday's call with the First Lady:
Lise Clavel
Virginia State Director
Obama for America

Can't make it to this event? Help grow the campaign now by making a donation.

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

And you can too!

All you have to do is go here to the call registration site, give them a name (as you can see, I used my own: MOTUS Mirror, butt you can use any name you like), email address (again I used my own, butt there’s no reason why you can’t use Beyonce’s), ask Lady M a question, click “Register” and ipso fatso, you get a number to call and your own secret PIN number! Or, if you prefer, you can also just send them some money. I can’t guarantee they’ll leave you alone if you do though.


If you want to join in the fun, sign up here as whoever you want to be,

beyonceBEYONCE-Beyonce, on her new album cover, apparently wants to be Marilyn Monroe

So get your call number and PIN number and listen to Lady M drone on and on inspire and revitamize you.

obama vitaminsNew Obama vitamins: for instant revitamization, chew and swallow (caution: Ecstasy also available in the same pill shape)

We’ve got a lot of hard work to do if we’re going to get CHANGE “WE” CAN BELIEVE IN. I’ll be listening in from my bunker. Lady M will be on her nap couch with a bag of Cheetos and a bottle of Dom. So in case you hear some crackling and popping on the line, don’t worry, your line isn’t being tapped.

In other Lady M News, The WSJ ran some additional excerpts yesterday from Lady M’s response to reporters questions last week while she was on the road sacrificin’ for her No Child’s Fat Behind campaign:

On what this campaign will be like for daughters Malia and Sasha:

" ... So we do a lot of listening and talking. My job right now is to reassure them -- because the question for a child in a campaign is, 'What happens to my life?' They're like, 'Oh, Dad, he can take it.' They're like -- when we have dinner and Barack comes back and he talks about a problem, they're like, 'Hmm, it's too bad for you. So what about me?'"

Are you, like, thinking what I’m thinking? That the Wee Wons are, like, being raised, like, to be a lot like Mom?

On how she chose to focus on nutrition and exercise:

"For me ... I have to come from a place where I feel passionate first. ... Because what is tough is if you are not being yourself in this job, in this position -- because people know that, right? They know when you don't really know the issue, or you're not as passionate about it, or it's -- you're just doing it for political reasons, or there's some ulterior -- people smell that out so easily. And it's hard to sustain, right? Because if it's not just coming from a place of sheer joy and power and all the stuff you need, then it just doesn't work."

Of course, sometimes all the stuff you need is power, right?

mo nascar body language

Because people can tell when you’re faking it

mo protecting the ears

On how her 'Let's Move!' campaign complements President Barack Obama's agenda:

"I knew, starting out, that despite what my husband was doing, the things I had to do had to be important to me. The next level of analysis was, does it support what my husband does? Because that was one thing I didn't want to do, is choose issues that the administration couldn't focus on. So then you're just diverting attention. He's got 1,200 issues on his plate, and then I'm adding five more. So I wanted there to be overlap, and obviously with health care and a whole range of other things -- eating and nutrition, to me, is the biggest way we can keep costs down. I mean, if we really want to talk about keeping our cost down and having the power, and not having the government involved, right -- the best thing to do is just to be as healthy as you can be. We have the power to do that if we have the information.

Lady M has certainly brought clarity to this issue. It’s like, all about the power, right?

national league of citiesOh yeah, babe; it’s the power!

On whether she is fired up for the re-election campaign:

"I am absolutely fired up. But I always have to have balance, because I'm a mother. So when I'm out there, I'm fired up. But when I'm not, I have to be Malia and Sasha's mom. And that can't be a fired-up campaigner. ... They're like, 'Where were you? I don't even care where you were.'"

We’re like, “neither do we”.

On her husband’s optimism:

“When times get tough, we all get worried. . . . As a people, we just get so worried.[ed. “As a people? Can we say that?!] We are Eeyore. ‘We’ll never make it! We’ll never get out of here! It is horrible! We’re losing, it’s over!’. . . And Barack, unfortunately, is like, ‘All right, peeps; let’s — wait, look over there.’. . . As I describe my husband, he is a natural optimist.”

And I’m, like, “umm…that makes him sound more like a shape shifter”


“Or a Con Man:”


“And I think that most leaders are natural optimists. You have to be to have a vision. You have to just sort of naturally always see the glass half full. And he does. . . . I think the vast majority of people — and this is my theory — are natural pessimists.[ed, well, if we weren’t before, we are now.]  And I’m like the common citizen, right? [ed. Right.] I’m like regular people. It’s like — ‘We’re losing! The sky is falling! Oh no!’ And then you start messing with the optimists. I start getting it — and he’s like, ‘Just calm down.’. . . And that’s the mark of a leader.[ed. as Weasel Zippers noted, it’s the mark of something.] You have to see the vision way at the end of the road. Because if you take it day to day, you can lose track, get off course. And you’re on the right course to begin with, it’s just not always smooth.

“And in a very abbreviated way, that’s what I’m telling our supporters. It’s like, it’s natural for us to get worried . . . but the truth is, you’ve got a president who sees far beyond what most of us see. And we’ve got to have faith in that.”


Oh, I think we all have faith in that.

On meeting people around the country:

"I've gotten to see this country up close over the course of campaigning and being the first lady and traveling, and people in this country are decent.[ed. that’s a compliment. Remember, Lady M was only, like, proud of her country for the first time in 2008.] And I think that that's a privilege that we have in our roles that most Americans don't.[?]

"People usually live in their own lives and their own communities, and they read about what's going on, or they hear about what's going on, but you rarely have the time to just go to this center in Dallas and hang out with school kids from all different backgrounds, and meet their teachers and to see how people are working together. [uh, actually they do…it’s called “parent/teacher conferences”] Or ... to spend some time on a military base and actually talk to these young men and women and listen to their sacrifice and understand what they're doing and why, and what their motivations are.[well actually, they don’t have to: they’re related to the men and women on military bases]

"When you spend your life doing that, [ed. “spend your life” might be a bit of hyperbole] you really come to love this country and to know what the potential is because deep down inside, people want the same thing out of life. They really do. [!]

"We are just not that different. There isn't anyone that I feel like I couldn't sit down with over coffee and relate to -- even people who may think they hate me, you know? I'm just like, well, we just haven't talked. We probably ... if we just sort of chilled out a bit and laughed a little bit and shared stories and understood where we're coming from, we might not come out seeing eye to eye completely, but there would be a different level of respect and understanding. That I know about this country.”

         40th anniversary of the National Partnership for Women & Familieshawaii mbackdrape

Seeing eye-to-eye with Lady M doesn’t happen as frequently as you might think.

sam mo

Tomorrow I’ll feature more English lessons from our historic Lady M: the first First Lady ever to have graduated from both Princeton and Harvard!

So, have a nice day. Don’t forget to sign up for more Advanced English Lessons with Lady M this evening. Also don’t forget to visit my MOTUS Truth Team site and report what you SEE in the comment section of any of the categories.

Oh! And be sure to tune in tomorrow when Big Guy will offer Advanced Breathing Lessons: also in English!


Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, Thanks!